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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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I agree with op we desi people should stop fighting with eachother
peace will come only if Pakistanis stop acting as the saviour of Islam and stop interfering in matters of India and be happy with what you got.
This has everything to do with religion...to pakistanis, hindus are inferior beings...Pakistanis claim that they ruled Hindus as slaves for 1000 of years...so how could they now treat them as their equal....many Pakistanis like zaid hamid and Hafiz sayeed have said that until India is islmaized, the war between Pakistan and India will go on..that means u will not stop making war on us until 800 million hindus are butchered..so until like people Zaid hamid, Hafiz sayeed have sway over Paksitani public, this fight will go on coz we are not going to be like Pakistani hindus-waiting for our throats to be slit slowly...

That is funny that you think Pakistani people think Hindus are inferior. It is Hindus that suffer from superiority complex. I have been told that a Hindu will not sit down with a Muslim in his Kitchen and eat out of same utensils because they think Muslims are untouchables. Is it True ?
That is funny that you think Pakistani people think Hindus are inferior. It is Hindus that suffer from superiority complex. I have been told that a Hindu will not sit down with a Muslim in his Kitchen and eat out of same utensils because they think Muslims are untouchables. Is it True ?
It is because of caste system not superiority complex. I agree with you because in my own ancestral village muslims are not allowed in my house, like lower caste.
I am not defending the caste system btw, it is pure evil.
BTW, it might not be true everywhere, I come from a very backward area.
That is funny that you think Pakistani people think Hindus are inferior. It is Hindus that suffer from superiority complex. I have been told that a Hindu will not sit down with a Muslim in his Kitchen and eat out of same utensils because they think Muslims are untouchables. Is it True ?

You have been told..... You don't know a $hit about Hindus.
That is funny that you think Pakistani people think Hindus are inferior. It is Hindus that suffer from superiority complex. I have been told that a Hindu will not sit down with a Muslim in his Kitchen and eat out of same utensils because they think Muslims are untouchables. Is it True ?

Not really.. My cook is a muslim..
The most recent war ended in 1999 which was 13 years ago, yet we still fight over them on the Internet. When I think of the India - Pakistan conflicts, in see it as a civil war rather than a traditional war. We are the same freaking people for god sakes! It was all nice and peaceful in the subcontinent until the British took over. After 1947, the civil war has been ongoing. I have an Indian cousin myself but I am Pakistani. We are genetically linked. India vs. Pakistan is like brother vs brother. Why do we allow a factor of religion separate us and make us fight each other? I am Muslim and I agree with Dr. Zakir naik when he says that it would have been best if the country remained united after independence. People use nationalism as an excuse for the bickering, but the idea of nationalism is that a persons loyalty should be towards a group of people who share a common culture or history. Our countries share the same culture and history for thousands of years, so we should share our nationalism.

Nice sentiments! Preach love, not war. I do see the relations between Govt of India and Pakistan improving recently, so hopefully we can have a good future.
dude, calm down. Im trying to improve relations, but you did what everybody is doing and recalling past events and blaming each other. Why happened in the past has happened. We cannot go back and change it. My point is we need to learn our mistakes, and take advantage of the present to make a better future.

I am not the one dwelling in the past.

The cold blooded murder of 160 innocent civilians cannot be swept under the rug in the guise of 'let bygones be bygones'.

Sure! Let bygones be bygones and let's start making some progress and some compassion. Let's start by having the perpetrators of 26/11 punished. What's stopping you from doing that?

But how's that possible when you take years dithering over whether to grant India the MFN status or not. This when we have given the same to you years, if not decades, back?
That is funny that you think Pakistani people think Hindus are inferior. It is Hindus that suffer from superiority complex. I have been told that a Hindu will not sit down with a Muslim in his Kitchen and eat out of same utensils because they think Muslims are untouchables. Is it True ?

yea i t is true actually ,hindu brahmis dont share food or utensils with muslims as thye belive em to eat pork and beef,first hand experience,

well there is indeed a misconception ,but Muslims are quite synonymous with barbers and Butchers so this is where it stems from.

As far as untouchables concept goes, we shake hands we hug and can live life together.

Unlike Muslims who are said to shake with the dirty hand with Kafirs. It quite natural for them to be deluded with superiority.
If India is a democratic country and they favor democracy so much then why don't they allow democrazy in Kashmir? Why not? Because they know deep down inside their hearts that Kashmir and Kashmiri's would never want to be with India. So before anyone jumps on this post, just answer one question, why not let Kashmiri's decide their fate, whether they want to be with Pakistan and India?
So who is the dictator here? India or Pakistan?
That is funny that you think Pakistani people think Hindus are inferior. It is Hindus that suffer from superiority complex. I have been told that a Hindu will not sit down with a Muslim in his Kitchen and eat out of same utensils because they think Muslims are untouchables. Is it True ?
Yes I must admit it was true, and still it is there. Though I have studied in good school and I had some muslim friends, but elders in my family such as my Dadi still consider friendship with muslims as taboo. one reason might be muslims do not like cleanliness and most muslims do not want to provide good education to children. So they remain backward in society.
yea i t is true actually ,hindu brahmis dont share food or utensils with muslims as thye belive em to eat pork and beef,first hand experience,
well there is indeed a misconception ,but Muslims are quite synonymous with barbers and Butchers so this is where it stems from.

As far as untouchables concept goes, we shake hands we hug and can live life together.

Unlike Muslims who are said to shake with the dirty hand with Kafirs. It quite natural for them to be deluded with superiority.

Muslims eat PORK ?

Which Planet are you from ?

I have never met a Muslim who eats Pork in my whole life.
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