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Why are dogs paleet in our culture?


Apr 24, 2022
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I love dogs. After the horse, it is man's best friend IMHO.
One day I was walking my German shepherd and my neighbors dog came running towards me and I think it was gonna bite me with the way it was charging towards me but my little German shepherd who was only 7 months old stood there like a rock infront of a bigger dog and protected me. I have loved dogs ever since. They are very loyal to the human beings.
But in Pakistan, dogs aren't treated very well. You don't have to sleep with them like in the west but take better care of them cause they deserve our love too.
🐕 :smitten:
But cats are special. How can you hate these small, generally gentle beauties ?
I don't dislike them. In fact I like cats and had many as pets at one time. However apartment living is not suited for pets and after the last one died I decided against any more.
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I don't dislike them. In fact I like cats and had many as pets at one time.

Good to know you like cats.

However apartment living is not suited for pets and after the last one died I decided against any more.

Yes, cats should not be confined to apartments and India outside now is anyway not conducive to cats. I don't have cats now because I don't want to become sad and disappointed if, no, once, they are killed by dogs.
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Sorry but I have better knowledge and experience with cats than you so please take my suggestions.

Good that you are letting your cats out into a large yard but they will at some point want to climb the fence. What will you do when they go beyond ? Will you want they to be tortured to death by dogs ?
Google roller fences.

You clearly have very little experience with cats. The biggest threats to vaccinated, outdoor cats, at least in Pakistan, are Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV), razor fences, and vehicles. The two viruses are readily caught from stray cats, and the prevalence of these viruses is around 50% in Pakistani stray cats. The most important precaution that cat owners need to take in these parts is the prevention of contact between stray cats and vaccinated pet cats.

My cats are far too smart for stray dogs. The stray dogs pose a very small threat to cats. They pose none to cats in a yard protected via roller fences.
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You clearly have very little experience with cats.

Unlike you confining your cats cruelly I had built a shelter for them on the terrace that included plant pots on its entrace to protect the cats, including the babies, from crows. There were later two babies who would sleep with me in my room at night but would be on the terrace and other places in the day. All ultimately killed by dogs.

My cats are far too smart for stray dogs.

Cats are smart, than you, but dogs attack in gangs and have strategy and in many places jump into compounds to hunt the cat and once because of which we put a railing on our compound. You are not experienced in how dogs behave including when they see or hear cats.

@jamahir you're a retard

I'll reply to your post later if I remember

Don't bother if you are so arrogant and fond of using stupid internet abuses. In an evolved society people like you would be sent off into re-education camps for six months to a year to learn to become useful to humanity for the first time in your life. This was agreed by Bilal bhai too if you remember.
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I had a Gultair, a Gaurd dog, Called him Moti, Pearl. He was a Good and Fighter Dog. We took him to alot of Ring Fights in Rawalakot and Bagh (We call them khaarey) he won all of them. I was 6 or 7 back then when i would venture on to Jungle on my own just because my dog wad thete beside me
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Unlike you confining your cats cruelly I had built a shelter for them on the terrace that included plant pots on its entrace to protect the cats, including the babies, from crows. There were later two babies who would sleep with me in my room at night but would be on the terrace and other places in the day. All ultimately killed by dogs.
Unfortunately, you have been less successful in protecting your cats than I. That says something about the superiority of my approach as a caregiver to the animal in my charge. Not only are my pets safe, they are also happy, healthy, and very playful.
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I had a Gultair, a Gaurd dog, Called him Moti, Pearl. He was a Good and Fighter Dog. We took him to alot of Ring Fights in Rawalakot and Bagh (We call them khaarey) he won all of them. I was 6 or 7 back then when i would venture on to Jungle on my own just because my dog wad thete beside me

Wah, firstly you did the wrong thing of having a dog and then you put it into a gambling match by watching two dogs attack each other to shreds. What an enlightened activity. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, you have been less successful in protecting your cats than I. That says something about the superiority of my approach as a caregiver to the animal in my charge. Not only are my pets safe, they are also happy, healthy, and very playful.

You come live in India with its now 60+ million street dogs which can be the human population of a mid-sized country. There are on average four dogs in many streets. Some years ago I used to shoot at the dogs around my house with an air rifle and for some time dogs would be afraid to pass through those three roads and would not stay on those three roads so for some time it became safe for cats to be there. And then two stupid households, one including a Muslim, began encouraging dogs and dogs took over. I have told off people about dogs. At the moment the Indian "animal protection" laws make me and many other sufferers helpless and I can only chase away the dogs from near my house in little ways. If you live here you will know the just irrational environment created by stupid people like our @Sharma Ji. They feed dogs and not humans.
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Wah, firstly you did the wrong thing of having a dog and then you put it into a gambling match by watching two dogs attack each other to shreds. What an enlightened activity. :rolleyes:
Well that's village life. Have you seen Two Roosters fight each other?:D I have the aseel kind , the top one
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Well that's village life. Have you seen Two Roosters fight each other?:D I have the aseel kind , the top one

My mamu raised countless dogs for fighting. The best of the best breeds. Waderas from other cities would come buy from him.

Personally, I think it’s cruel and never found it interesting. Also it is haram.

Interestingly enough, my mamu has vast knowledge and love for dogs, but he’s the one that told me that their loyalty to their owners is conditional.
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800 bites and her face destroyed ! These dogs and the one in your examples should have been shot immediately. Dogs must be eradicated. This propaganda about the supposed goodness of dogs needs to be defeated. It has gone on for too long.

Yes, there are many incidents of dogs attacking and even killing people. There are 900 million dogs in the world, so the attacks probably don’t even represent 0.1%.

Dogs develop personalities based on how they’re raised. A dog that is raised with affection is friendly even with strangers. One raised badly can be aggressive even with his owner. Some breeds, like Pit Bulls, were bred for fighting, so they are more likely to attack, and are banned in some countries.

I had a Doberman that are thought to be aggressive but he was the friendliest dog I’ve ever known.

It’s people who are ultimately responsible for making sure their dog behaves properly.
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My mamu raised countless dogs for fighting. The best of the best breeds. Waderas from other cities would come buy from him.

Personally, I think it’s cruel and never found it interesting. Also it is haram.

Interestingly enough, my mamu has vast knowledge and love for dogs, but he’s the one that told me that their loyalty to their owners is conditional.
My opinion is exactly like your's except it was my cousins . they didn't raise them for fighting but they occasionally took them

I have never watched a rooster fight and don't intend to.
Well , It's usually on Domestic Disputes rather than organzied fights.
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I love dogs - I’ve kept dogs from a very early age - including working a dog. For some reason the bond humans have with dogs is unique.
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Dogs are only loyal to food. That’s why they can change up on their owners depending on who is feeding them. A lot of bullshit being propagated by naive people about dogs being loyal...

What non sense.
Dogs all around saved their owners by endangering themselves. The dog at my dera fought with a wild wolf , when the wolf tried to take away the baby lamb. All family members were sleeping at that time and the dog belly was full. That was an act of pure loyalty.
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