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'Why don't you go to Pakistan?' : PM Hasina to Khaleda Zia

How old are you? Srsly?

Justice for the victims will never happen.

It is unlikely but i cannot forgive or forget what they have done to our people. Your personality might does it and see them as your muslim brothers. But i sure wont, nor will my kids. It is not a logical matter for me, rather an emotional one.

Forgiveness is given when one apologizes.

If your family owns business and you inherit it and it has debt, it is upto you to pay the debt.

not a formal one. An apology that is officially recognized in paper is an apology, not some public statement.

Has Awami league appologized for the massacre,rape and lootings of Non-bengali people? Did Awami League ever prosecuted those mukti bahini people who killed innocents, women and child?

Atleast there was a Hamood ur Rehman commision in Pakistan who did honest investigation and blamed Pakistan Army and Politicians but i never heard any commission created in Bangladesh to investigate the atrocities of Mukti Bahini?

We in Pakistan never denies what Pakistan Army did in East Pakistan in 1971. But it was a reaction from Pakistan Army after Mukti Bahini started it's violent agitation. Go read up some history and you will know how Mukti Bahini looted, destroyed and started killing non Bengalis in early 1971 and after then Pakistan Army went berserk and started killing mukti bahini ruthlessly, it was a two way killing. feeling of revenge was mutual back then.
Has Awami league appologized for the massacre,rape and lootings of Non-bengali people? Did Awami League ever prosecuted those mukti bahini people who killed innocents, women and child?

Atleast there was a Hamood ur Rehman commision in Pakistan who did honest investigation and blamed Pakistan Army and Politicians but i never heard any commission created in Bangladesh to investigate the atrocities of Mukti Bahini?

We in Pakistan never denies what Pakistan Army did in East Pakistan in 1971. But it was a reaction from Pakistan Army after Mukti Bahini started it's violent agitation. Go read up some history and you will know how Mukti Bahini looted, destroyed and started killing non Bengalis in early 1971 and after then Pakistan Army went berserk and started killing mukti bahini ruthlessly, it was a two way killing. feeling of revenge was mutual back then.

Sure thing, very nicely said, i totally agree with you. Apologize and pay the war reparations and we will follow suit.
Don't bother replying Mafiya's post. Its exactly like Syrian Army saying free syria fighters are terrorists killing people......
Sure thing, very nicely said, i totally agree with you. Apologize and pay the war reparations and we will follow suit.
Again you have started to beat the dead horse after being azz whopped in another thread about it (http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/153839-bangladesh-coup-60.html)? My last post over there had ended as

I challenged you to demonstrate any form of 'Internationally-acceptable jury verdict' against the so-called Pakistani genocide but you choose to run away. Infect, your lot never let the jury to go out at the first place but sang Goablian chorus for last 40 years on that settled issue to make it fishing in troubled water's alike. I guess your elitist brain would never grasp the primary reason for Bharati's dominance over us because you were kept blindfolded against the real strength of a nation state. IMO, you weren't Al-Zakir's lecture worthy since you didn't even know that a 'Bangladeshi nationalist' couldn't sloganeer on something that fundamentally went against the creation of BD. BTW, did you even know that 'Joy Bangla' was those W. Bengali Zamider's slogan against us; I.E. E Bengalis, who were in opposition camp of dividing Bongo? And on their persistence, 'Bongo Bhongo' was annulled but later vote was held on E Bengal in 1946 on whether to join IND or PAK, keeping W. Bengalis immune for Bharat-Mata to grab? So, how could a nationalist sloganeer as 'Joy Bangla' that goes against the 'Basic Credo' of BD as a nation state, may I ask?

And you responded as

lets agree with your number of 30 000, that still makes it an attrocity. Just because it wasn't recorded due to political reasons, it doesnt make it false. My family has suffered because of it, and almost every family in Bangladesh has suffered because of this atrocity, no amount of your rajakari sitting from a foreign land paying tax to a foreign government which kills your fellow Muslims will change that. joy bangla is in bangla and it means victory to bangladesh. joy bangla! ;

After that you disappeared for sometimes and I didn't want to bother anymore but it seemed like your old habit didn't die yet. Now let me ask you who drew the first blood? Was it W Pakistani army or AWAMY terrorists? As AWAMYS started killing non-Bengali speaking people way before 71, shouldn't they I meant your arse's type apologize first to Bihari and W Pakistanis? Or you started to apply might was right and forcefully asked them to do it first? Musharraf was an illegal man at the helm that didn't know history like even average people but if I were there I would never give up my country's ground to enemy on false pretense. He was an idiot that opened the apology box for your type to ask it further. He snatched, usurped power and PAK's today's dire straightness was the consequense of his faults. So, don't ask anything more than that as your type needs to apologize first for the crime against innocents. And finally AWAMYS/Muktis were terrorists even by the most liberal Indian's term, so their purging’s were completely justified by state's army.

Finally, look at how 40 yrs allegations against Nizami for intellectual killing is ending..

'Why no intellectuals killing charge for Nizami?'

