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Why do Pakistanis defend Arabs/Iranians?

It is because Pakistani's have some f***** up sense of Muslim brotherhood.

That is why Paks support and defend those people otherwise they are not even worth a greeting.
I will give you some visual examples.

If you see the script of mostly all of the South East Asian languages you can find out they come from India.


If you see many of ancient SE Asian architecture you can tell it was influenced by Indic once.



And the biggest influence India had on East Asia(China,Korea,Japan,Tibet,etc) was Buddhism..


India and China never needed to send armies for its influence to spread.

South East Asia has been influenced immensely by Indian culture. You can see this in their dance, language , etc

Category:Indianized kingdoms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I disagreed with that guy on the use of word "Hindu Civilization". . . mainstream history don't use this term..Please don't do the same copy-paste crap etc..I know about Indian Civilization ...Use of "hindu Civilization" instead of "Indian civilization" is not appropriate,in my understanding atleast...Anyways...

East Asia by its religion, western world with its mathematics,science, etc

A statement filled with blind patriotism and wishful thinking.Western Civilization learned/got almost EVERYTHING from its "enemy"(atleast at that time) civilization.Indian civilization might have had some influence on that civilization but not the West.

Anyways . . . Lets stick to the topic
Pakistanis defend because of bhai bhai relation.I think this should be applied to all and not Muslims only.
-- Because Arabs and Pakistanis are licking someone's a$$ ...

-- we have very bad foreign policy ...

-- Incompetent leaders without any vision ...
Arabs are one of our closest alies.
A large Pakistan population particulary those in Punjab and towards north are ethinic persians!
We also supported khalistan for your info!

You have any evidence to support such a claim or is that out of self-hatred towards your country? North of Pakistan consists mainly of Dardic peoples, the Hunza and the Batlistanis who are related to the Chinese. If a single persian ethnic group exists there i failed to find it. If you're referring to the small pocket of Tajiks who recently snack in there, they came recently from Tajikistan/Northern Afghanistan and are not indigenous to the Northern Areas of Pakistan.
Neither have given support to you Pakistanis. They were very slow in giving aid during the devastating floods. And the worst of all they support your sworn enemy India (although they don't respect the people). What gives??

That is quite simple. The Arabs finance pro-Arab propaganda amongst Sunni Pakistanis through Wahhabism whereas Iran supports Shia extremists in Pakistan who think of themselves as Persian. You'll find many Sunni Pakistanis who are pro-Iranian but you'll most likely never find a Pro-Saudi/Arab Shia Pakistani.

You have to realize all this "Iranians and Arabs are great" propaganda has been programmed into their minds, not because they chose to. If Pakistanis opened up to their rich ancient past and to what their country is compared to modern Iran and the Arab states are, they'd behave quite the opposite towards the people of the middle east.
Neither have given support to you Pakistanis. They were very slow in giving aid during the devastating floods.

Pakistan always takes principal stand on international issues, regardless of their actions/support.

And the worst of all they support your sworn enemy India

Really? who? when?

(although they don't respect the people). What gives??

Do you learn anything from this?
These Muslim countries will never support Pakistan over India

You should be happy then.

UAE, Oman : We are their Largest Trade Partners.

Being the largest customer of their oil doesnot mean you have become their exclusive ally.

Iran: A very good ally. Relations go back to Persian and Hindu civilization. We have the 2nd Largest Number of Shias and Largest Number of Zorastarians.

and what exactly does that signify?

Saudi Arabia: We are the 4th Largest Consumer of Oil in the World, soon will be 3rd replacing Japan.

Being the largest customer of their oil doesnot mean you have become their exclusive ally.

Turkey has nearly dumped Pakistan for getting a Turkish Bollywood and Trade.

Really? Would Turkey really dump his ally for getting "Indian Bollywood"? Height of Delusions
This coming from person living in a strong cast system is surely a surprise.

What? Even this information about your forefathers were omitted out of the Pakistani textbook ? Damn, the education system out there needs a serious upgrade !!!
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