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Why do Indian immigrants become rich and raise successful kids

Which successful kids, i have worked with british and irish born indians both were dumb as ****, some are good at their but that's a very small number, Their daughters act like c**k hungry sluts and their boys have inferiority complex basically lonely bastards, where's success in that huh, if you have studied in western country have got the nationality, your going to get some silly job and make a few thousand a month, but does that account to success no, from my experience with indians especially those who were born abroad are performing poor than those who migrate and also are less performing than other migrant nationalities
Which successful kids, i have worked with british and irish born indians both were dumb as ****, some are good at their but that's a very small number, Their daughters act like c**k hungry sluts and their boys have inferiority complex basically lonely bastards, where's success in that huh, if you have studied in western country have got the nationality, your going to get some silly job and make a few thousand a month, but does that account to success no, from my experience with indians especially those who were born abroad are performing poor than those who migrate and also are less performing than other migrant nationalities
You sound jealous. Is your boss an Indian?
Indians are dumb

If you allowed a open door immigration policy from India into anywhere in the world, those places would look like the same slum shitholes India is..

If you selectively pick and choose highly educated groups of people, on special visas with job to come to then GUESS WHAT.

They will mostly likely lead comfortable lives and give a good start to life to their children also

It's a success of some of the immigration policies of places like the USA
You sound jealous. Is your boss an Indian?
Jealous of you chimps? fucking delusional piece of shit.

Indians are dumb
you just need to converse with them for a few minutes and you will realize how fucking dumb these chimps are even flat earthers don't sound that bad when you listen to their case, but these indians even when they talking about some thing right, they with their chimpy mind turn it into a shithole.
Jealous of you chimps? fucking delusional piece of shit.
Yes you do sound jealous. I would love an honest reply.

Hindus are sly banias who worship money and cheat people to become rich.

Muslims are lazy folks who marry their cousins, have dozens of children and live on welfare.

The statistics show Indian brain drain.

Yes you do sound jealous. I would love an honest reply.

Hindus are sly banias who worship money and cheat people to become rich.

Muslims are lazy folks who marry their cousins
I told you my experience has a pakistani who moved to Ireland after my Bachelors, when i compare the two i compare the pakistani's with indians not the british pakistani's, yes they do live off on the benefits, but we don't the Pakistan's don't. Big fucking difference. And the rest of the things that i stated here about indians are true, prove me wrong.
Muslims are lazy folks who marry their cousins, have dozens of children and live on welfare.
This is true in large part for the UK Pakistanis. They do better in the US, big difference between the 2 diaspora.
There mostly Christians .
Has surprised me as my family have a training centre to provid CS security badges to work mainly as stewards and mostly the students are Sikhs and Africans who one can tell , but the Indians without turbans nice guys coming for a better life and better future which no one should fight against but surprised me they’re Punjabi Christians who weren’t born as such having spoke to the manager who is my relation as it surprised him also .

Think it’s maybe a scam to get into the country but who cares just sharing our observations
because the ones who move are upper middle income person with university level education. Many are previously students in Western countries universities.

The statistics show Indian brain drain.
Wrong 95% of IIT (most prestigious technology institution) graduates stay in India and this was opposite 20 years back in early 2000s
When you can earn similar amount of money staying close to home why move out, opportunities have opened up, one can raise millions and set up business in India

yes there a large influx of tier 2 graduates to Germany, uk etc. but post 2010 cream is sticking here
As Indo said, only the richest and best high caste Indians can afford to immigrate and study overseas. All the best and brightest and all the money leaves India leaving India perpetually a poor low IQ slum nation...Until the country India becomes a 1st world rich country, your white masters will never respect you
I mean the figures are literally skewed in their favour due to the H1B program. When hundreds of thousands of Indians are allowed into the US to taje up six figure tech jobs then that makes the overall average increase significantly.

Its not because Indians are more educated or harder working. From personal experience its quiet the opposite. Indians are some of the most laziest yet cunning folks on the planet. You would be surprised by their lack of inguinity.

If tomorrow the US allowed only tech workers from Mexico. Cut all other immigrant groups including laborers from mexico then obviously their average income in america would increase as well….

America is going downhill. No other nation in the history of the planet allowed other countries to enrich themselves at the expense of their own people.
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