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Why China Is Weak on Soft Power

The relationship that the US side is happy to drop and go elsewhere(India and Vietnam). As long as the trade isn't balanced, the value of the relationship with China isn't worth much.

LOL, the US government is refusing to even officially label us as a currency manipulator.

U.S. Treasury Declines to Name China a Currency Manipulator - Businessweek

US Treasury says China not manipulating currency | Reuters

Now you're telling me they are going to drop the trade and go elsewhere? Give me a call when it actually happens. :lol:
We can quantitatively measure soft power in China by: topics posted on Baidu forums about this star, number of posts made about this star, number of registered fans.

Jason Zhang, from Sichuan


845,904 topics, 53,483,287 posts, 180,083 registered fans on Baidu forums

Li Yuchun, from Sichuan


2,918,361 topics,58,703,534 posts,133,676 fans

Jay Chou, from Taiwan


1,565,555 topics, 33,911,646 posts, 201,354 registered fans on Baidu forums

SNSD from South Korea


132,303 topics, 7,943,622 posts, 71,766 fans

Lee Jung Hyun, from South Korea


35978 topics,550102 posts,3802 fans
Dude, are you really Korean? I have met so many Koreans and none of them is so obsessed with China. All your posts are nothing else but China bashing. I just feel weird that a guy from a developed country is so obsessed doing this against a developing country unless he has some inferior complex.

Looks like Korean is back. Should have banned him for life.

But still banned from a PRO-US forum. He post as Slowman in MilitaryPhotos.net
He becomes the standard for Over The Top anti-China post


Look, on a serious note, China is a great nation with a very intelligent and hard-working people. The world will benefit tremendously from Chinese soft power, if it arrives in a benevolent fashion. As an American, the only real complaint I have with the PRC government is that it does not trust its own people to have basic freedoms, and that it does not help create human rights and stability in the world in general. I have no doubt that the Chinese people will develop a government that is worthy of its people within another two generations, if not sooner.
Look, on a serious note, China is a great nation with a very intelligent and hard-working people. The world will benefit tremendously from Chinese soft power, if it arrives in a benevolent fashion. As an American, the only real complaint I have with the PRC government is that it does not trust its own people to have basic freedoms, and that it does not help create human rights and stability in the world in general. I have no doubt that the Chinese people will develop a government that is worthy of its people within another two generations, if not sooner.

I have no doubt that the American people will also have a government worthy of their great people in the next 15 years.
Whats wrong with totalitarian regimes? most superpowers in the past were totalitarian regimes, even soviet union was a totalitaian regime. Technically UK is a totalitarian regime, the queen runs things there with her power, the constitution is just a mask.
IHu was saying that China was under assault by Western soft power — the ability to produce outcomes through persuasion and attraction rather than coercion or payment — and needed to fight back.
Then he turns around and strangles Chinese content creators, the very people who are supposed to battle foreign cultural influences.

Why on earth should China empower these weapons of Western propaganda by giving them free reign over Chinese minds?

1. WTO rule requires a fair access to each member's market, including content product. China is obliged to open its content market under the WTO rule. France and Korea you mention have a quota, which is never actually exercised because their local content industries are strong enough so that their market shares never go down enough to trigger the quota. The quota system in France and Korea is the tool of last resort in an emergency case, not something that's used everyday as in China.

2. The only way to strengthen Chinese content industry is via a competition with foreign content, and the CCP is ensuring that the Chinese content industry stays weak by restricting foreign competition. Furthermore, the CCP weakens the Chinese content industry through heavy censorship. It is for this reason all the strong content producers that influence others are free democratic countries, where the freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed.
Whats wrong with totalitarian regimes?
All the developed countries are free democratic countries. A totalitarian regime means you will stay a 3rd world country forever.

most superpowers in the past were totalitarian regimes, even soviet union was a totalitaian regime.
And the Soviet Union collapsed, not to mention that the quality of individual citizen's life in the Soviet Union was poor.

Technically UK is a totalitarian regime, the queen runs things there with her power
No she does not. The queen may reign, but not rule the UK. This is how the Britain beat France for world domination.
Whats wrong with totalitarian regimes? most superpowers in the past were totalitarian regimes, even soviet union was a totalitaian regime. Technically UK is a totalitarian regime, the queen runs things there with her power, the constitution is just a mask.

Totalitarian regimes do things like this:

Bodo League massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to Prof. Kim Dong-Choon, Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, at least 100,000 people were executed on suspicion of supporting communism.[2] Historians believe up to 200,000 were killed by the United Nations-allied South Korean military and South Korean Police.[3] South Korean civilian organizations believe there might have been up to 1,200,000 victims.[1] The massacres were wrongly blamed on the communists for decades.[4]

Gwangju Democratization Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During this period, citizens rose up against Chun Doo-hwan's military dictatorship and took control of the city. In the course of the uprising, citizens took up arms to defend themselves, but were ultimately crushed by the South Korean army. The event is sometimes called 518, in reference to the date the uprising began.

Based on reports by foreign press sources and critics of the Chun Doo-hwan administration, it has been argued that the actual death toll was in the 1,000 to 2,000 range.[11][12]
Looks like Korean is back. Should have banned him for life.

But still banned from a PRO-US forum. He post as Slowman in MilitaryPhotos.net
He becomes the standard for Over The Top anti-China post



I just checked out what you stated and it seems to be true his account was banned and seems highly obsessed with china. Korean=Slowman
Look, on a serious note, China is a great nation with a very intelligent and hard-working people. The world will benefit tremendously from Chinese soft power, if it arrives in a benevolent fashion. As an American, the only real complaint I have with the PRC government is that it does not trust its own people to have basic freedoms, and that it does not help create human rights and stability in the world in general. I have no doubt that the Chinese people will develop a government that is worthy of its people within another two generations, if not sooner.

It seems the it's the other way around in the last 2001-2011 the USA hasn't been able to keep the world stable , including assassinating it's own citizens, Patriot Act, Guantanamo Bay detention, Iraq and Afghanistan including breaking Human Rights and Stability of the world( Middle East in general.)
Technically UK is a totalitarian regime, the queen runs things there with her power, the constitution is just a mask.

If you actually believe what you wrote, then you are truly ignorant. You can't be THAT dumb, can you??
It seems the it's the other way around in the last 2001-2011 the USA hasn't been able to keep the world stable , including assassinating it's own citizens, Patriot Act, Guantanamo Bay detention, Iraq and Afghanistan including breaking Human Rights and Stability of the world( Middle East in general.)

What?? Patriot Act and Guantanamo are righteous actions, or just a tad too PRC-like for your tastes? Iraq and Afghanistan are as stable as the Iraqi's and Afghans are, themselves, stable.
What?? Patriot Act and Guantanamo are righteous actions, or just a tad too PRC-like for your tastes? Iraq and Afghanistan are as stable as the Iraqi's and Afghans are, themselves, stable.

Seems your becoming the new us seems Americans don't like that, iraq and afghanistan are all flowers and rainbows with great democracy you brought . great job on Iraq seems a civil war a coming :wave:

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