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Why are we so backward?

You know, even as an agnostic, I don't think the problem is too much religion. Theres nothing wrong with religion, but when you have it up at such a level where it determines someones life or death over a petty crime, there you have your problem.

When you have a theocracy doing the governance, you will spend the rest of your lives argueing over whos interpretation is correct, etc etc. There should be a seperation of Mosque and State in order to move forward.
religion is the force that has driven muslims in the past as well, so you cant blame it, plus muslims take religion very seriously (even if they aint quite practicing muslims themselves)

infact the reason for us lagging is being away from religion, religion teaches you all from building society to everyday manners... if we simply follow our religion, there wont be any corruption, no lawlessness and other things like that!!!

religon is not bad and it doesnt cause any harm, but fanatism in religion is the root cause of many problems, be it jew extremist, muslim, christian, hindo etc.
we are backward because we have ignored Islam If we start following Islam we will progress better than anyother country and every problem we face as a society will be solved because Islam gives everyone equal rights
Whoever thinks it is the religion (the foundation of morality) that is making us backward, must think God invented the world in 20th century.
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Even if you are an atheist and you have some kind of belief in God I am sure he will protect you and will make you a better human being and u seem like one so congratulations to you and your patents!!!
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I completely agree with you. Apologetic ranting has never helped anyone get their point across and you sir just made me realize that i use my disdain for dogma in a dogmatic fashion myself. kudos. Read Thomas Friedman's article Why Nations Fail. quite insightful
Tbh he is not a "weak fickle minded" he has an open mind thats why he was able to leave islam you belive in what ever you are feeded. You belive that what ever the quran says is correct but have you ever tried to find out the mistakes in it ? .

"Pakistan is so backwards because of individuals like Pakistani Atheist"

No its backwards cause of people like you. who call other people stupid just because your opinion is diffrent from there's.

"This is why Pakistani Atheist posts are full of dumb@ss nonsense"

Tbh his post are much more better then most of the posts that are made on thsi fourm. if you don't belive in me just go and look other threads and compare the posts.

"He is trying to fit in the white crowd and be like them just as the indians "
Now thats just being racist you get mad when some posts against isalm and call em racist yet you your self made a post in which you discrimenated, "White people", indians and atheists.

Oh and sorry abou the spellings =P.

Completely Agree with all above points !!
Pakistani Atheist post & comments here are so logical & thought provoking.... it goes well with all south asian countries plight
We are extremists because we have forgotten one of the most emphasized virtues in Islam, patience. I know Pakistani_Athiest may not be right about everything but calling him weak minded and dumb is not the way to argue with him. This is exactly whats wrong with these terrorists that they think "Oh so he doesn't agree with us, he is a kafir so lets blow him up". Islam teaches us to respect other religions and their followers, our ancestors impressed people into embracing Islam by virtue of their good behavior, not by force. Muslim armies were told never to attack first even during a war and the aggressor was deemed Cruel and inhuman by our Prophet (S.W) . Killing one Human Being (Not a Muslim only) is defined as killing all humanity in the Holy Quran. We are backward because we have modified the understanding of the Holy Quran to our liking and we try to be Muslims when we are not even human being. Like i have said before, carrying a beard, wearing shalwar kameez and even praying five times a day does not make us good Muslims because Islam tell us that "a good Muslim is the one who does not harm others with his hands or his tongue".

Very Well Said Bro !!:yahoo:
Why is Pakistan lagging behind THIS bad, despite having many hardworking and smart citizens?

I say 'obsession with religion'.

Check out the threads. Every thread from Stephen Hawking's comment of extra-terrestrial to cricket to even movies translates to a discussion on religion.

MR Atheist its not religion but politics being played with religion or religious peoples that bring trouble..

Pakistan is in trouble because of our incompetent leaders
Pakistan only seems "backward" because our of our politcians and all of the corruption in the country.

And if it weren't for our beautiful religion, Pakistan would be a mess.

Our religion teaches us:
- To provide money for the poor
- Be nice to our neighbours
- Work hard in life not for the sake of yourself, but for the sake of others and Allah
- To be punctual (follow the 5 daily prayers etc.)
- To experience what it's like being poor and having no food (By Fasting)
- Being kind to women, children and elders
- Being good to our brothers, Unity (praying side by side in congregation)
- To not steal, to not hurt or kill others, to not harm anyone, be Nice to others and to not hurt the feelings of others

Our religion is the most beautiful thing in the world and if anything, it is helping us be a prosperous country.

