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'Why don't you go to Pakistan?' : PM Hasina to Khaleda Zia

It's respect, but I also have respect for Pakistan and the truth. It's a matter of principal.

A matter of principle ! Do you not hear how absurd that sounds; you'd abandon a people who were loyal to you and then talk about principles - the hypocrisy is astoundingly revolting.
A matter of principle ! Do you not hear how absurd that sounds; you'd abandon a people who were loyal to you and then talk about principles - the hypocrisy is astoundingly revolting.

Fool, Pakistan's interest are primary, that is the higher principal. Why don't your Bihari loving self go adopt Bihari children and let them live with you in your house. Make sure you get them vaccinated before bringing them in the country. How's that?

Pakistan's interest are higher than Bihari interest okay. Simple for you?
There were lots of foreign journalists and diplomatic officers in East pakistan before 25th march! How come no media mentioned about non bengali killings which was started by Awamileague first??
Actually there are books, websites and many write ups about it but compare to ours it is like a tip of ice burg since India had been against PAK and Indians learnt media's strength many years before Pakistanis. The following is a famous one, Stateless in Bangladesh and Pakistan . And more importantly personal stories by honest Biharies and W Pakistanis are readily available if you interact with the victims of it. Our after 71s born are deliberately being kept ignorant as cat of hate campaign against PAK nation would come out and Pakistanis absence from the scene have given AWAMYS complete walk-over.

Also breaking up of Pakistan was an imperial project/conspiracy that was conceived even before it was given birth to box Muslims up in small, manageable entities that had started with the breakup of Indian Sub-Continent. There were 5-6 intelligent agencies worked in unison to achieve it and foreign journalists, diplomats were like embedded, so the protocol prevented them from going free and after 25th March, 71 almost all of them left Dacca for Delhi and Calcutta of that time. Thus all the stories about W Pakistani soldier's rape and brutality were written from inside India basing on he said, she said. And you could imagine who those he’s and she’s were.

Finally many wise people lamented that if Sub-Continent weren't broken at the first place then Muslims would re-gain their glories as lots of Muslim-soldiers were in BRITS army at the end and their empire would spread again up to Russia.
Fool, Pakistan's interest are primary, that is the higher principal. Why don't your Bihari loving self go adopt Bihari children and let them live with you in your house. Make sure you get them vaccinated before bringing them in the country. How's that?

Pakistan's interest are higher than Bihari interest okay. Simple for you?

They are Pakistanis...so how can their interests and that of Pakistan be different !
Pakistan's leader was Mujib after winning election. So it was military who was not loyal and responsible for defeat of Pakistan.
Nope, entire election was a farce and Mujib broke the deal first by not agreeing to accept Yahiya as PREZ as per the LFO (Legal Frame work) that was struck between them. And LFO was pushed to check Mujib because he was a known traitor of Agratala conspiracy. When Mujib denied obeying LFO then entire election became null and void. Yahiya came to Dacca couple of times to convince Mujib but he betrayed thus power wasn't handed to him. Also Bhutto betrayed in Western part. Thus Bhutto and Mujib were traitors in PAK and even the bigger shaitan was Indira. So, God Almighty worked in mysterious ways for their punishments.

You and millions of other after 71s born wouldn't know a bit of it thus I don't blame you but AWAMY malauns for indoctrinating youths with hateful ideology and calling oppositions as RAZAKAR.
They are Pakistanis...so how can their interests and that of Pakistan be different !

They are not indigenous to modern day Pakistani territory either way. May be they should have fought harder in 1971 to save East Pakistan territory.

Also many of them don't even want repatriation they are now Bangladeshi citizens many of them are...
Actually there are books, websites and many write ups about it but compare to ours it is like a tip of ice burg since India had been against PAK and Indians learnt media's strength many years before Pakistanis. The following is a famous one, Stateless in Bangladesh and Pakistan . And more importantly personal stories by honest Biharies and W Pakistanis are readily available if you interact with the victims of it. Our after 71s born are deliberately being kept ignorant as cat of hate campaign against PAK nation would come out and Pakistanis absence from the scene have given AWAMYS complete walk-over.

Stop fooling yourself, with your absurd conspiracy theories of people wanting to divide muslims and in small pockets or whatever. Even Pakistanis don't want you today, try reading some of the comments made above you.

Biharis made the gravest mistake of migrating from their ancestral land in 1947. Those who stayed back lead a much more respectful and prosperous life than the Biharis in Bangladesh and elsewhere. Bihari Muslims were a major force behind the partition of India and look where you are now, Bengalis don't want you, Pakistanis don't want you, the ones that managed to get to Karachi are called MQM terrorists on daily basis on this very forum.

Your kind betrayed your ancestral land of Bihar and this is what you got in the name of this charade called Muslim ummah.
They are not indigenous to modern day Pakistani territory either way.

Huuunh ! What the fook does that mean ? Pakistan was never created on the basis of ethnicity or linguistics but on a collective consciousness - Islam, if you will. How can then anyone who was loyal to Pakistan, calls himself a Pakistani and by every definition of citizenry is a Pakistani...be not called a Pakistani ? I'm a Punjabi Kashmiri...I'm not indigenous to either Punjab nor Pakistan, my people came here about 40 years before the Partition...some much later, should I fook back to Srinagar too ?

You need to hear this much more than I do :

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So how many Biharis should Pakistan take in? You do know there are over 900,000 of them. Where will they live, work, eat? Answer these basic questions, you're just emotional you plan for them to come but now how they will actually live.
So how many Biharis should Pakistan take in? You do know there are over 900,000 of them. Where will they live, work, eat? Answer these basic questions, you're just emotional you plan for them to come but now how they will actually live.

Where should they go then? Bangladesh has higher population density than Pakistan, if they can accommodate Biharis why can't Pakistan? They stood by your side till the end after all.
So how many Biharis should Pakistan take in? You do know there are over 900,000 of them. Where will they live, work, eat? Answer these basic questions, you're just emotional you plan for them to come but now how they will actually live.

They fought and died believing in Pakistan. If we have the temerity of calling ourselves Muslims...we must rekindle the old Islamic spirit of brotherhood where the Immigrants were treated by the Helpers as brothers; the same spirit that many of us exhibited at the time of the partition too. However I do not think that this would come to pass...we've got more than enough Afghans who dislike us....kick them out. We've got more than enough Pakistanis who can afford to pay...charge them a higher percentage of tax and help settle these 900,000 Pakistanis in their Motherland !

P.S If the Pakistanis can do what they did when the Earthquake struck...they can show that solidarity and sense of charity once more.
Where should they go then? Bangladesh has higher population density than Pakistan, if they can accommodate Biharis why can't Pakistan? They stood by your side till the end after all.

We're talking about the same Biharis that they claim to have accommodated - Stranded Pakistanis as they are called ! I've heard first hand horrific stories of what they have to go through in those 60-65 (Not sure about the number) squalid camps that they live in. Unfortunately we've got a lot of vermin in the Govt. and amongst us who would reward their patriotism and loyalty with indifference and cold calculations.
Not just in Bangladesh! Not only is politics a joke, but most of our politicians are jokers!! So what do we have here? Jokers in a joke! Jeeez! :tdown:

I wish I could thank you... But I am in mobile version. :/

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