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Why do Indian immigrants become rich and raise successful kids

This is the very definition of brain drain and I fail to understand why Indians think this is something to be proud about?

In other countries like China, Japan and Korea, this WAS at one point considered a national shame….they felt ashamed that their own people had to leave their lands to earn abroad.

Most immigration in the world occurs to the Gulf and West. The ones moving there are either refugees or migrants from the home country which would be classified in the “lower socioeconomic” strata.

Basically, the ones immigrating to these places tend to be poor or just barely above water.

In India it’s reversed….the rich and upper middle class educated elite immigrate to the west and gulf while the poor remain in India.

It’s quite an odd phenomenon.
This is the very definition of brain drain and I fail to understand why Indians think this is something to be proud about?

In other countries like China, Japan and Korea, this WAS at one point considered a national shame….they felt ashamed that their own people had to leave their lands to earn abroad.

Most immigration in the world occurs to the Gulf and West. The ones moving there are either refugees or migrants from the home country which would be classified in the “lower socioeconomic” strata.

Basically, the ones immigrating to these places tend to be poor or just barely above water.

In India it’s reversed….the rich and upper middle class educated elite immigrate to the west and gulf while the poor remain in India.

It’s quite an odd phenomenon.
There are a couple of reasons
West and European nations give visa on basis of skill so it's mostly educated middle class Indians who opt for it, In gulf nations and other countries Indians occupy a host of positions including the elite class, middle class and the working class also menial jobs class. It can be seen in Dubai, Indians are present in every way of life at every position.
Indians don't view working in foreign negatively, the system at home is very overburdened so if you can find a better life outside at this point of time then what's the issue?
Plus Indians outside mostly support the political govt at home and India's foreign policy decisions, you cannot take India and it's cultures outside of an Indian. Also there's huge amounts of remittance sent back home to parents, spouse or other relatives.
The huge Indian diaspora active in politics too means that Indians have a sway locally and the host nation's attitude towards India and Indians.
Yes you do sound jealous. I would love an honest reply.

Hindus are sly banias who worship money and cheat people to become rich.

Muslims are lazy folks who marry their cousins, have dozens of children and live on welfare.


The report talks about Indians...Where did you find Hindus cheat and Muslims live on welfare??? How come you escaped out of the ban from the Moderator in spite of so much of trolling in each Indian-specific thread?

There mostly Christians .
Has surprised me as my family have a training centre to provid CS security badges to work mainly as stewards and mostly the students are Sikhs and Africans who one can tell , but the Indians without turbans nice guys coming for a better life and better future which no one should fight against but surprised me they’re Punjabi Christians who weren’t born as such having spoke to the manager who is my relation as it surprised him also .

Think it’s maybe a scam to get into the country but who cares just sharing our observations

Well...illegal immigration from South Asia exists that inclues India. But that does not mean, only Christian people are good Indian people who migrate to US.
Whether it is a country or an immigrant, those who value education and work hard are often the winners. Overseas Chinese are also very confident, not losing to any nation. The assets of overseas Chinese exceed US$2 trillion. surpassing that of Italy GDP.
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Top tier folks leave and they already have a strong work ethic and good education. Such social capital is passed on to their kids.
East Asians do the same. It’s well known.
Patrik Bet David.. seen a few of his vids.

He's always on about financial success and entrepreneurship and raking it in.. he a jew ? :P

his family escaped after the mullah takeover in Iran or something ?

also been on Joe Rogan's, has he ?
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