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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

And what purpose does it serve if we die without ever knowing whether God existed or not?

Why cannot I argue against this? I like to be reassured that God exists for me to follow rules set down by him, which I shall otherwise attribute to fellow men. Now, if only God would appear to special cases like mine.:D

Belief in God is not proof of his existence.

Ok, How about this :

Entropy and Causality used as
a proof for God's existence
The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work is decreasing. Entropy increases as available energy decreases. In other words, the purely natural tendency of things is to move toward chaos, not order, and available energy necessary for work is lost (mostly as heat) in this process. Eventually, the universe will run down and all life and motion will cease. This is the natural tendency of all things. Batteries run down, machines break, buildings crumble, roads decay, living things die, etc. Left to the natural state, all things would eventually cease to function.

The universe is not infinitely old because it has not "run down."
If the universe were infinitely old, it would have reached a state where all usable energy is gone.
But, we are not in this state; therefore, the universe is not infinitely old and must have had a beginning.
Because the universe has had a beginning it is not infinite in size.
It would require an infinite amount of time to become infinite in size. Since the universe had a beginning, it has not had an infinite amount of time to expand; therefore, it is finite in size.
All events have causes.
There cannot be an infinite regress of events because that would mean the universe were infinitely old.
We've already established the universe cannot be infinitely old.
If it were infinitely old, the universe would be in a state of unusable energy, which it is not.
If it were infinitely old, the universe would be infinitely large, which it is not.
Since the universe is finite and had a beginning and there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to bring it into existence, there must be a single uncaused cause of the universe.
A single uncaused cause of the universe must be greater in size and duration than the universe it has brought into existence.
Otherwise, we have the uncaused cause bringing into existence something greater than or equal to itself.
Any cause that is natural to the universe is part of the universe.
An event that is part of the universe cannot cause itself to exist.
Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause outside the universe.
An uncaused cause cannot be a natural part of the universe which is finite.
An uncaused cause would be infinite in both space and time since it is greater than which it has caused to exist.
An uncaused cause would be separate from the universe.
Being separate from the universe, which was caused to be, it would not be subject to the laws of the universe since it existed independent of the universe and its laws.
This would mean that entropy need not be required of the uncaused cause.
This uncaused cause is supernatural.
By supernatural is meant completely 'other' than the universe and is not the product of it.
This uncaused cause must be incredibly powerful to bring the universe into existence.
The Bible teaches that God is uncaused, is not part of the universe, created the universe, and is incredibly powerful.
God's existence (in Christianity) is not an event, but a state.
Psalm 90:2 says that God is God without a beginning.
This means that God is uncaused.
Therefore, the God of the Bible is the uncaused cause of the universe.

Why do we need to earn? No reason at all. why do you think people are not terrified of death?
And if teacher gives test with correct answer, it is not a test...

So if God made this life a test for us and gave us proof therefore it won't be a test....
Ok, How about this :

Entropy and Causality used as
a proof for God's existence
The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work is decreasing. Entropy increases as available energy decreases. In other words, the purely natural tendency of things is to move toward chaos, not order, and available energy necessary for work is lost (mostly as heat) in this process. Eventually, the universe will run down and all life and motion will cease. This is the natural tendency of all things. Batteries run down, machines break, buildings crumble, roads decay, living things die, etc. Left to the natural state, all things would eventually cease to function.

