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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

@Hazzy997 You seem to want a scientific explanation that fits your religious beliefs. I'm afraid both cannot go hand in hand. Even if one were to agree that the Universe was created by a God, who can answer what/who was responsible for the creation of such a God? If God can spring out of nothing, why not this Universe?

ofc not...i m not denying that either. But ever since the "creation" of universe, it is in a "stable" condition...gravity is there to make sure things just don't float away in space...there is just enough radiation on earth so that we don't get killed...etc..

so yeah...we we humans are just writing laws to explain it...but the only reason we are able to explain it is cuz its explainable in the first place. the only reason we are able to write those laws is because they exists in the first place.

Well, the Universe has been anything but stable. It's still expanding at a tremendous rate. The coherence within galaxies remains good, but the galaxies themselves are moving away from each other.

What if an asteroid comes hurtling down to Earth in 200-300 years? We know one such event occured roughly 65 million years ago somewhere near the Yucatan peninsula and probably was responsible for the Dinosaurs going extinct. Was it part of the grand plan for Earth too? No, IMO. What about our Sun going bust in a few million years? What then?The universe doesn't give two hoots about us. We Humans have always overemphasized our importance in the grand scheme of things.:)
Then there must be something outside of our universe?

ofc..there exists more "empty" space...and than another universe...more "empty" space....and another universe...each following its "own" set of "laws"...

now u might ask me....well...ok...whats after the last universe? so i m gonna make short and sweet....no one fucking knows...Period!

i love this follwing quote...not cuz its from Hinduism...that's cuz it is straight to the point!

But, after all, who knows, and who can say
Whence it all came, and how creation happened?
the gods themselves are later than creation,
so who knows truly whence it has arisen?

Whence all creation had its origin,
he, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not,
he, who surveys it all from highest heaven,
he knows - or maybe even he does not know.

good nyt...now..got an exam tomm. ;)
You are right. We don't know everything but lets not say we know something before it is tested and proved. Until then, the right answer is "I don't know". If you ask me are there unicorns?my answer is "I don't know. But with the knowledge that we have, we can say it is most unlikely that they exists". The same applies to to god also.
There is a serious though process among scientists that there is existence outside our universe. It is termed as "multiverse". Mathematically, it makes some sense, hence it is not completely absurd (Stephen Hawking said that there are infinite number of universes with every possible combination of events happening somewhere).
As per the example, it is to demonstrate fallacy in the logic. Where is the proof that if something begins to exists there must be a cause (your point 1)? We "know" that cause and effect collapse at singularity and beginning of the universe was a singularity.

Whatever beg and to exist has a cause. And back to what we were discussing earlier, you said the Universe doesn't seem right. How do you come to this conclusion? It's working, we live on a planet which recieves energy via sun light on a fixed basis, this planet is mysteriously suited for our survival and existence. We have water, we can grow things, we can use our resources, we're lucky this whole universe provides us security rather than meteors flying all over the place destroying us. Things work...
ofc not...i m not denying that either. But ever since the "creation" of universe, it is in a "stable" condition...gravity is there to make sure things just don't float away in space...there is just enough radiation on earth so that we don't get killed...etc..

so yeah...we we humans are just writing laws to explain it...but the only reason we are able to explain it is cuz its explainable in the first place. the only reason we are able to write those laws is because they exists in the first place.
Gravity is unable to hold the matter together. Currently, everything is moving away from everything else (universe is expanding). As per current knowledge, universe will die a cold death (gravity will not be able to pull back the matter and universe will dies as entropy will be zero and there will not be any useful energy for any work). In a nutshell, we know there are laws, but we don't know if they were "created".
Well, the Universe has been anything but stable. It's still expanding at a tremendous rate. The coherence within galaxies remains good, but the galaxies themselves are moving away from each other.

What if an asteroid comes hurtling down to Earth in 200-300 years? We know one such event occured roughly 65 million years ago somewhere near the Yucatan peninsula and probably was responsible for the Dinosaurs going extinct. Was it part of the grand plan for Earth too? No, IMO. What about our Sun going bust in a few million years? What then?The universe doesn't give two hoots about us. We Humans have always overemphasized our importance in the grand scheme of things.:)

that's cuz accidents still happens regardless of laws. :D

That's the thing, nobody can comprehend the concept of God because it's very unordinary to us. We can't grasp it, it's a mysterious thing, we really don't know why things are this way but they just are. When according to some Abrahamic religions asked God about himself, he told them according to their scriptures that he just is who he is. He had no beginning and no end, of course for us humans there's no such thing as no beginning or end, however, are we willing to take that extra leap of faith to consider the possibility of a super natural 'being'? Many people differ on this.

I don't need things to suit my religious beliefs, because as I told you, religious lifestyle was intended to be man made, I'm not disputing that about the organized aspect of religion , but, the belief in a deity is something many of us try looking for supportive answers for. All we can do is make theories about the purpose of the universe whether it includes God or doesn't.
Whatever beg and to exist has a cause. And back to what we were discussing earlier, you said the Universe doesn't seem right. How do you come to this conclusion? It's working, we live on a planet which recieves energy via sun light on a fixed basis, this planet is mysteriously suited for our survival and existence. We have water, we can grow things, we can use our resources, we're lucky this whole universe provides us security rather than meteors flying all over the place destroying us. Things work...

