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Why China Is Weak on Soft Power

Well. No developing country has a strong 'soft power' capability around the globe. Even Bollywood isn't that strong. How many Westerners do you think actually watch Indian films? Very few.

But then, Anime has led to an entirely new cultural age now and beyond.

As far as China and India goes...who knows? :D

As far as China being a totalitarian state goes...people have their opinions. Even the US itself supports and arms 'totalitarian regimes' in the Middle East where there is little or no Democracy. In the end, they still support them.

And then blame countries like China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc as being 'bad', 'dumb', 'oppressive', 'backward', 'backstabber', 'dangerous', destructive, etc. See the kind of hypocrisy the guys are displaying.

From the US POV, it is in fact little about Democracy and freedom. It is all about having control.

Give me jingoism, or give me death.
Great, when I call you ilogical, you just pull more silly articles and believe that enough nonsense makes sense automatically. Please, ask some Chinese to know why Super/Happy girl has trouble and many other "voting based" contest are OK. You probably don't know tonight's New Year Gala is also voting based for best programs. Next time try concluding this is "Both programs are banned because Chinese has gender injustice and this shows a clear discrimination against girls". It is still stupid but at least it makes more logical sense.

"Korean" knows. "Korean" is on a dedicated crusade to spread the images of Koreans being the sweetest smelling being in the universe.

"Korean" shoots off 50 to 60 posts EVERYDAY bashing China. Is there another person so dedicate ? Do you even think you can reason with him.
Then he turns around and strangles Chinese content creators, the very people who are supposed to battle foreign cultural influences.

1. WTO rule requires a fair access to each member's market, including content product. China is obliged to open its content market under the WTO rule. France and Korea you mention have a quota, which is never actually exercised because their local content industries are strong enough so that their market shares never go down enough to trigger the quota. The quota system in France and Korea is the tool of last resort in an emergency case, not something that's used everyday as in China.

2. The only way to strengthen Chinese content industry is via a competition with foreign content, and the CCP is ensuring that the Chinese content industry stays weak by restricting foreign competition. Furthermore, the CCP weakens the Chinese content industry through heavy censorship. It is for this reason all the strong content producers that influence others are free democratic countries, where the freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed.
what you do is right, what we do is wrong. Any chinese kwon your thick face skin.
I just checked out what you stated and it seems to be true his account was banned and seems highly obsessed with china. Korean=Slowman

Obviously he has not reflect on his errors and is making fun of this forum. If we do not want this forum to degrade into a pissing contest then he should be banned for life.
hard power is what matters.
china is now too powerful to be controlled by anyone.

Hard power wins enemies.
Soft power wins friends.

This is why China is surrounded by enemies, and the only "friend" it has is Pakistan. If you want to see the situation stay the same, that every neighbor of China hates China, then so be it.

The whole American "First and Second Island Chains" containment strategy that China despise so much works because China allows it to happen by pissing off and threatening its neighbors. China's military confrontations will not weaken the chain but only strengthen it.
Hard power wins enemies.
Soft power wins friends.

This is why China is surrounded by enemies, and the only "friend" it has is Pakistan. If you want to see the situation stay the same, that every neighbor of China hates China, then so be it.

The whole American "First and Second Island Chains" containment strategy that China despise so much works because China allows it to happen by pissing off and threatening its neighbors. China's military confrontations will not weaken the chain but only strengthen it.
I would agree to the overall motif of the thread ; China for the most of its part has minimal influence (currently) beyond Asia. Even the progress made by China cannot be defined as "path-breaking" as it may seem. For all the rankings Chinese may have on the IMO, IPO or in ICPC, the qualitative output in research still has to seep through. I would say that similar to JEE, even if Indians were dedicated to preparing and appearing in IMO or IPO, they can break into the top 3. Many of the papers reviewed either in Tsinghua or in Chinese Univ. of HK are scarcely worthwhile papers to read. Also, i hardly see of any innovations or products that come to define Chinese advances. Japan performs far better in that respect.

