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Why Arabs are so desperate to pay for US Syria strike?

That's a load of caca. Saddam thought that the Algiers agreement between Iraq and Iran was in his disfavor. He attacked Iran , when he thought Iran was weak after the exile of the shah and the dismantling of the Iranian army structure by Khomeney.

Khomeini started running his death squads in Iraq before the attack, let just not take sides.
Arab states and Militaries are set up to preserve their own status and power, the same goes for the muslim world in general but you are begining to see major change in the wider muslim world

Militaries from Turkey to Indonesia from Pakistan to Bangladesh are being pushed back into the barraks & thats the best place for them

Change is happening in the arab and muslim world but the old self serving usless orders are trying to keep power and stop change, e.g Egyptian scum military, assad and the saudi's

These bastards could make life for our world much more easier if they see the writing on the world and go in peace but the scum will spill as much muslim blood as they can before they are gotten rid of

That is a statement of a naive revolutionary and Utopian idealist, but the world is not just black and white, its full of shades of grey. I want to ask you, where would Muslim Brotherhood be today without the financial backing of Qatar's Emirs and the support they got from Al Jazeera. And where are they today after Qatar dropped MB like a hot potato after Morsi's fall? Next time try to include and accommodate some more powerful people in the model of your revolution or evolution and not go against them, this way the plan may have more chances of success. Win-win solution is always better than a zero-sum win-lose and have more chances of success.
Arabs are useless people if they all put an actual effort together to solve their geo-political problems and interests the Middle East would be a better place to live in. I'm not speaking about economical interests, they do cooperate in other fields. But, still some countries are in desperate help, like Egypt, I don't care how much money you put in that country the poverty is still immense there and the economy isn't viable for most of the population.

And they just sit and watch while the Egyptian army is starving the Palestinian population in Gaza by closing the border and shutting down the tunnels, which mostly smuggle goods for the average person and they are largely dependent on the tunnels. It's a real crisis and the Arabic world isn't even paying attention.

I've never seen such militaries that literally serve their political masters. You don't feel like they are there to defend your country, wherever you are, Syria, Egypt, KSA. And surprisingly in Gaza you actually feel like their weapons are geared toward defending Gaza and it's proven time over time again.

Uniting people is a very hard step by step process. Remember that every power wants to divide and rule and will put road blocks on the way to unity. Economic development needs political stability and peace as a first precondition, after security is ensured then economic development can happen.
What the fk does awami league and India has to do with this thread..?Bdforever may have different opinion in this matter but it has nothing to do with awami league or India..
And one off topic question,what exactly did you feel when you thanked yazeed's post belittling your motherland..?Pride..?

The fact that you, an Indian, took it upon yourself to defend Bharat Desh forever proves my point, which you were attempting to disprove. I know people of my country much more than you can ever do, so give it a rest.
Uniting people is a very hard step by step process. Remember that every power wants to divide and rule and will put road blocks on the way to unity. Economic development needs political stability and peace as a first precondition, after security is ensured then economic development can happen.

Who's going to ensure the 'security'? And steps have been and are being taken against the citizens of the Gaza Strip to prevent economic development. Remember, it's a different situation. You can't apply the case of a general nation with resources and the general economics presumptions to a completely different context.
Who's going to ensure the 'security'? And steps have been and are being taken against the citizens of the Gaza Strip to prevent economic development. Remember, it's a different situation. You can't apply the case of a general nation with resources and the general economics presumptions to a completely different context.

If it wasn't for Israel, you'd be eating dirt.

Just remember who provides you with the most aid.

I've never seen a starving 'palestinian'. In fact, there seems to be a weight problem there.
Who's going to ensure the 'security'? And steps have been and are being taken against the citizens of the Gaza Strip to prevent economic development. Remember, it's a different situation. You can't apply the case of a general nation with resources and the general economics presumptions to a completely different context.

