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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

The so called spiritual and pagan religions are no different, actually. The only difference is that they aren't abrahamic. Otherwise, the pattern is the same. Divine energy/entity manifesting itself to a select few and these 'enlightened' men then going on to propagate their 'knowledge/message' as received from God.

They're vastly different.
Many biblical prophets were never exposed to religion yet were monotheists, so there is no direct answer to your questions. You're just insisting that everything is man made.

If they weren't exposed to Religion, what made them monotheists? The belief that there is only one God or the proof that there is only one God? In any case, what's preventing God from random appearances to check on his creations, Men included? :lol:
Science hasn't drawn the conclusion that there is no purpose to life.

There is no empirical evidence available to draw any conclusion from.

So the answer from Science is that "We don't know".

Whenever there is no empirical evidence, the answer will always be the same. We don't know.

Is science's purpose to prove there is a purpose to our Universe?
If god comes into open, if everybody can see him and whatever he says happens then there is no need to "believe", you know god (or godess) exist... I will not bothered about mystery/trail etc... what the use of all this BS when people are dying with incurable diseases?? This is what pisses me of, all these myriads of religions/messiahs/godmen etcetc, none of them gave any useful revelation like medicine and all. All important things ware left to humans to discover...

Religion isn't intended to cure diseases, humans cure diseases. So because you see widespread death you doubt a God exists?
Is science's purpose to prove there is a purpose to our Universe?
Science doesn't work to "prove" anything. It works to uncover the facts of the nature. If there is any purpose, science will definitely try to uncover that...

Religion isn't intended to cure diseases, humans cure diseases. So because you see widespread death you doubt a God exists?
Why not? Why is religion required? I doubt god exists because of lot of reason. Death and destruction is one of them...
If they weren't exposed to Religion, what made them monotheists? The belief that there is only one God or the proof that there is only one God? In any case, what's preventing God from random appearances to check on his creations, Men included? :lol:

We would be destroyed if God made an appearance, would you believe in him after he would make an appearance anyways?
We would be destroyed if God made an appearance, would you believe in him after he would make an appearance anyways?
Why? Why can't he make sure that nothing will get destroyed when he appears? Is he too week/unable to do that?
Science doesn't work to "prove" anything. It works to uncover the facts of the nature. If there is any purpose, science will definitely try to uncover that...

Why not? Why is religion required? I doubt god exists because of lot of reason. Death and destruction is one of them...

This is odd reasoning atheists use, because we aren't in a perfect world where everybody is immortal, God doesn't exist....imagine if death and destruction didn't exist, how would the rest of life be like?
We would be destroyed if God made an appearance, would you believe in him after he would make an appearance anyways?

Why would we be destroyed? Can't he/she/it make a harmless entry? Remember, if God really is the omnipotent being and responsible for all creation, such a harmless appearance would/should not be beyond him, innit?

And yeah, I'd believe in him only after he/she/it made an appearance and proclaimed to all those present that we were being watched, not just by the NSA. :D
Why? Why can't he make sure that nothing will get destroyed when he appears? Is he too week/unable to do that?

In his original form he is too powerful, we can't apply our method of reasoning to this, it's beyond our comprehension, our brain is limited in its capabilities.

Why would we be destroyed? Can't he/she/it make a harmless entry? Remember, if God really is the omnipotent being and responsible for all creation, such a harmless appearance would/should not be beyond him, innit?

And yeah, I'd believe in him only after he/she/it made an appearance and proclaimed to all those present that we were being watched, not just by the NSA. :D

There's absolutely no purpose to life if God reveled himself, you cannot argue against this.
This is odd reasoning atheists use, because we aren't in a perfect world where everybody is immortal, God doesn't exist....imagine if death and destruction didn't exist, how would the rest of life be like?
Well, if there is no death in heaven, there could have been no death in earth, earth could have been like heaven....

There's absolutely no purpose to life if God reveled himself, you cannot argue against this.
Wrong. Then purpose of life could be to do whatever god says... or to just worship him or anything else. It is absolutely doesn't make sense why purpose of life would be nomore if god appears.
Well, if there is no death in heaven, there could have been no death in earth, earth could have been like heaven....

Wrong. Then purpose of life could be to do whatever god says... or to just worship him or anything else. It is absolutely doesn't make sense why purpose of life would be nomore if god appears.

You need to earn Paradise, I never thought people were so terrified of death that it causes them to lose so much hope.

That's stupid 'logic', it's like saying a teacher gives you a test but with answers on it, therefore it's not actually an test.
There's absolutely no purpose to life if God reveled himself, you cannot argue against this.

And what purpose does it serve if we die without ever knowing whether God existed or not?

Why cannot I argue against this? I like to be reassured that God exists for me to follow rules set down by him, which I shall otherwise attribute to fellow men. Now, if only God would appear to special cases like mine.:D

Belief in God is not proof of his existence.
You need to earn Paradise, I never thought people were so terrified of death that it causes them to lose so much hope.

That's stupid 'logic', it's like saying a teacher gives you a test but with answers on it, therefore it's not actually an test.
Why do we need to earn? No reason at all. why do you think people are not terrified of death?
And if teacher gives test with correct answer, it is not a test...
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