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Why did PAF not buy F16/BLOCK 60

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Now the order of F-16s is further reduced to 18 from the previous number of 36.

The following story appeared in DAWN

Pakistan to buy only 18 F-16s

By Our Correspondent WASHINGTON, April 22: Pakistan has decided to halve the number of F-16 fighter jets it’s buying from the United States due to financial constraints, according to some diplomatic sources.

Pakistan had earlier agreed to buy 36 of these aircraft at a total cost of $5.1 billion, which included associated weapons, spares and upgrading of an earlier fleet purchased in the 1980s.

The proposed fleet of 36 new F-16 Block 50/52 planes was to cost Pakistan $3 billion while it was required to pay additional $650 million for weapons.

The decision to reduce the order by half would also halve the cost of buying new F-16s and that of the weapons associated with them.

Pakistan, however, will still have to spend $1.3 billion on mid-life update and modification of the F-16A/B aircraft purchased earlier. Engine modifications and purchasing some new equipment for the old fleet will cost Pakistan additional $151 million.The sources said the new aircraft will be fully equipped with weapons and facilities that come with an F-16 Block 50/52 aircraft. The planes will be capable of carrying nuclear and non-nuclear weapons.

The United States will, however, have the right to conduct frequent inspections and inventory checking.

“The media stories that new aircraft will not have the facility to carry a nuclear weapon do not make sense,” said a defence expert. He pointed out that the French Mirage aircraft now with PAF did not have such facilities when purchased. Pakistanis, however, modified the aircraft to make them nuclear capable.

Pakistan’s request for new planes and for the modification for its earlier fleet was put on hold after the October 2005 earthquake.

Pakistan never cut back on the order. The initial order was for 18 with an option to purchase 18 more which remains with us.
I am almost 99% sure that MKIs and Typhoons did not train together. The only exception to the case were a few photo-op sorties but not DACT.

The Eurofighter Consortium are vying for India's deal for the 126 MRCA. You can't really expect it to refuse a DACT engagement with the IAF and agree to just a sortie and still hope IAF thinks of buying the Typhoon.

These guys are bending over backwards to get India to give them a favorable chance.
The Eurofighter Consortium are vying for India's deal for the 126 MRCA. You can't really expect it to refuse a DACT engagement with the IAF and agree to just a sortie and still hope IAF thinks of buying the Typhoon.

These guys are bending over backwards to get India to give them a favorable chance.

The above was the exact reason (albeit from a different reason) due to which UK MOD did not want the Typhoon to go up against the MKI. In view of the Indian tradition of chest thumping and claims of besting every one (this is how the issue was described to the British journalists), with the upcoming MMRCA bids pending, the Brits did not want negative PR around the Typhoon. As such and as I have repeated, NO Typhoon vs MKI sorties took place.

If the RFP is accepted, then only would the EF would be made available for evaluation.
The simulation results mentioned below give a good insight about the capabilities of SU-35 vs. Rafale, Eurofighter, F-22 Raptor and F-15C.

Simulations conducted by British Aerospace and the British Defense Research Agency compared the effectiveness of the F-15C, Rafale, EF-2000 (Eurofighter Typhoon), and F-22 against the Russian Su-35 armed with active radar missiles similar to the AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM). The Rafale achieved a 1:1 kill ratio (1 Su-35 destroyed for each Rafale lost). The EF-2000 kill ratio was 4.5:1 while the F-22 achieved a ratio of 10:1. In stark contrast was the F-15C, losing 1.3 Eagles for each Su-35 destroyed.

I am talking about SU30 and Block 60 ffs.
I am talking about SU30 and Block 60 ffs.

i know...but as i mentioned in my post these simulation results will give an idea about the capabilities of the mentioned aircrafts.
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Agreed. Could I ask you to corroborate your findings with a link though? I want to read the full simulation if possible.

. .
APG68 radar is inferior to Bars PESA which tracks AT 200KM .

only the AESA equipped F16 block 60 CAN TRACK more and quicker then the RUSSIAN pesa

SU30 mki easily beat Singpores F16/BLOCK 52 IN 2007 excercises.

Same result in 2007 WITH usa f16 &f15... in Cope india.