The universe is not infinitely old because it has not "run down."
If the universe were infinitely old, it would have reached a state where all usable energy is gone.
But, we are not in this state; therefore, the universe is not infinitely old and must have had a beginning.
Because the universe has had a beginning it is not infinite in size.
It would require an infinite amount of time to become infinite in size. Since the universe had a beginning, it has not had an infinite amount of time to expand; therefore, it is finite in size.
All events have causes.
There cannot be an infinite regress of events because that would mean the universe were infinitely old.
We've already established the universe cannot be infinitely old.
If it were infinitely old, the universe would be in a state of unusable energy, which it is not.
If it were infinitely old, the universe would be infinitely large, which it is not.
Since the universe is finite and had a beginning and there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to bring it into existence, there must be a single uncaused cause of the universe.
A single uncaused cause of the universe must be greater in size and duration than the universe it has brought into existence.
Otherwise, we have the uncaused cause bringing into existence something greater than or equal to itself.
Any cause that is natural to the universe is part of the universe.
An event that is part of the universe cannot cause itself to exist.
Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause outside the universe.
An uncaused cause cannot be a natural part of the universe which is finite.
An uncaused cause would be infinite in both space and time since it is greater than which it has caused to exist.
An uncaused cause would be separate from the universe.
Being separate from the universe, which was caused to be, it would not be subject to the laws of the universe since it existed independent of the universe and its laws.
This would mean that entropy need not be required of the uncaused cause.
This uncaused cause is supernatural.
By supernatural is meant completely 'other' than the universe and is not the product of it.
This uncaused cause must be incredibly powerful to bring the universe into existence.
The Bible teaches that God is uncaused, is not part of the universe, created the universe, and is incredibly powerful.
God's existence (in Christianity) is not an event, but a state.
Psalm 90:2 says that God is God without a beginning.
This means that God is uncaused.
Therefore, the God of the Bible is the uncaused cause of the universe.

So if God made this life a test for us and gave us proof therefore it won't be a test....
Lol.. you go no idea what you are talking about. If the universe is not a closed system, all your argument crumble like a cookie crumbles.
Why should there be a test? I don't want any test....
Ok, How about this :

Entropy and Causality used as
a proof for God's existence
The second law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work is decreasing. Entropy increases as available energy decreases. In other words, the purely natural tendency of things is to move toward chaos, not order, and available energy necessary for work is lost (mostly as heat) in this process. Eventually, the universe will run down and all life and motion will cease. This is the natural tendency of all things. Batteries run down, machines break, buildings crumble, roads decay, living things die, etc. Left to the natural state, all things would eventually cease to function.

The universe is not infinitely old because it has not "run down."
If the universe were infinitely old, it would have reached a state where all usable energy is gone.
But, we are not in this state; therefore, the universe is not infinitely old and must have had a beginning.
Because the universe has had a beginning it is not infinite in size.
It would require an infinite amount of time to become infinite in size. Since the universe had a beginning, it has not had an infinite amount of time to expand; therefore, it is finite in size.
All events have causes.
There cannot be an infinite regress of events because that would mean the universe were infinitely old.
We've already established the universe cannot be infinitely old.
If it were infinitely old, the universe would be in a state of unusable energy, which it is not.
If it were infinitely old, the universe would be infinitely large, which it is not.
Since the universe is finite and had a beginning and there cannot be an infinite number of regressions of causes to bring it into existence, there must be a single uncaused cause of the universe.
A single uncaused cause of the universe must be greater in size and duration than the universe it has brought into existence.
Otherwise, we have the uncaused cause bringing into existence something greater than or equal to itself.
Any cause that is natural to the universe is part of the universe.
An event that is part of the universe cannot cause itself to exist.
Therefore, there must be an uncaused cause outside the universe.
An uncaused cause cannot be a natural part of the universe which is finite.
An uncaused cause would be infinite in both space and time since it is greater than which it has caused to exist.
An uncaused cause would be separate from the universe.
Being separate from the universe, which was caused to be, it would not be subject to the laws of the universe since it existed independent of the universe and its laws.
This would mean that entropy need not be required of the uncaused cause.
This uncaused cause is supernatural.
By supernatural is meant completely 'other' than the universe and is not the product of it.
This uncaused cause must be incredibly powerful to bring the universe into existence.
The Bible teaches that God is uncaused, is not part of the universe, created the universe, and is incredibly powerful.
God's existence (in Christianity) is not an event, but a state.
Psalm 90:2 says that God is God without a beginning.
This means that God is uncaused.
Therefore, the God of the Bible is the uncaused cause of the universe.

So if God made this life a test for us and gave us proof therefore it won't be a test....

As I've said before, it's we Humans alone who're not comfortable with creation not having a creator, and a sole one preferably.

Might I hazard the theory that God has since died after creating the big bang and that is the reason for the chaotic nature of our universe? Of course, like any other theory associated with God, I too don't have proof.:D
Lol.. you go no idea what you are talking about. If the universe is not a closed system, all your argument crumble like a cookie crumbles.
Why should there be a test? I don't want any test....

It's not me that wrote it, I just thought it was an interesting read. So you're doubting God but you can't disprove that he exists, we don't have to know about things for them to exist.