You would end up as puppet without any strings like the vhua prosecutors, judges of AWAMYS. So, give up on your lies and pledging on fake apology, thanks.
There were lots of foreign journalists and diplomatic officers in East pakistan before 25th march! How come no media mentioned about non bengali killings which was started by Awamileague first??
Again you have started to beat the dead horse after being azz whopped in another thread about it (http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/153839-bangladesh-coup-60.html)? My last post over there had ended as

I challenged you to demonstrate any form of 'Internationally-acceptable jury verdict' against the so-called Pakistani genocide but you choose to run away. Infect, your lot never let the jury to go out at the first place but sang Goablian chorus for last 40 years on that settled issue to make it fishing in troubled water's alike. I guess your elitist brain would never grasp the primary reason for Bharati's dominance over us because you were kept blindfolded against the real strength of a nation state. IMO, you weren't Al-Zakir's lecture worthy since you didn't even know that a 'Bangladeshi nationalist' couldn't sloganeer on something that fundamentally went against the creation of BD. BTW, did you even know that 'Joy Bangla' was those W. Bengali Zamider's slogan against us; I.E. E Bengalis, who were in opposition camp of dividing Bongo? And on their persistence, 'Bongo Bhongo' was annulled but later vote was held on E Bengal in 1946 on whether to join IND or PAK, keeping W. Bengalis immune for Bharat-Mata to grab? So, how could a nationalist sloganeer as 'Joy Bangla' that goes against the 'Basic Credo' of BD as a nation state, may I ask?

And you responded as

lets agree with your number of 30 000, that still makes it an attrocity. Just because it wasn't recorded due to political reasons, it doesnt make it false. My family has suffered because of it, and almost every family in Bangladesh has suffered because of this atrocity, no amount of your rajakari sitting from a foreign land paying tax to a foreign government which kills your fellow Muslims will change that. joy bangla is in bangla and it means victory to bangladesh. joy bangla! ;

After that you disappeared for sometimes and I didn't want to bother anymore but it seemed like your old habit didn't die yet. Now let me ask you who drew the first blood? Was it W Pakistani army or AWAMY terrorists? As AWAMYS started killing non-Bengali speaking people way before 71, shouldn't they I meant your arse's type apologize first to Bihari and W Pakistanis? Or you started to apply might was right and forcefully asked them to do it first? Musharraf was an illegal man at the helm that didn't know history like even average people but if I were there I would never give up my country's ground to enemy on false pretense. He was an idiot that opened the apology box for your type to ask it further. He snatched, usurped power and PAK's today's dire straightness was the consequense of his faults. So, don't ask anything more than that as your type needs to apologize first for the crime against innocents. And finally AWAMYS/Muktis were terrorists even by the most liberal Indian's term, so their purging’s were completely justified by state's army.

i decided that it is best not to argue with a rajakar.
i decided that it is best not to argue with a rajakar.
Asking for apology is silly! There are allegation against Bangladesh army that they raped Chakma women during insurgency war, ask Chakmas. They will ask for apology! But bangladesh will never do it as apologizing means you are accepting all allegations! And the whole world knows what happened in 1971. Two-three conspiracy theory cant change fact! Pakistani general made a mess in east pakistan and ultimate opportunist india utilized it. Mukti bahini was mainly formed in July after three months of genocide and torture!
Some Bangladeshis need to stop asking for this tired "apology". Pres. Gen. Musharraf stated an apology, that is a head of state issuing an apology, do not expect any more. You don't see Pakistanis asking an apology for despicable Bengali treason that even began before the army crackdown. Also someone had mentioned Pakistan paying Bangladesh war reparations, that obviously is out of the question.

Pakistan like the Ottoman Empire was betrayed.

Those East Pakistanis who remained loyal in spite of the hardships and political turmoil, my respect.
Pakistan's leader was Mujib after winning election. So it was military who was not loyal and responsible for defeat of Pakistan.
no actually if i recall correctly it was a civilian (Z.A. Bhutto) who angrily shouted in public that he would ''thrash the legs'' of anybody who went to mujib and made any concessions. He threatened his own generals with physical violence if they tried to negotiate with him.

Pakistani Army was actually most ''conciliatory'' vis-a-vis the increasingly angry and rebellious (former) East Pakistanis. They were averse to going in and being the policemen, until hindustan got involved and used terrorist groups to murder and sabotage
Some Bangladeshis need to stop asking for this tired "apology". Pres. Gen. Musharraf stated an apology, that is a head of state issuing an apology, do not expect any more. You don't see Pakistanis asking an apology for despicable Bengali treason that even began before the army crackdown. Also someone had mentioned Pakistan paying Bangladesh war reparations, that obviously is out of the question.

Pakistan like the Ottoman Empire was betrayed.

Those East Pakistanis who remained loyal in spite of the hardships and political turmoil, my respect

And yet at another place you were vehemently against taking them back. Why this dichotomy ?
And yet at another place you were vehemently against taking them back. Why this dichotomy ?

I think I answered your question in that thread did I not? I told you Pakistan does not have the capacity.
Then what the heck are they going to do with your or my respect ? Besides if we can't even take them back after what they did for us...then that speaks volumes about 'our respect' for them.

It's respect, but I also have respect for Pakistan and the truth. It's a matter of principal.

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