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Why don't Pak and India come together?

U.S. had nothing to do with the enmity between India and Pakistan. It was Great Britian who played a major role in creating this hatred between Pakistanis and Indians. The British changed the date of partition, giving independence to both Pakistan and India 9 months before the actual date all parties agreed on. This caused chaos and panic all over the subcontinent on 1947

you are right here.partition was not caused by British but the bloody incidents of 47 were their fault.

and left many issues unresolved such as Kashmir, but Pakistan and India can never unite, this is only a dream of some Indians so they could get a bigger land, we'll be minorities.[/QUOTE]

i am not supporter of uniting both countries but we can work together for peace and we have to try ,we have to .that's the only way to ensure our existence otherwise some day we will end up destroying each other in the future.whatever you say but minorities are not seen with partiality. believe me.your argument of Gujarat and other incidents are moments of weakness form out side.

Time to move on its been 62 years and accept the fact that Pakistan is its own sovereign nation and India is its own sovereign nation, and also Bangladesh is its own sovereign nation. Bangladesh was thousands of miles away from us and India was in between, almost all Pakistanis today respect Bangladesh's sovereignity. Every country in the world, including India, should respect Pakistan's sovereignty.

Seriously its been 62 years already and our land always belonged to us![/QUOTE]

yeah, there should be no doubt that Pakistan do exist and Bangladesh also , no denial in that. sooner or later we all have to work for peace in south Asia. i strongly believe India being bigger should start resolving issues with Bangladesh first, then Pakistan will realize that Indians are sincere in their efforts.

you know the real problem is "indian bureaucracy".they are slow till extent to death by boredom.:hitwall:.i don't know what they talk in higher level official talks in between pak and India, haven't they got any clue in 62 years to resolve Kashmir issues.
Resolve Kashmir and we are brothers

No, we will never be brothers!

I atleast will never forget the 20 Million who sacrificed their lives for this glorious nation!

It is a pity that people like you are so apologetic and weak! A terrible thought process!

How can you call this fascist state as your brother... Shame on you!

No brother of mine (not even a friend or a distant acquaintance) would do the things that the AGGRESSOR state of India has done to Pakistan

Take shame! Don`t be an apologetic or a coward!

Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:
I agree with that sentiment. Indian can not be trusted as it intervene inside sovereign territory of another nation. It broke all international law thus how Pakistan can trust India once again?

A minimal relationship can be establish just to get by but I don't suggest brotherly relation with India.

Finally some sense on this thread! Geez...

I think that some Pakistanis have forgotten the difference between the words: ``Friend`` & ``Enemy!``

Some lost souls would even say, ``Brother...``

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Insha Allah, Radio-Pakistan will be heard in Delhi, and the Pakistani flag will be raised at the Jama Masjid & Lal Qila!


You should stop drinking Red Bull, i know it gives you wings but there's a limit to fantasy.
the day is not far you will hear radio New Dehli,Pakistan :)

Is pure khitte ka naam Pakistan rakha jayega aur Pakistan ka quami tarana, Radio Pakistan ki awaaz sunai degi...Radio Pakistan , Delhi

Another Zaid Hamid in the making
Insha Allah, Radio-Pakistan will be heard in Delhi, and the Pakistani flag will be raised at the Jama Masjid & Lal Qila!


Get some crayon and pop-up book it will make kids more mature.:rofl:.
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No, we will never be brothers!

I atleast will never forget the 20 Million who sacrificed their lives for this glorious nation!

It is a pity that people like you are so apologetic and weak! A terrible thought process!

How can you call this fascist state as your brother... Shame on you!

No brother of mine (not even a friend or a distant acquaintance) would do the things that the AGGRESSOR state of India has done to Pakistan

Take shame! Don`t be an apologetic or a coward!

Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:

people who talk of peace are not cowards!
fighting is the most primal instinct of all...it's animal nature to keep on fighting and wanting war if other options are present.
Pakistan is a glorious nation...M.A Jinnah wanted us to live in peace and develop as a region....many figured that after partition the muslims of india(the pakistanis) having their sovereignity intact would have good relations with India...
let me list some reasons :

-RAW's main objective to distabilize Pakistan because of its nukes so they can CAP Pakistan's Nuclear Program
-Blouchistan Insurgency BLA supported by RAW
-Batiullah Mahsud fake Taliban led by RAW,MOSSAD and CIA heavy spendings on US war on terror on Pakistan
-Indian consulates in Afganistan although i think we should do surgical strikes
-Indian occupaation of Kashmire brutality if India had such control over Kashmire why have an army of 800,000 AMP there ?
-India desprately trying to bow down Pakistan on every world forum
-Hindu radicals Mosque bombings and killing of Sikhs alot of Indian Massacares.
-India and Israel relationship its like a GAY couple in Canada
-India and US relationship hahaha its even funnier we should've got the civil nuclear technology they offered it to India what have we not done with US to really carpet bomb Afganistan which over 200,000 innocent Afgans die GOD knows how many .
Get some crayon and pop-up book it will make kids more mature.:rofl:.