Overall, the soft power is a multilateral and a multidimensional aspect. Chinese lag in many many of those dimensions. And i would love to be proved wrong, but Chinese seem good at catching-up, but not in being global trendsetters.
China pushed the US out of N. Korea? The way I remember is Chinese buddy N Korea invaded the South, and was pushed out. The Chinese were able to hold NK, but at the time of the armistice, were being pushed back. If I remember correctly the US has bases in Korea, right on China's doorstep, we haven't been pushed anywhere.
I would agree to the overall motif of the thread ; China for the most of its part has minimal influence (currently) beyond Asia. Even the progress made by China cannot be defined as "path-breaking" as it may seem. For all the rankings Chinese may have on the IMO, IPO or in ICPC, the qualitative output in research still has to seep through. I would say that similar to JEE, even if Indians were dedicated to preparing and appearing in IMO or IPO, they can break into the top 3. Many of the papers reviewed either in Tsinghua or in Chinese Univ. of HK are scarcely worthwhile papers to read. Also, i hardly see of any innovations or products that come to define Chinese advances. Japan performs far better in that respect.

Overall, the soft power is a multilateral and a multidimensional aspect. Chinese lag in many many of those dimensions. And i would love to be proved wrong, but Chinese seem good at catching-up, but not in being global trendsetters.

kid, you were born Indian. its not my job to educate you, its the job of your government, and it apparently failed. Go look up Huawei and ZTE, and what their sales in Europe look like, and compare to uh... Aakash.
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Hard power wins enemies.
Soft power wins friends.

This is why China is surrounded by enemies, and the only "friend" it has is Pakistan. If you want to see the situation stay the same, that every neighbor of China hates China, then so be it.

The whole American "First and Second Island Chains" containment strategy that China despise so much works because China allows it to happen by pissing off and threatening its neighbors. China's military confrontations will not weaken the chain but only strengthen it.
So far as I know, only the koreans,Japanese,Taiwanese like using the idiom“Whole world hate China”:devil:
And the same character they share is that they all are dogs of America.
In their eyes,“World”are the USA,UK,France,Korean,Japan Taiwan,All are developed
WEST countries and their vassals.
But to China,“World”also contains Africa,Latin America,Islam world,and developing Asian countries
We never feel lonely coz we have true friends all over the world though they are not able to make its own voice on the global stage now
And we dont care the so-called soft power(Give me an exact definition),because we will continue
following our own way which had been proved right and good to the “World(Chinese definition)":wave::smokin:
So far as I know, only the koreans,Japanese,Taiwanese like using the idiom“Whole world hate China”:devil:
Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese hatred of China is nothing compare to Mongolian hatred of China. And don't forget Vietnam too. Oh well, China is indeed surrounded by haters.

Mongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese sentiment fuels rise of ultra-nationalism | World news | The Guardian


We never feel lonely coz we have true friends all over the world
Such as? So called imaginary friend of China won't be coming to help China when China's in a military confrontation with its China-hating neighbors because they are far away, while China hating countries are next door to China.

And we dont care the so-called soft power(Give me an exact definition)
Of course the CCP cares; this is why Hu Jintao is ranting about the foreign soft power and the need to raise China's own soft power, and why the Chinese government spends billions of dollars to build and run so-called Confucius Institutes around the world giving free Chinese language and culture classes to all who are willing. Heck I can learn Mandarin for free if I wanted to, but am not interested.
So far as I know, only the koreans,Japanese,Taiwanese like using the idiom“Whole world hate China”:devil:
And the same character they share is that they all are dogs of America.
In their eyes,“World”are the USA,UK,France,Korean,Japan Taiwan,All are developed
WEST countries and their vassals.
But to China,“World”also contains Africa,Latin America,Islam world,and developing Asian countries
We never feel lonely coz we have true friends all over the world though they are not able to make its own voice on the global stage now
And we dont care the so-called soft power(Give me an exact definition),because we will continue
following our own way which had been proved right and good to the “World(Chinese definition)":wave::smokin:

its funny how they keep trying to prove they're "less inferior".
its funny how they keep trying to prove they're "less inferior" when the whites still think they're dumb goo*ks.

More of your specialty below freezing: blatant racism!!!! You are sick in the head, my friend .....
More of your specialty below freezing: blatant racism!!!! You are sick in the head, my friend .....

those are the words American soldiers born and raised in the Deep South used to refer to Koreans. I'm not being racist, I'm quoting them.

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