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Why did Pakistanis decided to keep Thier pre-islamic sirnames while Muslims in rest of the South Asia didn't?

Maula Jatt

Jul 24, 2021
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United States
Why did Pakistanis decided to keep Thier pre-islamic surnames while largely Muslims in rest of South Asia didn't?

You rarely see Muslims of Bangladesh, India even Sri Lanka with Thier pre Islamic sir names
All of them pretty much use first name as last or minority use foreign name
and are generally aggressively against this whole buisness of clans/caste (we are agressivelly against this too)/tribes

While here you seem to find people using Thier pre isalmic sir names

It's an interesting phenomenon on how eventhough we are all Muslims of SC but we devaloped in a different way compared to other Muslims of south Asia

How did it happen? Why did Muslims in rest of the south Asia just did a complete 180 degree turn?

Why didn't we followed Thier example?

@Talwar e Pakistan , @Joe Shearer ,@Indus Pakistan ,@DrJekyll ,@Novus ordu seclorum ,@Bilal9
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Only when Divinity comes into the equation people forget or mess up separation/function- ----of indivdual personalities on purpose -------

but humans seem to be ultra obsessive in retaining their own identities at all costs and there's nothing wrong with that unless it blurs your good judgement .
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In India it is about caste identity, which was retained as people prefer to marry within their own caste. So for example, Syed is original Kshatriya and they prefer descendants of other Kshatriya. Similarly, Sheikh is Scythian Rajput. Bania castes probably retain their last names. Lower castes may not carry the same pride.
Why did Pakistanis decided to keep Thier pre-islamic surnames while largely Muslims in rest of South Asia didn't?

You rarely see Muslims of Bangladesh, India even Sri Lanka with Thier pre Islamic sir names
All of them pretty much use first name as last or minority use foreign name
and are generally aggressively against this whole buisness of clans/caste (we are agressivelly against this too)/tribes

While here you seem to find people using Thier pre isalmic sir names

It's an interesting phenomenon on how eventhough we are all Muslims of SC but we devaloped in a different way compared to other Muslims of south Asia

How did it happen? Why did Muslims in rest of the south Asia just did a complete 180 degree turn?

Why didn't we followed Thier example?

Personally I think what they did wasn't exactly bad, even commendable in some ways
although a very decision

@Talwar e Pakistan , @Joe Shearer ,@Indus Pakistan ,@DrJekyll ,@Novus ordu seclorum ,@Bilal9
Most Arabs/Iranian and other also kept their pre Islamic names. Nothing wrong with that.
Caste structure remained. Indian muslims became pathans, syeds, shah etc While in Pakistan there was no social pressure to adopt foreign identities for landholding castes apart from low caste converts. You see lots of mughals in Pakistan who are basically low caste converts but claim to be decedents of Babur. But when someone ask them why they are landless, they come with all sort of excuses. Their favourite excuse is sikhs toke away all their land.
perhaps trying to be original, and fundamental, having nothing to be proud of, leads to reverting to the previous. everyone needs something need to have something to take pride. and distinction and high esteem. caste system provides them at least something to enjoy being distinctive and elated from the rest.
secondly, it is not unislamic as well to use such surnames.
Once people get something more importance due to their worldly gains they will use the new names based on new classes or organizations. many new surnames are already there which are just coined recently.
Better education will lead to better development and evolution, We still need to do a lot in this regard. Once we will have genuine education we will evolve into better people as a whole.
Names and surnames are for only recognition in Islam, not to deprive others of any rights.
One owns his/her identity... it comes with all it's manifestations, good, bad, ugly, pagan or monotheistic.
Indeed Quraish remained so, both in paganism and Islam. So did the vast majority of tribes that preserved their identity... including it's flaws.
Your identity brings with it a perspective, a vision, a history, comaraderie and most importantly experiences endeavored through ages.. . If for example that history, identity and memory is kept alive.
Indeed all ancient survivors of time with an identity intact are still players including b'nai Israel.
Islam honors a person for who he/she is at the end of the day and judges one for his/her deeds only and not clan/tribe. It prohibits one from flaunting their ancestors or their perceived greatness or sitting on their laurels.

