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Why Has Alcohol Become An Inevitable Part Of Every Plan These Days?

Some people drink to get drunk, I drink for taste, others avoid at all costs and probably should.
There is another thing that I can not accept for myself: losing the control of my perception. I hate this feeling. I need full control, full awareness; I can't handle even a temporary perceptual handicap.
I stop at the buzz or four drinks, but I don't drive for a couple of days or anything like that.
I know several Christians who don't drink Alcohol because of religious canons. It is not true that every Christian automatically drinks Alcohol. But I personally never would dare to interfere in someones life. It's up to them. Simply not my decision, not my business and, indeed, not my life. Besides, Alcohol doesn't taste good to me.

There is another thing that I can not accept for myself: losing the control of my perception. I hate this feeling. I need full control, full awareness; I can't handle even a temporary perceptual handicap.
you need to drink quite a bit to lose control of your senses... most social drinkers dont get to that stage... but yeah, if you find the taste repulsive, there is no reason to drink ... I dont like white wine or some whiskey brands for example...
Prophet Muhammad (saws) and Allah (swt) banned alcohol because people in pre-Islamic Arabia were apparently abusing alcohol (wine especially). Wine was made from not only grapes but also raisins, dates, wheat, barley and honey.

Of course the aspect of health and well-being was another reason.

However some Islamic figures in history have argued that alcohol is permitted as long as the intake is moderate. We also know that alcohol was widespread at various times in Islamic history.

Funnily enough the word alcohol is of Arabic origin.

Today we must limit ourselves to strong Arabic coffee. Those of us that are Muslim that is. Has not stopped the Christian Arabs.

Alcohol volume 40–63%


In KSA some farmer who produced grapes was caught producing homemade wine. He received a fine and a short prison sentence (if I recall) and of course was shamed in his local community, lol.

I gather that it must have been a small vineyard.

The most surprising vineyard by Charles Roffey, on Flickr

"I really wasn't expecting to find vineyards in the south of Saudi Arabia, to be honest, but here they are in the wide wadi of Najran. The garpes, of course, are not used to make wine but to make sultanas, which are often added to rice to increase the flavour. There is always something wonderful about vineyards and they are so often to be found in the most beautiful parts of the world. I will be expecting to see the first buds appearing on my grapevine when I get home (which I am now hoping will be on Wednesday)"

Anyway seeing the behavior of many youngsters from KSA (men) abroad whenever they come anywhere near alcohol, I think it is safe to say that the ban is needed. I don't even dare to think about the road safety which is already appallingly bad.
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I did not know this but on average a person is killed every 40 minutes by a drunk driver in US.

you need to drink quite a bit to lose control of your senses.
That depends where you define as 'loss of control'. Even small amounts of drink can begin to influence your thinking.

Whether you drink or not
The only time I drank and drove was surprisingly in Pakistan. I was invited to a party in Pearl Continental in Rawalpindi. When I got there to my surprise drink was flowing like it was Oktoberfest. I actually did not want to drink but ended up drining not to offend my hosts as they refused to believe that I from the West did not drink. On the way back to Islamabad I was pulled over just before Faizabad on Murrree Road.

It is impossible for drinking countries to give up the habit - so ingrained has drink become. We all know of the US experiance with prohibition. although I am the biggest critic of the way Islam is practiced but on this score the Muslim world wins and should keep it that way. I thought differant when I was younger but now I agree with prohibition 100%. Not because a mullah says so but because it is plainly clear to anybody that drink is as if not worse than many other controlled drugs.

Sitting in a quite shack on the beach in goa with a chilled beer and some snacks on the way back from work. 5 years of the best time in life.
Your sad b'astard arn't you? The best years of my life were humping young women. Beats your drunk a*ss on the beach anytime. And I always was sober to enjoy it even if many of the females were not.

Funnily enough the word alcohol is of Arabic origin.
Very true. The irony of it !!!
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Alcohol is actually widely available across much of the Arab world (you can buy it legally) and it is obviously consumed by Arab Christians and non-Muslim minorities.

(blue) Countries with a nationwide prohibition on alcohol.
(red) Countries with regional prohibitions on alcohol.
(green) Countries with limitations in prohibition on alcohol.


However despite this being the case hardly anyone drinks alcohol if we are to believe official data.


Now if you look at the statistics of smoking (cigarettes, shisha etc.) or drugs (Iran and Afghanistan for instance have the highest heroin addiction in the world per capita) the picture changes dramatically in the Muslim world.

Kind of contradictory and ironic when the point was not to consume substances that harm you.

