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Why don't Pak and India come together?

The only thing that i hope is that even if we don't had friendly relations atleast stop these useless agressions and tensions between the 2 countries. If india really think that they are serious in this matter then the first step to take is stop blaming each other and specially indians must stop their ani-Pakistan propaganda in every world forum, if there is any good news for Pakistan indians always crying, trying to harm Pakistan image and to do damage to Pakistan. Just look at the behaviour of indian goverment towards Pakistan...all those hatered words that they pronounced against Pakistan, have you ever seen this type of behaviour from pakistani side? we never go to cry in front of others countries to not sell this or that to India, so why india always had this atitude?!!

Yes India put pressure on other nations for not to provide deadly weapons to pakistan, we call it "strategic management". Instead of going full scale millitary assault we believe in solving possible threats strategicly which avoid bloodshead in both sides.The thing is unlike pakistan, India have the financial and strategic muslce to influence other nations that include all G8+12 nations( yes that include US)+ UN. A good example is Kashmir issue. Pakistan allways :blah: to US to involve in Kashmir issue to find a solution and the US wont involve it why?:azn: bcoz they know Its not good to piss of Indians.Thatz what we call my friend "Influential ally".
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