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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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Jan 24, 2012
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The most recent war ended in 1999 which was 13 years ago, yet we still fight over them on the Internet. When I think of the India - Pakistan conflicts, in see it as a civil war rather than a traditional war. We are the same freaking people for god sakes! It was all nice and peaceful in the subcontinent until the British took over. After 1947, the civil war has been ongoing. I have an Indian cousin myself but I am Pakistani. We are genetically linked. India vs. Pakistan is like brother vs brother. Why do we allow a factor of religion separate us and make us fight each other? I am Muslim and I agree with Dr. Zakir naik when he says that it would have been best if the country remained united after independence. People use nationalism as an excuse for the bickering, but the idea of nationalism is that a persons loyalty should be towards a group of people who share a common culture or history. Our countries share the same culture and history for thousands of years, so we should share our nationalism.
This has everything to do with religion...to pakistanis, hindus are inferior beings...Pakistanis claim that they ruled Hindus as slaves for 1000 of years...so how could they now treat them as their equal....many Pakistanis like zaid hamid and Hafiz sayeed have said that until India is islmaized, the war between Pakistan and India will go on..that means u will not stop making war on us until 800 million hindus are butchered..so until like people Zaid hamid, Hafiz sayeed have sway over Paksitani public, this fight will go on coz we are not going to be like Pakistani hindus-waiting for our throats to be slit slowly...
This has everything to do with religion...to pakistanis, hindus are inferior beings...Pakistanis claim that they ruled Hindus as slaves for 1000 of years...so how could they now treat them as their equal....many Pakistanis like zaid hamid and Hafiz sayeed have said that until India is islmaized, the war between Pakistan and India will go on..that means u will not stop making war on us until 800 million hindus are butchered..so until like people Zaid hamid, Hafiz sayeed have sway over Paksitani public, this fight will go on coz we are not going to be like Pakistani hindus-waiting for our throats to be slit slowly...

Bs bhai bs...itnay dramay b na kar...

Zaid Hamid? LOL. Out of 180 million , you pick one nut-job. Shall I remind you of your RSS , Shiv Sena , Bal Thackrey etc etc.

Indian media ALWAYS portray Pakistan in a bad light. Propaganda and brainwashing of indians regarding Pakistan is at peak.

The point is clear : India thinks that her big size earns her a 'right' to be dominant in South Asia...Pakistan does not accept it.

Solve Kashmir on equal terms , sign peace agreement , and move back troops ....Relations will start to get better.....But indians won't do it
because we enjoy more hating each other than loving each other :D
I respect your sentiments but I'm a firm believer in the following verse of the Bhagwad Gita:

Whatever happened was for good. Whatever is happening is for good. Whatever will happen will be for good.

In our desi lingo:

Jo hua, accha hua. Jo ho raha hai, accha ho raha hai. Jo hoga, accha hoga.

In hindsight, I believe that partition was for good. However, I don't really think that it was carried out in the best of way.

It was way too hurried. The bloodshed could have been avoided.

But then, it was hurried for a reason. Jinnah had lung cancer and he knew he was not going to survive for long. He wanted partition to be done as soon as possible.

This was also the reason Jinnah pushed for a quick fix solution of Kashmir by deciding to wrest it forcefully by sending his army of tribals.

If only the Pakistani establishment had been a little bit patient in 1947, who knows Kashmir would have been Pakistan's anyways.
After the enmity of the 1947 war, things became a lot more difficult and different.

Today the situation is such that the India boogeyman is the bread and butter of the Generals in Pakistan. They need the fear of India and the so-called threat from India to persist in their public's minds to sustain their grip over the power structure in Pakistan.

This was never the case in India. India, since independence adapted the sensible and more mature way of giving power to the civilians instead of the military.

Even in 1998 when India extended the hand of friendship and Vajpayee visited Lahore, look what the Pakistani Generals did.

What the need for Kargil? On one hand you pretend to be working for peace with India in Lahore summit and on the other hand your Generals launch a war against India.

What on Earth was that?

In 26/11, 10 of your countrymen came and slaughtered 160 innocent people and it took you four months and a sting operation by Geo TV to admit that Kasab is a Pakistani? What was that if not denial of the highest degree?

That when the evidence is clear as anything. Today we have another 26/11 mastermind in our custody thanks to Saudi Arabia and the US. Even he has exposed the Pakistani Army's involvement in the 26/11 attacks.

We have Kasab and Abu Jundal. The US has David Headley. They have all so clearly stated the involvement of your Pakistani state in the murder of innocent Indians, Americans, Israelis and others in Mumbai.

Still you are continuing the denial with a straight face. How can you?

You see, you can wake up someone who is sleeping but you cannot wake up someone who pretends to be asleep.

Even today, India is open to converting LoC into Internaional Border. You keep the part of Kashmir you have and we keep the part we have.

But you won't.

You want all of Kashmir.

Why don't you guys act sensibly for once and just settle the damn dispute?

But you won't.

Why? Because the day Kashmir ir resolved, your army will lose its significance in Pakistan. The generals will have no excuse left to drain all of your budget to fill their own pocket and to secure their plots and their DHA's.

And you know what? The more you delay the settlement, the more you end up on the losing side.

MMS is the last politician of his generation. Those guys have seen the pain of partition. They still have a desire to have friendly and peaceful relation with Pakistan.

The newer generation, i.e., the Rahul's and the Modi's have no incentive or deswire, whatsoever to even walk half the distance MMS is willing to walk.

Your best chance is NOW.
Bs bhai bs...itnay dramay b na kar...

