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Why do many pakistanis love Saudis?

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Pakistanis only respect Saudis because they take care of two most holiest places in Islam

That's a biggest rotten chapli kabob (or biggest bunch of rotten baloney)

-- Saudi Mullahs and religious charities dump money for the Islamist and Talib@stard robots

While Saudi government and modernists are fighting the same $hit.

... also very close to USA but at least they don't sell their own people to USA like what our leaders did

If you Z-man write the same Talib@stard cr@p in Saudi, your @rse will be hauled to Gitmo in no time.

Just try it.

you might "enjoy" it.
But according to many Pakistani they consider themself Arabs and few days earlier one of them on this forum was saying they have DNA identical to that of Arabs DNA , and the repetitive one Muslim ummah family .
But according to many Pakistani they consider themself Arabs and few days earlier one of them on this forum was saying they have DNA identical to that of Arabs DNA , and the repetitive one Muslim ummah family .

C'mon man.

Do not start on DNA and genetics.


auntie's high heel will strike your head and you will be dead.

Seriously! Please avoid such childish attacks.
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That's a biggest rotten chapli kabob (or biggest bunch of rotten baloney)

-- Saudi Mullahs and religious charities dump money for the Islamist and Talib@stard robots

While Saudi government and modernists are fighting the same $hit.

If you Z-man write the same Talib@stard cr@p in Saudi, your @rse will be hauled to Gitmo in no time.

Just try it.

you might "enjoy" it.

Sir they haven't handed over a single Saudi to USA those Saudis who are arrested by USA they were arrested outside USA Sir but Musharraf admitted himself he sold people to USA and Saudis have taken care of Makkah and Madinah and have served it well but the problem with those who don't want to admit it is that they basically hate Makkah and Madinah
Sir they haven't handed over a single Saudi to USA those Saudis who are arrested by USA they were arrested outside USA ....

CIA has "interrogation" centers inside KSA like many other countries around the world.
But isn't the respect coming out of the fact that Arabs are the custodians of the religion that Pakistanis follow? Because your religion originated in Saudi Arabia and all that.

Also Arab countries have been quite generous in terms of making investments into Pakistan.
I don't care if the senior members here are bashing the op but i agree with him.
Just because they are custodians of the 2 most important places in Islam and descendants of the pious Muslims and Sahabas does not give them a free pass with anything.
We Pakistanis have placed them on a high pedestal and not questioned anything they do EVEN WHEN IT IS HARMFUL FOR PAKISTAN.
hindu guy

just a few examples: Interest/usury, Alcohol, prostitution, sodomy, rape, over eating, wasting money, being arrogant/ignorant, etc... so many more things

I think all above mentioned haram things are common in Muslims nowadays ... Mostly Pakistanis are used to all things ... Then what's the difference between both of us ....????
Pakistanis only respect Saudis because they take care of two most holiest places in Islam other wise they are also very close to USA but at least they don't sell their own people to USA like what our leaders did

do you even know how the al Saud conquered the holy places? They are not custodians of the holy places, who made them? they conqured the places by force and kicked out the original caretakers of the places. stop being a foolish Al Saud worshiper, this slave mentality in pakistanis I will never understand, no people on earth have such slave mentality except indians and pakistanis.

Saudis are only using these places to make billions of dollars, which they spend on all the Haram things you can imagine, not to mention they give billions of dollars to the west for weapons they will never use. Saudis are the biggest slaves/servants you can imagine, but obviously pakistanis like you are even below them
Pakistanis only respect Saudis because they take care of two most holiest places in Islam other wise they are also very close to USA but at least they don't sell their own people to USA like what our leaders did

Slave mentality nothing else, many of these hail from generations of slaves or slave traders.
Pakistanis are generally illiterate. We have lack of education, both in terms of world and religion. So most of Pakistanis identify Islam with Arabs. Since our holiest sites are also located in Saudi Arabia, we believe Saudi Arabia is a model country when it comes to Islam.

We have not been able to separate Saudi Arabia and the holy cities. Saudi Arabia is just a country and like many countries it does good and bad things.

Saudi Arabia is just one version of Islam. And its Islam with Arab Bedoiun culture combined. Just like Turkey and Iran could be other versions of Islam in practice.

Pakistanis dont generally have a model to emulate. Since we are not taught about our own history in schools, we lurch from one extreme to another in our lives and not very firm on our feet. Its our fault that we have been brought up as a people who have no knowledge of our own history and religion.

If you go to Saudi Arabia and you have a brain, you will realize that Saudis are not a gracious people. They are rude and have the air of arrogance, which to me at least is not understandable.
hindu guy

just a few examples: Interest/usury, Alcohol, prostitution, sodomy, rape, over eating, wasting money, being arrogant/ignorant, etc... so many more things

these are the problems of almost any country on planet earth-

There is a big difference in loving saudis or having affection with a piece of land where your Holiest places are- Most Pakisanis fall in later-
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