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Why China Is Weak on Soft Power

More of your specialty below freezing: blatant racism!!!! You are sick in the head, my friend .....
This is the ill effect of brain washing education by the CCP. They actually believe in what they speak because they don't know any better.

It's sort of like how China's younger generations are unaware of the Tienanmen Square Protest while foreigners still remember it vividly.
those are the words American soldiers born and raised in the Deep South used to refer to Koreans. I'm not being racist, I'm quoting them.

You are an ignorant racist. Americans never referred to Koreans as "gooks". That term was used to deprecate Vietnamese by ignorant Americans. Just because some Americans have been racist does not make it right for you to pollute our Forum with your own racist disease.
those are the words American soldiers born and raised in the Deep South used to refer to Koreans. I'm not being racist, I'm quoting them.

So you haven't been to the US Deep South, Georgia.


And by the way, the American people believe the Korean people are not only intelligent, hard working and a good friend, but that they are free. The poor souls in the PRC are very intelligent, but are slaves to the sons and daughters of the blood-soaked Chinese Communist Party, their lords and masters.


What Chinese forgot, Americans remember and will teach it back to the forgotten future generation of liberated China.
And by the way, the American people believe the Korean people are not only intelligent, hard working and a good friend, but that they are free. The poor souls in the PRC are very intelligent, but are slaves to the sons and daughters of the blood-soaked Chinese Communist Party, their lords and masters.

I also believe the American people right now have exactly the government they deserve.
I also believe the American people right now have exactly the government they deserve.
Yes, and the structure of American government will be changed in November this year, when voters go to the polls. As bad as American government it may be, it is still at the mercy of voters.

There is no hope of Chinese government ever changing until the people rises up against Tienanmen Square/Arab Springs style and overthrow the CCP.
What Chinese forgot, Americans remember and will teach it back to the forgotten future generation of liberated China.

Yeah, those former Student leaders like Chai Ling living in US just appear once a year around June, make a speech condemming China then collect a Cheque from the President and dissappear again for another year. :lol:
Yes, and the structure of American government will be changed in November this year, when voters go to the polls. As bad as American government it may be, it is still at the mercy of voters.

There is no hope of Chinese government ever changing until the people rises up against Tienanmen Square/Arab Springs style and overthrow the CCP.

I think Chun Doo Hwan missed one.
Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese hatred of China is nothing compare to Mongolian hatred of China. And don't forget Vietnam too. Oh well, China is indeed surrounded by haters.
Such as? So called imaginary friend of China won't be coming to help China when China's in a military confrontation with its China-hating neighbors because they are far away, while China hating countries are next door to China.

You guys are good at collecting anti- China news.:tup:
I also have some Japanese anti-South Korea photos should I post them too?:woot:
As for Mongol, well, a loser country who scares themselves that China will invade them only because Mongol was part of China 65 years ago. I can understand their fear but we are not intersted in them.
U use the radical "nazi"(shoddy copy) even despised by common Mongols to represent Mongol? How funny!

And military confrontation with your so-called China-haters?(Let me count: Mongol South-Korea Japan Vietnam India Philippine:coffee:)
First I msut write the basic principle :China does not need military help from our friends because we can easily handle these little conflict and also the irrelevant countries should not be involved in the conflict.

For Mongol: No confrontation with China,we are OK.More and more rich Monglos sent their kids to study
in China. We can clean up misnuderstanding through communications.

For South-Korea: Do you know why China allows S.Korea companies make big profit in China? because
compared with Japan, we can easily crush you economy only by asking North-Korea to do something.:devil:
Check the trade stastics between SKorea and China,your country are now completly dependant on China! Soth-Korea dare not provoke China.
Whats the most important is ,the top leader of South-Korea army is US command of U.S. forces stationed in Soth-Korea.Without your US papa's order, you South-Korea has no right to fire.:cry:

For Japan: In the same or even worse situation like you S.Korea.The Japanese Peace Consititution Article 9 says that Japan has no right to declare war on any country.
I lived in japan for three years and I know the Japanese Government is only a puppet,Japan has no independence in diplomacy and Milliatry.And also Japanese economy is getting more and more dependant on

For Vietname: Well,a naughty boy who need spanking.When they are prepared just notice us.I'll by some popcorn.:pop:

For Philippine: Another puppet of Uncle Sam.Hope they won't get into too much trouble with the brave guerrillas.And also good luck to their old boats in Soth China Sea.Please do not sink because free target ship is always welcomed.:lol:

For India: Having been disscussed a lot in this forum.

China can gentlely increase military expenditure by only 1% GDP and it may be the whole GDP of many country.So those china-hater counties, you are always welcomed
to hold an arms race with us.
And I hope ID:Korean just not only ranting in forums but also take action in real life to persuda your S.Korean pesident to support the confrontation with China. :lol:
Yes, and the structure of American government will be changed in November this year, when voters go to the polls. As bad as American government it may be, it is still at the mercy of voters.

US is stuck in the two old ideologies. US actually only have these two choices. Its all showtime and may the better lier with more money wins.
Of course the CCP cares; this is why Hu Jintao is ranting about the foreign soft power and the need to raise China's own soft power, and why the Chinese government spends billions of dollars to build and run so-called Confucius Institutes around the world giving free Chinese language and culture classes to all who are willing. Heck I can learn Mandarin for free if I wanted to, but am not interested.
You mean the Western style democracy?By far I admit it still a "soft power" to some Chinese, but it is becoming weaker and weaker. Why?Watch the news occurred in West.It is not such a perfect system to every country in the world that the West had proclaimed.
Since 1989,China's progress has proved everything, so it is time to build some Confucius Institutes to to tell the world how china thinks
about the world and the experience in nation-building.
Hu requires Chinese people to be alert of western thought because the West never stops financing anti-China organization all over the
world especially inside China to disrupt China's society and the process of China's nation-building, they never gives up the so-called
Peaceful Change like what they did to Soviet-Union.
But as for the other harmless "soft power" like advanced technology, Hollywood movies,pop music, we enjoy them very much:azn:.
skyknight said:
For Vietname: Well,a naughty boy who need spanking.When they are prepared just notice us.I'll by some popcorn.
After ramming China ship, what all China govt. can do is giving more money taken from poor Chinese to VN and beg to buy more oil to avoid economy collapse too :lol:
After ramming China ship, what all China govt. can do is giving more money taken from poor Chinese to VN and beg to buy more oil to avoid economy collapse too :lol:

no matter how bad China is, the fact is Vietnamese are swimming to China across the ocean.
After ramming China ship, what all China govt. can do is giving more money taken from poor Chinese to VN and beg to buy more oil to avoid economy collapse too :lol:
Sorry it hurts your fragile heart:devil:

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