To date onl;y the Typhoon & latest USA F22 have over killed SU30 MKI

wat...? now wen do u say the raptor went one on one wit d MKI...? atleast the typhooon had a chance and its pilot admitted dat MKI had extreme dogfit capability dan d typhoon... ok dat dis thrd s bout block 52, how can u say dat d raptor overkilled d MKI...?:what:
Stop saying this all the time that "we dont have money blaa blaa expensive". Can anyone explain where is our 15 years of money ?? 90-2005? Pakistan Airforce not even purchase any state of the art aircraft. Where is damn it 15 years of money ???

Come out from dream fantasy stories and look reality...

230 Su30 Mki
Mig29 + Naval series


50 F16s (MLU) + 18 Block 52
Crapy JF17 (In fantasy JF17 even shotdown F22 but in reality its a piece of REAL JUNK nuthing else. PAF objective about JF17 is to replace old fleet thats it nothing state of the art in this piece of junk)
J10 (So called 4 gen but no test reports nuthing just on paper)
25 years old mirage Rose 3 n 5

in front of 400 + 4Gen fighters forgod sake stop dreaming and use brain! comeout from dream about this crap JF17 ... wth JF17 in front of MKI looks MKI baby!

suppose we will get 36 Block 52 + 36 J10 = 70 in front of 230 + 126 4 + gen

THATS WHAT REALITY!! stop crying always that we dont have money too buy Rafale bla ablaa where is 20 years + money ??????
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Reasons for not having block 60 is perhaps
1. Was not offered to us.
2. We don't have the funds.

I think we should be happy with wat we are getting lets not forget the hardship the nation is facing against all odds... funds being a big issue as always so with looking at the funds that are there one must work with or work around wat they have and thats just wat PAF is doing > mlu f-16's , f-16 block 52 , jf-17 & fc-20 not to forget air to air fueling tankers & saab uav's etc.. although i wouldn't mind seeing 18 block 52's more who knows maybe a good idea or maybe not . One must understand that we in the end of the day are a defensive force and i think PAF handles that very well in safeguarding our land so everyone can sleep at ease at night :)
I think F 16 BLK 52 with pakistani pilots is one of the superiror F 16 in the world with PAF pilots it can take down F16 BLK 60 at any given day time and in atmosphere
Reasons for not having block 60 is perhaps
1. Was not offered to us.
2. We don't have the funds.

I think we should be happy with wat we are getting lets not forget the hardship the nation is facing against all odds... funds being a big issue as always so with looking at the funds that are there one must work with or work around wat they have and thats just wat PAF is doing > mlu f-16's , f-16 block 52 , jf-17 & fc-20 not to forget air to air fueling tankers & saab uav's etc.. although i wouldn't mind seeing 18 block 52's more who knows maybe a good idea or maybe not . One must understand that we in the end of the day are a defensive force and i think PAF handles that very well in safeguarding our land so everyone can sleep at ease at night :)

"Wars are never won on the defensive,... We must take the battle to the enemy and their territory".

Especially if u look our past Wars result!
stealth is right specially air superiority no country have never ever won a major war without a air superriority. countries which have air superirity like USA see the killing rate of their pilots todays are fought on air which decide who will win the war so it is effeciant that pakistan should build its airforce second to none QUIAD'S words why Quaid e Azam said it why he did not said this for navy and army becaus he knows in future air power will dectate the terms of war and unfortunatley we do not buy fighter jets which PAF and its pilots are made of and stand for but we are not behind too i think Pakistani govt has too take care airforce very seriously
"Wars are never won on the defensive,... We must take the battle to the enemy and their territory".

Especially if u look our past Wars result!

You didn't seem to understand wat i wrote read it again... i do agree with you upon wat you said but again PAF is a defensive force its always been one its prime role is to safeguard Pakistani airspace while Iaf enjoys both defensive and offensive roles because of its size . No doubt if GOD forgive war breaks out we will go in to enemy territory but its not the point i was trying to make we have to be happy with we have and are getting all of us can go back & forth all day long but end of the day its PAF 's call . :coffee:
Well What's the use of opening a 2 years old thread.

And a very very very good question raised by stealth.

PAF didn't bought anything for 20 years and so they must have accumlated 20 years money.So where did that money go.
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