And you want evidence, through people testimony, yet you guys tell us everything past people experienced that they attributed to God's miracles is all bullshit. So what the hell doesn't constitute as bullshit?
The universe does have a purpose...that's why you see it following set of laws....It not in a chaotic state and that's clearly an indication that it is "living" in itself.
It's not me that wrote it, I just thought it was an interesting read. So you're doubting God but you can't disprove that he exists, we don't have to know about things for them to exist.

And you want evidence, through people testimony, yet you guys tell us everything past people experienced that they attributed to God's miracles is all bullshit. So what the hell doesn't constitute as bullshit?
Again fallacy. You can't disprove that unicorns don't exist. But wise persons don't assume they exist until some evidence is found. Same with god. People's testimony are not reliable and almost all of them have been found to be nothing to do with god/supernatural/alien. There has been not one miracle to date that can't be logically explained without the need to refer to god. That is why it is such a poor proof (if you want to call it so)...
As I've said before, it's we Humans alone who're not comfortable with creation not having a creator, and a sole one preferably.

Might I hazard the theory that God has since died after creating the big bang and that is the reason for the chaotic nature of our universe? Of course, like any other theory associated with God, I too don't have proof.:D

Prove to me that God doesn't exist.
The universe does have a purpose...that's why you see it following set of laws....It not in a chaotic state and that's clearly an indication that it is "living" in itself.
Having a set of laws doesn't indicate purpose....
Again fallacy. You can't disprove that unicorns don't exist. But wise persons don't assume they exist until some evidence is found. Same with god. People's testimony are not reliable and almost all of them have been found to be nothing to do with god/supernatural/alien. There has been not one miracle to date that can't be logically explained without the need to refer to god. That is why it is such a poor proof (if you want to call it so)...

Okay, that's use your shitty athiest garbage argument against you, prove to us that God doesn't exist.

And you talk about fear and destruction as if you resent it yet you support the Israeli occupation and murder of thousands of Palestinians and probably supported the war on Iraq, kiss my *** you fake humanist.
Prove to me that God doesn't exist.
He he, now you are back to the fallacy of burden of proof. "You" prove that god exist.. me, don't care whether he exists or not. I don't need him for anything. And, no, I can't prove he doesn't exists. You can't prove that FSM is not real either.
PS: I see you edited your response. You can't prove god exist just by thumping keypad (invented by man, not god) and using foul language (again, invented by man, no god here..). I am not humanist, my circle of concern is limited to my native country and host country. I don't give a tiny rat's as# about what Israel does to Palestine or US does to Iraq, primarily due to the fact that I can't do a squat about it...
He he, now you are back to the fallacy of burden of proof. "You" prove that god exist.. me, don't care whether he exists or not. I don't need him for anything. And, no, I can't prove he doesn't exists. You can't prove that FSM is not real either.

Don't back pedal coward, you've been clearly stating there's no such thing as God but can't prove so. WTF!!!???
Prove to me that God doesn't exist.

Very simple. Search this entire World, and nobody will come forth identifying themselves as the creator of this universe. Hence, as far as we Earthlings are concerned, he doesn't exist.
Now, prove that God exists. A passport sized colour pic of him/her/it would be much more preferable.:partay:

On a serious note, I am an agnostic, and have a neutral stance on this topic. But I reject organized religions and am comfortable with the fact that I might never get to understand who/what God is.
Very simple. Search this entire World, and nobody will come forth identifying themselves as the creator of this universe. Hence, as far as we Earthlings are concerned, he doesn't exist.
Now, prove that God exists. A passport sized colour pic of him/her/it would be much more preferable.:partay:

On a serious note, I am an agnostic, and have a neutral stance on this topic. But I reject organized religions and am comfortable with the fact that I might never get to understand who/what God is.

That's not proof.
Don't back pedal coward, you've been clearly stating there's no such thing as God but can't prove so. WTF!!!???
Quote my post where I said so. Lying won't prove anything. This how almost all believers of god do, when you can't argue, lie..

I want to know how God created this world
Albert Einstein

To be forced to believe only one conclusion--that everything in the universe
happened by chance--would violate the very objectivity of science itself.
Wernher von Braun

Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors.
Isaac Newton

The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe that science excludes atheism.
William Thomson Kelvin

Both Religion and science require a belief in God.
Max Planck

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