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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

That's not proof.

Yes, it isn't. No one can produce any proof, which is what I have been stressing all along. All that one can have in this regard is belief or the lack of it. But proof, not a chance in hell!
Quote my post where I said so. Lying won't prove anything. This how almost all believers of god do, when you can't argue, lie..

That's my fault, I was confusing you with the other guy.

Yes, it isn't. No one can produce any proof, which is what I have been stressing all along. All that one can have in this regard is belief or the lack of it. But proof, not a chance in hell!

You can't disprove God's existence....

I want to know how God created this world
Albert Einstein

To be forced to believe only one conclusion--that everything in the universe
happened by chance--would violate the very objectivity of science itself.
Wernher von Braun

Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors.
Isaac Newton

The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe that science excludes atheism.
William Thomson Kelvin

Both Religion and science require a belief in God.
Max Planck

Science doesn't work that way. No matter who said it, without proof it is garbage. Einstein was opposed to Heisinberg's uncertainty principle big time... but had to accept he was wrong anyways....
What do you think about this?

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
2. The Universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the Universe had a cause.

1. All elephants are pink
2. Balaram is an elephant
3. Hence Balaram is pink

Spot the error? Your point 1 is just an assertion. There is no proof that whatever begins to exist must have a cause (this may fail @ t=0). Also, nobody is sure whether universe began to exist or not...
Try another example:
1. Any moving thing will move faster if pushed hard
2. Train "A" is moving atthe speed of light and you push it harder
3. Train "A" will move faster than light

Right? Wrong...
Having a set of laws doesn't indicate purpose....

Laws are created to serve purposes...no? else why create them?

What do you think about this?

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
2. The Universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the Universe had a cause.

what if universe is like a circle...you can't pinpoint exact location where it begun?
Laws are created to serve purposes...no? else why create them?

what if universe is like a circle...you can't pinpoint exact location where it begun?
"Human" laws are created (ofcourse, by humans). Natural laws weren't....
Offcourse, there are some funny human laws which were created to serve no purpose! like you can't play Foosball on Sunday (I think in NY)....
Laws are created to serve purposes...no? else why create them?

Laws are created by man to make sense of how things work in the Universe. This does not mean gravity did not exist before Man wrote a Law explaining it. Rather, the theory of gravity merely explains a phenomenon observable across the universe with accuracy. Nobody can explain why Gravity has to exist and why it is tied with the mass of an object. All theories begin with a few assumptions for this reason.
Science doesn't work that way. No matter who said it, without proof it is garbage. Einstein was opposed to Heisinberg's uncertainty principle big time... but had to accept he was wrong anyways....

Okay, but, you make it sound like we know every single thing about our Universe, so scientifically there isn't proof. What if something exists outside of the laws of the universe? We can't say it doesn't exist. We don't need proof for something to exist, we need to know it exists. I don't believe we need to prove God exists scientifically as that would diminish the purpose of life according to religion.

Laws are created to serve purposes...no? else why create them?

what if universe is like a circle...you can't pinpoint exact location where it begun?

Then there must be something outside of our universe?

1. All elephants are pink
2. Balaram is an elephant
3. Hence Balaram is pink

Spot the error? Your point 1 is just an assertion. There is no proof that whatever begins to exist must have a cause (this may fail @ t=0). Also, nobody is sure whether universe began to exist or not...
Try another example:
1. Any moving thing will move faster if pushed hard
2. Train "A" is moving atthe speed of light and you push it harder
3. Train "A" will move faster than light

Right? Wrong...

Those aren't related to that example, a cause is different than a material thing.
Laws are created by man to make sense of how things work in the Universe. This does not mean gravity did not exist before Man wrote a Law explaining it. Rather, the theory of gravity merely explains a phenomenon observable across the universe with accuracy. Nobody can explain why Gravity has to exist and why it is tied with the mass of an object. All theories begin with a few assumptions for this reason.

ofc not...i m not denying that either. But ever since the "creation" of universe, it is in a "stable" condition...gravity is there to make sure things just don't float away in space...there is just enough radiation on earth so that we don't get killed...etc..

so yeah...we we humans are just writing laws to explain it...but the only reason we are able to explain it is cuz its explainable in the first place. the only reason we are able to write those laws is because they exists in the first place.
Okay, but, you make it sound like we know every single thing about our Universe, so scientifically there isn't proof. What if something exists outside of the laws of the universe? We can't say it doesn't exist. We don't need proof for something to exist, we need to know it exists. I don't believe we need to prove God exists scientifically as that would diminish the purpose of life according to religion.

Then there must be something outside of our universe?

Those aren't related to that example, a cause is different than a material thing.
You are right. We don't know everything but lets not say we know something before it is tested and proved. Until then, the right answer is "I don't know". If you ask me are there unicorns?my answer is "I don't know. But with the knowledge that we have, we can say it is most unlikely that they exists". The same applies to to god also.
There is a serious though process among scientists that there is existence outside our universe. It is termed as "multiverse". Mathematically, it makes some sense, hence it is not completely absurd (Stephen Hawking said that there are infinite number of universes with every possible combination of events happening somewhere).
As per the example, it is to demonstrate fallacy in the logic. Where is the proof that if something begins to exists there must be a cause (your point 1)? We "know" that cause and effect collapse at singularity and beginning of the universe was a singularity.
Neither can you prove God's existence. So what does it all boil down to? A few beliefs instilled mostly through Religion.

Okay I can't, you can't disprove God at the same time. It still doesn't mean he doesn't exist because we don't know of his existence.
What purpose does the universe serve to you, if you don't exist?

The main purpose of the universe is to create the universe and create humans and thereby create PDF with some idle humans who have got nothing to do and start discussion the purpose of Universe.........:coffee:

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