Solve Kashmir on equal terms , sign peace agreement , and move back troops ....Relations will start to get better.....But indians won't do it
Why would Indians agree to your demands in return of peace, lol, why not agree to our demands and we give you peace. :)
In any case status quo helps us. Why would we go after peace now when we can get peace later at a lot cheaper price.
till there is 'Islamic' in Pakistan there will be no peace...
This is west's propaganda to hold back India from achieving it's past glory and position on this lovely planet.
Solve kashmir problem and every thing will be settled. simple na.......:pakistan:

Pakistan's solution to the problem is the India should give entire Kashmir to Pakistan...

India's solution to the problem is keep whatever you got and forget about rest of the Kashmir....

Tell me how it will be solve....no solution ...keep fighting.....
The most recent war ended in 1999 which was 13 years ago, yet we still fight over them on the Internet. When I think of the India - Pakistan conflicts, in see it as a civil war rather than a traditional war. We are the same freaking people for god sakes! It was all nice and peaceful in the subcontinent until the British took over. After 1947, the civil war has been ongoing. I have an Indian cousin myself but I am Pakistani. We are genetically linked. India vs. Pakistan is like brother vs brother. Why do we allow a factor of religion separate us and make us fight each other? I am Muslim and I agree with Dr. Zakir naik when he says that it would have been best if the country remained united after independence. People use nationalism as an excuse for the bickering, but the idea of nationalism is that a persons loyalty should be towards a group of people who share a common culture or history. Our countries share the same culture and history for thousands of years, so we should share our nationalism.

Valid points my friend.

"Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheritance with him."

This is our problem.
Solve Kashmir on equal terms , sign peace agreement , and move back troops ....Relations will start to get better.....But indians won't do it

Indeed. Solve it on equal terms. You keep the part you have, we keep what we have.

Done deal.

But you want all of it.

We came down from our position of claiming P0K. Peace is not possible unless you also come down from your high horse.

...and this when we are in a position of strentgh.

We have far bigger and stronger Economy than Pakistan. We can continue the stalemate in Kashmir and Siachen for many years to come. Our economy allows us to do that. Yours doesn't. Still you won't act in the sensible manner.

Things like Siachen are a far bigger drain on your economy than they are on ours.

Fine! Do as you please. You want to shoot yourself in the foot. Who are we to stop you?
Pakistan's solution to the problem is the India should give entire Kashmir to Pakistan...

India's solution to the problem is keep whatever you got and forget about rest of the Kashmir....

Tell me how it will be solve....no solution ...keep fighting.....
Nope, we should start the bargain on a front foot, the whole kashmir is ours. Let the bargain start from that. :)
I respect your sentiments but I'm a firm believer in the following verse of the Bhagwad Gita:

Whatever happened was for good. Whatever is happening is for good. Whatever will happen will be for good.

In our desi lingo:

Jo hua, accha hua. Jo ho raha hai, accha ho raha hai. Jo hoga, accha hoga.

In hindsight, I believe that partition was for good. However, I don't really think that it was carried out in the best of way.

It was way too hurried. The bloodshed could have been avoided.

But then, it was hurried for a reason. Jinnah had lung cancer and he knew he was not going to survive for long. He wanted partition to be done as soon as possible.

This was also the reason Jinnah pushed for a quick fix solution of Kashmir by deciding to wrest it forcefully by sending his army of tribals.

If only the Pakistani establishment had been a little bit patient in 1947, who knows Kashmir would have been Pakistan's anyways.
After the enmity of the 1947 war, things became a lot more difficult and different.

Today the situation is such that the India boogeyman is the bread and butter of the Generals in Pakistan. They need the fear of India and the so-called threat from India to persist in their public's minds to sustain their grip over the power structure in Pakistan.

This was never the case in India. India, since independence adapted the sensible and more mature way of giving power to the civilians instead of the military.

Even in 1998 when India extended the hand of friendship and Vajpayee visited Lahore, look what the Pakistani Generals did.

What the need for Kargil? On one hand you pretend to be working for peace with India in Lahore summit and on the other hand your Generals launch a war against India.

What on Earth was that?

In 26/11, 10 of your countrymen came and slaughtered 160 innocent people and it took you four months and a sting operation by Geo TV to admit that Kasab is a Pakistani? What was that if not denial of the highest degree?

That when the evidence is clear as anything. Today we have another 26/11 mastermind in our custody thanks to Saudi Arabia and the US. Even he has exposed the Pakistani Army's involvement in the 26/11 attacks.

We have Kasab and Abu Jundal. The US has David Headley. They have all so clearly stated the involvement of your Pakistani state in the murder of innocent Indians, Americans, Israelis and others in Mumbai.

Still you are continuing the denial with a straight face. How can you?

You see, you can wake up someone who is sleeping but you cannot wake up someone who pretends to be asleep.

Even today, India is open to converting LoC into Internaional Border. You keep the part of Kashmir you have and we keep the part we have.

But you won't.

You want all of Kashmir.

Why don't you guys act sensibly for once and just settle the damn dispute?

But you won't.

Why? Because the day Kashmir ir resolved, your army will lose its significance in Pakistan. The generals will have no excuse left to drain all of your budget to fill their own pocket and to secure their plots and their DHA's.

And you know what? The more you delay the settlement, the more you end up on the losing side.

MMS is the last politician of his generation. Those guys have seen the pain of partition. They still have a desire to have friendly and peaceful relation with Pakistan.

The newer generation, i.e., the Rahul's and the Modi's have no incentive or deswire, whatsoever to even walk half the distance MMS is willing to walk.

Your best chance is NOW.
dude, calm down. Im trying to improve relations, but you did what everybody is doing and recalling past events and blaming each other. What happened in the past has happened. We cannot go back and change it. My point is we need to learn our mistakes, and take advantage of the present to make a better future.
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