I would prefer a moderate consumption of alcohol (say wine) rather than a moderate consumption of heroin, khat and what not. If I had to choose between those two to begin with that is.
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does anybody know how to check whether vodka is fake or adultrated... bought a bottle of absolut but it tastes like its diluted.. but i dont see any sediments... the bottle has no batch number.. but the bottle looks real.

its real if it can get you drunk and make you puke
does anybody know how to check whether vodka is fake or adultrated... bought a bottle of absolut but it tastes like its diluted.. but i dont see any sediments... the bottle has no batch number.. but the bottle looks real.
No batch No. means it's probably fake.
its real if it can get you drunk and make you puke
lol... i have never puked after drinking my entire life... the moment i stop enjoying drinking I stop.. and it must be before puking stage... :)
(same with any food or beverage, no more sweets auntyji, thank you)

I did not know this but on average a person is killed every 40 minutes by a drunk driver in US.

That depends where you define as 'loss of control'. Even small amounts of drink can begin to influence your thinking.

The only time I drank and drove was surprisingly in Pakistan. I was invited to a party in Pearl Continental in Rawalpindi. When I got there to my surprise drink was flowing like it was Oktoberfest. I actually did not want to drink but ended up drining not to offend my hosts as they refused to believe that I from the West did not drink. On the way back to Islamabad I was pulled over just before Faizabad on Murrree Road.

It is impossible for drinking countries to give up the habit - so ingrained has drink become. We all know of the US experiance with prohibition. although I am the biggest critic of the way Islam is practiced but on this score the Muslim world wins and should keep it that way. I thought differant when I was younger but now I agree with prohibition 100%. Not because a mullah says so but because it is plainly clear to anybody that drink is as if not worse than many other controlled drugs.

Your sad b'astard arn't you? The best years of my life were humping young women. Beats your drunk a*ss on the beach anytime. And I always was sober to enjoy it even if many of the females were not.

Very true. The irony of it !!!
it does affect your thinking but its quite popular notion among non-drinker that you stop thinking suddenly after a beer or two... some even think that they will start telling truth involuntarily as if its some truth serum..
a few drinks might make you a bit friendly to strangers(initiating conversation is not easy in UK, everybody is waiting for other side to start).. thats all...
@Kaptaan @pak-marine @liall @Khafee @Margarita

Whether you drink or not, you should discourage alcoholism in a society and support strict regulation/bans across Muslim societies on alcohol consumption.And please, don't promote alcohol consumption in society by your bragging stupidity as if drinking alcohol is "fun" or "cool" and what not.

So why just Ban alcohal in muslim societies "ban the banking system "which is based on interest widely practiced " total haram " ban music which is also haram " ban dancing which is also haram
So why just Ban alcohal in muslim societies "ban the banking system "which is based on interest widely practiced " total haram " ban music which is also haram " ban dancing which is also haram

Don't act as a typical idiot.

Music and dancing isn't haram under Sharia. It's debated as to what extent are these things allowed. Alcohol is UNEQUIVOCALLY haram under Sharia law. So please your idiotic logic doesn't follow through here.

Banning banking system isn't under our power due to global financial hegemony of the West. Hopefully slowly Muslim world will develop their own financial system large enough that our banks would survive without being involved in global financial markets (right now,no bank can survive on its own...not even American banks!!)

Lastly, your logic is that of a child. If one bad thing is allowed in society and other is banned..one should ought to work out ways to tackle the bad ones...not allow even that "banned" bad thing bc "oh the other bad things are allowed so why not this"...

So please, take your childish excuses somewhere else.
Don't act as a typical idiot.

Music and dancing isn't haram under Sharia. It's debated as to what extent are these things allowed. Alcohol is UNEQUIVOCALLY haram under Sharia law. So please your idiotic logic doesn't follow through here.

Banning banking system isn't under our power due to global financial hegemony of the West. Hopefully slowly Muslim world will develop their own financial system large enough that our banks would survive without being involved in global financial markets (right now,no bank can survive on its own...not even American banks!!)

Lastly, your logic is that of a child. If one bad thing is allowed in society and other is banned..one should ought to work out ways to tackle the bad ones...not allow even that "banned" bad thing bc "oh the other bad things are allowed so why not this"...

So please, take your childish excuses somewhere else.

So in short according to your so called very "adult/mature logic" whatever suites your kind give all the stupid reasons and excuses for those and what you dont like you wish to see it banned .. thats hippocratic .. !
I feel sorry for those deprived of drinks and nigh clubs. Too bad they are born in such countries. They don't know what they are missing.
depends on what you are drinking... beer, wine, vodka, whiskey all taste different... even among them there are different types each tasting different from other. for example guiness beer tastes bitter... but red wine tastes fruity...
Does it taste great or awful and could you enjoy it solely for its taste like say lassi or pepsi?

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