I have Indeed seen this phenomenon where Muslims of Indian origin have relinquished their former identities/clans or tribal affiliations in part because of hindu pressure... something they(hindus) claim to own, somehow... Perhaps because of historical mythology, tales and fables attached with certain identity markers.

Let them rationalize that for themselves... they're good storytellers.
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Most people invented surnames to fit in with the legal requirements for identity imposed by the British empire.

Otherwise your identity was defined by your father's name.

X son of y.
Nothinf wrong with it. Infact Pakistanis are number one in rejecting and Keeping distance from their Forefathers and Heritage. Wheatas keeping heritage and Kinship has nothing to do with religion.
Our non muslim forefathers were not Opressors Anti Muslim Warlords like Meccans. They were peacefull people who converted by their free will.
But our religious clergy have convinced us that every conversion is similar to Meccan conquest and we should treat and forget our preIslamic history Similar to how Early muslims rejected meccan triditions.
Identity Crisis at its peak in Pakistan.
we dont own history likr Harrapa , Texla ,Sindh , Indus Valley , Punjab , Shardah ruins etc. Saying its Kafir past and will run away to desperately claim kinship to Muhammad bin qasim Arabi , Muhammad Fateh Osmani Turki or Ahmad Shah Afghani. While these modern Indians are just Ruthlessly claiming every historic relic in subcontinent under the HINDU brand and we are letting them do it.
Infact letting India using the word HINDUSTAN on any forum was very very worng by Pakistan. They must have kept India or Bharat only. We just gave away our history to Modern Hindutva Cult.
Multiple cultural identity is normal. Its nothing wrong.
You can be a proud Muslim , Proud Punjabi , Proud sindhi , Proud decendent of Kelashis , Baltis , Indus Valley people at the same time.
Tribe/caste/surname yahi hota ha many tribes or castes are named after some ancestor
Caste is a profession which may be ethnic or tribal identity. Kshatriya is a caste and the blood Syed/Sharif or Deva is original ethnicity within the caste. Similarly, Rajput and Pathan are ethnicitities in Kshatriya. Blood Aryan is the original ethnicity in the Brahman caste.
Tribe caste biradari etc ham aik hi meaning main use kartay hain. By caste I mean bajwa kharal Bhutto etc
Yes, but originally caste is a profession in the Vedic system which over time became intertwined with ethnic identities, in many cases.
Pakistanis have 2 types of surnames. 1 type is tribe/clan. Definition of clan is a group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor. And second type of surname is profession like lohar(blacksmith) tirkhan(carpenter) julaha(weaver) mochi(cobbler) kumhar(potter) etc
It means Pakistanis retain pride in their working class caste. However, there is caste in Pakistan [same in India] which is very looked down upon for cleaning toilets. They should get respect.
Caste structure remained. Indian muslims became pathans, syeds, shah etc While in Pakistan there was no social pressure to adopt foreign identities for landholding castes apart from low caste converts. You see lots of mughals in Pakistan who are basically low caste converts but claim to be decedents of Babur. But when someone ask them why they are landless, they come with all sort of excuses. Their favourite excuse is sikhs toke away all their land.
I really feel like tagging a Mughal laarper rn

Yes, but originally caste is a profession in the Vedic system which over time became intertwined with ethnic identities, in many cases.
we never cared about vedic, Hindustani, barahmin and their views even before Islam

Most Arabs/Iranian and other also kept their pre Islamic names. Nothing wrong with that.
I know about arabs didn't know about Iran afaik they all have arab names


Only when Divinity comes into the equation people forget or mess up separation/function- ----of indivdual personalities on purpose -------

but humans seem to be ultra obsessive in retaining their own identities at all costs and there's nothing wrong with that unless it blurs your good judgement .
Most Arabs/Iranian and other also kept their pre Islamic names. Nothing wrong with that.
Technically vast majority of the Muslim names are pre-Islamic Arabic names including Muhammad.
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