And a history book for already adult persons bcz i think they missed a very important point....don't forget that we (Muslims) already ruled this subcontinent for 1000 years!!:rolleyes: i think you ignored this important fact:eek:

Anyway if we did it in the past don't think that we are unable to do it in the future!;)

Maybe one day you will really see a Pakistani Flag over Dehli :pakistan: then we will for sure become good friends and have brothery relations!:enjoy:

Now talking seriously i don't think that Pakistan and India will ever become good friends or had any sort of brotherhood relations...it's quiet impossible bcz if we were going to get along so friendly (between Muslims and hindus) there would be no need for a seprate state for Muslims: Pakistan! There are so many facts, a huge story behind all this so it's not so easy to explain! there are many things which bring us to make a decision for a seprate state for Muslims in which they live freely in peace and harmony and obvioulsly live peacfully with their neighbors too.

For now days relationship just look us like U.S.A and Soviet Union during cold war era just for an example for how much we love each other:lol:...although we Pakistan & India have diffrent story from them (U.S. & Russian relations)! at least an American president have 30 minutes of time to decide what to do during a Nuclear war between U.S. Vs Russia but a Pakistani President have only 3 minutes to decide...
The only thing that i hope is that even if we don't had friendly relations atleast stop these useless agressions and tensions between the 2 countries. If india really think that they are serious in this matter then the first step to take is stop blaming each other and specially indians must stop their ani-Pakistan propaganda in every world forum, if there is any good news for Pakistan indians always crying, trying to harm Pakistan image and to do damage to Pakistan. Just look at the behaviour of indian goverment towards Pakistan...all those hatered words that they pronounced against Pakistan, have you ever seen this type of behaviour from pakistani side? we never go to cry in front of others countries to not sell this or that to India, so why india always had this atitude?!!
Is perception reality? It most certainly is. When perceptions change, the object being percieved changes. Think about it. Recall the story of the three blind persons who each describe an Elephant, each from their persepective, did they describe what we recognize as an Elephant??

When perceptions change, the object being percieved changes.

Pakistan and India share much - they are in a sense "ham Sherea" (share the same mother's milk) but they are also very different, the more we are comfortable with how different we are, the more we will be comfortable with how similar we are.

Some of us continue to imagine that our shared heritage is all we need, this has proven tragically incorrect.

Resolving Kashmir is key from a Pakistani persepective, the Indian does not see it that way or at least is unwilling to see it that way. Pakistan have not been able to assure the Indian that a brighter future for the Indian state and peoples rests in peace with Pakistan and that peace is dependent on resolving Kashmir.

On the other hand in India, much political gain is dependent on not making peace with Pakistan, prescriptions of all manner under the general label "confidence building" have led significant numbers in Pakistan to question whether peace with Pakistan is a priority in India and among Indians, after all, if the Indian has been unwilling to make peace while the kashmiri agitate for this, why would it make peace with Pakistan in the absence of such? It is for the Indian to answer this question in a way that convinces the Pakistanis that peace with Pakistan is priority among Indians - Perception is reality and a change in perceptions changes the object of perception.
On the other hand in India, much political gain is dependent on not making peace with Pakistan, prescriptions of all manner under the general label "confidence building" have led significant numbers in Pakistan to question whether peace with Pakistan is a priority in India and among Indians, after all, if the Indian has been unwilling to make peace while the kashmiri agitate for this, why would it make peace with Pakistan in the absence of such? It is for the Indian to answer this question in a way that convinces the Pakistanis that peace with Pakistan is priority among Indians - Perception is reality and a change in perceptions changes the object of perception.

Very interestingly put, had to read couple of times to understand the true meaning. I would answer in a simplist form by giving my personal views. From Childhood there has always been perception of Pakistan as being our enemies. I believe the perception mainly comes from the war that we have fought in the past.

I truly believe my generations late 30's could have changed the perception, had it not been for Kargil for example. Kargil brought back the old war drum beat that a person has heard from childhood.

The solution to peace process start with ending any form of aggression, where a new generation heirs about the past, but will not be convinced that the enemy is really our enemy. That question mark will be formed, hence the road to peace.
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