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Why don't Pak and India come together?



New Recruit

May 26, 2009
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Why don't these two neighbors cum enemies come together (strategically) instead of fighting each other to their insane deaths?

I mean, both the countries share a common history, culture, social outlook, etc. And now they share a common enemy - an enemy which is even more heinous, regressive and destructive - religious fundamentalism. In fact, it wasn't basically religion which divided Pak and India, it was fundamentalism which did that. I really believe that.

Time calls for these two nations (who share common national concerns such as poverty and illiteracy) to come together politically and militarily to address this challenge of religious 'mad'mentalism; for if they don't NOW they'll be overtaken by it and be lost in its web forever.

However, it's not gonna be easy for them to come together, because that will imply a huge military-trade and strategic setback to countries like US, Russia and China, who will try their best to maintain a level of enmity between Pak & India.
Resolve Kashmir and we are brothers

I don't think that resolving Kashmir issue will be the final solution; though conceding Kashmir to Pak may end border tussles and violence in Kashmir.

Pakistan and India will still have these domestic religious fundamentalists to deal with. Kashmir, where religious sentiments run high and where youth love the AK-47s, may fall to Talibanis or some other hardcore organizations, which may demand secession from Pak or complete Talibanization of Pak, sooner or later.
Resolve Kashmir and we are brothers

I dont think equation is so easy.
India not going to give up Kashmir neither Pakistan has the capacity to snatch that by force. Just let it go and work on better relation and move towards a South Asian union under SAARC where border will be irrelevant.
I dont think equation is so easy.
India not going to give up Kashmir neither Pakistan has the capacity to snatch that by force. Just let it go and work on better relation and move towards a South Asian union under SAARC where border will be irrelevant.

We can have soft borders with Bangladesh, want good relations with Srilanka, Nepal and Bhutan but for India it’s a different case. Good relations with India are not possible in near future.
Oh please bros yaar, accept that we are totally different countries, we will never join up. We will always stay separated and this is good as our country has been founded for the sake of muslims and India is hindu. We must stop this Fake Pak-Indo relationship, there was no friendship and there will be no one. Wake up and realize that India never allowed to join them up and we shouldn't do this either. India is also going towards Israel wht is incompatible with our stance. Basta!
India & Pakistan is together close enough thanks.

2 totally different countries with different geopolitical goals and huge difference in economic objectices..

India is it seems happy for status Quo...to continue
I support India-Pakistan friendship from the bottom of my heart. Both the countries are nuclear powers and are biggest in Southeast Asia. If India Pakistan become friends then Southeast Asia can turn into Europe of East with open borders, common currency, strong social and cultural ties, huge tourism income for both the countries,......... I am visualizing all this and I am loving it.:smitten:

This poem is for hope, This poem is for peace
To listen and to understand,To comfort and to ease
This poem is to help,To heal the wounds of past
This poem is to proclaim,We understand at last

That we’ll fight animosity.
Until it’s all gone
This poem is for people,
Of India and Pakistan

We have seen many killings, We have seen so much pain
Hateful propaganda,Cruelty and disdain
To uphold nationalism, We justified lying
For blinded self righteousness, We kept on vilifying

Now this desecration,
Can’t continue to go on
We must uplift the honor,
Of India and Pakistan

There is so much in common, We share in so many ways
We celebrate together, Our independence days
Language, food, and culture , Our shared history
We are moving forward ,With a common destiny

We must have love and wisdom,
As we continue to move on
Let’s work for the future,
Of India and Pakistan

There are common enemies, We have common foes
As we start to think about, It’s not too hard to know
Real enemies are the poverty, Disease, and hunger we face
From Kashmir, Pakistan, and India, To Nepal and Bangladesh

We must fight together,
These enemies head-on
Let’s cooperate for the betterment,
Of India and Pakistan

In the darkness of the night,I see a ray of light
This light is full of hope ,And it continues to be bright
This light has a promise, Of a brighter community
We must forget our differences, And seize this opportunity

Let’s join our hands in prayer,
For this new and beautiful dawn
Get ready for a new tomorrow,
For India and Pakistan

Resolve Kashmir and we are brothers

Brothers always love each other. Love comes with trust. And when there is trust there is always unconditional love.

@ Musalman
If Kashmir is not resolve then also we are brothers from my side.
We can have soft borders with Bangladesh, want good relations with Srilanka, Nepal and Bhutan but for India it’s a different case. Good relations with India are not possible in near future.

Thats the bitter reality which breaks my heart.:hitwall:
I think the possibility of good relations with India was finished after 71.It left deep scars on Pakistani Nation.
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Its unrealistic to think that both countries will be united again.. i don't see that happening at least in my life time. We can on the other hand have good trade relations based on mutual interest, entertainment, tourism and other things that can boost the economy for both....

Other than that fully opening borders and airspace is not feasible both from a political as well as a military stand point. Don't get me wrong i have many Indian friends but you have to be realistic
I was watching NDTV few minutes ago and some ex indian diplomat was referring some Chinese general who said, China will annex Arunachal with Tibet if India attacks Pakistan after the Mumbai incidence. Very serious comment indeed.
it is to the best interest of the american, to have india weakening itself while conflicting with pakistan and china distracted when fighting with india.

no offense, but that's how we rock
Well i dont know about all the common interests and open currencies and all ......but if India and pakistan were united....we would have had a damn fine cricket team....Imagine....Akram and tendulkar in one team.....
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