What is the proof? Have you tested everything in all possible conditions? Have you tested it at singularity (like, inside a black hole)? do you have atleast mathematical proof? No? We "know" for a fact that 90% species that ever lived on earth have gone extinct. Out of billions and billions of places, it is only on earth that any know living things exists. Whatever exists are doing so by hanging on a thin thread... your example is saying like economy is good as 1 family out of entire nation is prospering...
Gravity is unable to hold the matter together. Currently, everything is moving away from everything else (universe is expanding). As per current knowledge, universe will die a cold death (gravity will not be able to pull back the matter and universe will dies as entropy will be zero and there will not be any useful energy for any work). In a nutshell, we know there are laws, but we don't know if they were "created".

I know what will eventually happen, but, everything still had worked and mysteriously suited our existence. Even if that eventually will change, something is right about it.
Gravity is unable to hold the matter together. Currently, everything is moving away from everything else (universe is expanding). As per current knowledge, universe will die a cold death (gravity will not be able to pull back the matter and universe will dies as entropy will be zero and there will not be any useful energy for any work). In a nutshell, we know there are laws, but we don't know if they were "created".

that' because everything is constant...you cant expect universe to live forever. everything is changing...(Another physics law that we humans found the universe following) but its changing at a certain pace. It's well known that our universe is in stable condition after experiencing such a messy birth. Big bang itself was so chaotic...that its still a puzzle to physicists that how everything fell so "nicely".

That's the thing, nobody can comprehend the concept of God because it's very unordinary to us. We can't grasp it, it's a mysterious thing, we really don't know why things are this way but they just are. When according to some Abrahamic religions asked God about himself, he told them according to their scriptures that he just is who he is. He had no beginning and no end, of course for us humans there's no such thing as no beginning or end, however, are we willing to take that extra leap of faith to consider the possibility of a super natural 'being'? Many people differ on this.

I don't need things to suit my religious beliefs, because as I told you, religious lifestyle was intended to be man made, I'm not disputing that about the organized aspect of religion , but, the belief in a deity is something many of us try looking for supportive answers for. All we can do is make theories about the purpose of the universe whether it includes God or doesn't.
What you are saying has a name "God of the gaps". We don't know hence god did it. People thought thunder, rain, earthquake, diseases etc were due to gods. Now, atleast some educated people know otherwise. So, nothing is done by god until provn it is done by god...
What is the proof? Have you tested everything in all possible conditions? Have you tested it at singularity (like, inside a black hole)? do you have atleast mathematical proof? No? We "know" for a fact that 90% species that ever lived on earth have gone extinct. Out of billions and billions of places, it is only on earth that any know living things exists. Whatever exists are doing so by hanging on a thin thread... your example is saying like economy is good as 1 family out of entire nation is prospering...

Read this

Anything that Begins to Exist Has a Cause | Maverick Christian

What you are saying has a name "God of the gaps". We don't know hence god did it. People thought thunder, rain, earthquake, diseases etc were due to gods. Now, atleast some educated people know otherwise. So, nothing is done by god until provn it is done by god...

You're talking about pagans.
that' because everything is constant...you cant expect universe to live forever. everything is changing...(Another physics law that we humans found the universe following) but its changing at a certain pace. It's well known that our universe is in stable condition after experiencing such a messy birth. BIg bang itself was so chaotic..!
No, it wasn't so until some time (billions of years however). Then something changed drastically. Scientist don't know what it is, they are calling it "dark energy". So, the laws and constants of today were not same since the begining neithe they are changing in constant rate (as we know).
No, it wasn't so until some time (billions of years however). Then something changed drastically. Scientist don't know what it is, they are calling it "dark energy". So, the laws and constants of today were not same since the begining neithe they are changing in constant rate (as we know).

yeah..i heard about it...but dark energy/matter is so mysterious and we know soo little about it...its futile to talk what it can/cannot do.

also who knows...gravity might someday take over again...and slow down the expansion...creating a singularity...following another big bang...!
Don't give me a link with such a lame logic. He merely states some obvious things. That is not a "proof". I suggest you read some serious sources who debunk this assertion a.k.a kalam cosmological argument.
Everybody was a pagan at some point of time...

yeah..i heard about it...but dark energy/matter is so mysterious and we know soo little about it...its futile to talk what it can/cannot do.

also who knows...gravity might someday take over again...and slow down the expansion...creating a singularity...following another big bang...!
That is the other prevailing theory...
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Don't give me a link with such a lame logic. He merely states some obvious things. That is not a "proof". I suggest you read some serious sources who debunk this assertion a.k.a kalam cosmological argument.
Everybody was a pagan at some point of time...

That is the other prevailing theory...

So you believe the Universe needs no explanation ?

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