May Allah guide you to the right path, you seem to be very misguided, please fear Allah's punishment. Seek forgiveness and come to the true path. Read the Qu'ran cover to cover, everything has been clarified in the Qu'ran.

Don't let any propaganda against Islam deceive you. Terrorists are not Muslims, they are scum of the Earth. Open yourself to Islam with a clear mindset and you'll see how beautiful the religion is.
Bill Maher: The irony of religion is that because of its power to
divert man to destructive courses, the world could actually come to
an end. The plain fact is, religion must die for mankind to live.
The hour is getting very late to be able to indulge having in key
decisions made by religious people. By irrationalists, by those who
would steer the ship of state not by a compass, but by the
equivalent of reading the entrails of a chicken. George Bush prayed
a lot about Iraq, but he didnt learn a lot about it. Faith means
making a virtue out of not thinking. Its nothing to brag about.
And those who preach faith, and enable and elevate it are
intellectual slaveholders, keeping mankind in a bondage to fantasy
and nonsense that has spawned and justified so much lunacy and
destruction. Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings
who dont have all the answers to think that they do. Most people
would think its wonderful when someone says, "Im willing, Lord!
Ill do whatever you want me to do!" Except that since there are no
gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with
their own corruptions and limitations and agendas. And anyone who
tells you they know, they just know what happens when you die, I
promise you, you dont. How can I be so sure? Because I dont know,
and you do not possess mental powers that I do not. The only
appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not
the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt.
Doubt is humble, and thats what man needs to be, considering that
human history is just a litany of getting **** dead wrong. This is
why rational people, anti-religionists, must end their timidity and
come out of the closet and assert themselves. And those who
consider themselves only moderately religious really need to look
in the mirror and realize that the solace and comfort that religion
brings you comes at a horrible price. If you belonged to a
political party or a social club that was tied to as much bigotry,
misogyny, homophobia, violence, and sheer ignorance as religion is,
youd resign in protest. To do otherwise is to be an enabler, a
mafia wife, for the true devils of extremism that draw their
legitimacy from the billions of their fellow travelers. If the
world does come to an end here, or wherever, or if it limps into
the future, decimated by the effects of religion-inspired nuclear
terrorism, lets remember what the real problem was. We learned how
to precipitate mass death before we got past the neurological
disorder of wishing for it. Thats it. Grow up or die.
There is a documentary made by Bill Maher called "Religulous". Something he said there made a lot of sense to me about the religion, people can check it out and judge for themselves which religions are trying not leting people to do.
Movie Quotes for Religulous
Why is Pakistan lagging behind THIS bad, despite having many hardworking and smart citizens?

I say 'obsession with religion'.

Check out the threads. Every thread from Stephen Hawking's comment of extra-terrestrial to cricket to even movies translates to a discussion on religion.

i sayy not religion. ur completely wrong. arabs are more into religion that u, but they r progressing very fast.

i tell u the reason. education. there is study done by some university in europe claiming that countries that lag behind in education will simply lag behing in everything.
pakistans literacy is 40% out of which 20% cant read ond write properly and rest 20% are not competent.

second reason is that pakistan has the worlds most failed political system after african nations. coups and instability has never let this country grow.

last year pak govt reduced education budget by 40% which india increased by 40% and is planning to tripple its budget after 2012.

ur leaders could havemade an image of successfull pakistan but after 1971 abnd 1999 investors thought this country is insane that can attack anyone anytime. better stay away. noone wants to go pakistan and put a doll in.

today pakistan is so underdeveloped that it cant even build a good quality car in its country.

pakistan ranking in science spending as a % of gdp is lower than even nigeria and other african nationa. it is in last 6 in the world.
pakistan's suparco launched a rocket before isro did, but today the different is clear.

pakistan is simply an over all 100% failure. i am sorry but even a revolution by imran khan will take atleast 10-15 yrs to make this nation stand on feet.

plzz watch this video i think this guy explains it pretty well.

10 blunders in the history of Pakistan - YouTube

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