You are right, my statement was a general one and every country or aspiring country has their own unique situation, specially Palestine. Bro, I have very little idea about the real on the ground situation there, but from what I have seen and heard from a distance, your best bet is to come to some sort of deal with the Israeli's, negotiated between Arab League and Israel, under supervision of the quartet. If you do not come to a deal, they will continue to keep making new settlement homes and taking away your land.

I have also heard that Israel will use any means to avoid peace and if they are close to a deal, they will sabotage it somehow using Mossad, just so they can continue to steal land. So in your interest, you need to stop reacting to any provocation or instigation, before you come to a comprehensive deal.

Once such a deal is reached, Gaza economy should be integrated more with Egypt, while West Bank economy should be integrated more with Jordan.

You may not like to hear this, as I have repeated earlier, fighting will get you nowhere, I think Israeli's want you to fight, so they can avoid a peace deal and continue to steal land and change facts on the ground, so that two states solution is no longer feasible.

But if they have a one state solution, then Palestinians due to higher birth rate become majority in a Jewish state, so that is not an option for them either. So two state it will be, question is how big or small it will be.
The fact that you, an Indian, took it upon yourself to defend Bharat Desh forever proves my point, which you were attempting to disprove. I know people of my country much more than you can ever do, so give it a rest.

I was only replying to your mindless rants insulting my country and pegging it to awami league again and again in a thread that have nothing to do wth it..And the fact that you being a bangladeshi,who would be systematically discriminated as a TWN in Saudi,is going overboard to prove your brotherhood to arabs even by thanking an a post insulting your own motherland,simply shows your shamelessness ..You can continue to kick saudi feet but spare my country out of it...
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I was only replying to your mindless rants insulting my country and pegging it to awami league again and again in a thread that have nothing to do wth it..And the fact that you being a bangladeshi,who would be systematically discriminated as a TWN in Saudi,is going overboard to prove your brotherhood to arabs even by thanking an a post insulting your own motherland,simply shows your shamelessness ..You can continue to kick saudi feet but spare my country out of it...

I will mention your country whenever I see fit and there is nothing you can do about it. :taz::victory::bounce::chilli::nana:
dude you lost your fricking mind, as a muslim i feel shame for you calling usa for killing muslims , shame on you :angry:
Looks like a whole bunch of pro-Asad Arab haters are jumping up and down because finally Asad seem to be in some trouble. Go USA go, bomb the sh!t out of the ba$tard. Who cares who pays for it, as long as the job is done.
saudi arab and the isreal is the main culprit in the middleast . the saudi dynasty want usa invole here so they can punish assad and iran , so the saudis can rule middleast and for to save their stupid dynasty in 2013.the isreal knows iran or assad is their real enemy, so the isreal and saudi become bossom in this similar interest .and later they can settle a hamid karzai type goverment in syria. i'm a sunni but for the interest of islam i support the assadist. go to hell saudis and the israelis and their stupid supporters
Another Awami traitor in the house, get ready for getting shoved into your Bharat Matha.
Yeah we left the progress to your kin and kind, can't you see how progressive your country is :lol: :D Seriously, try to get your own house in order first, and then feel free to comment on the subject :lol:

well thats the best you could say well we indians are also paying for games you played in the sub continent over the last 5 decades we are not pakistanies and owr econmoy dosent runs on migrant labour so dont try to bully me

what did i said was right and your owtbrusts shows your frustation your kings are coward and cunning but try to show the ummah they are soorma but keep theirs tails between there legs when USA does anything in there naigbourhood but are ready to pay the expenses of war which might kill hundreds of thousands of syriyans while will cripple a lot of economies deu to skyroketing oil prices and you did all this to pakistan aswell onli the method of plying was different so that pakistan does not becomes a beneficiarry of trade and oil routes from central asia which would have destroyed your economy but alas pakistanies are there own worst enemies and very very emotional when it comes to islam



and saudies did this too pakistanies and all ummah but alas pakistanies never learned and still reluctant to understand it ...dont worry saudia will have to pay a very big price for it just wait
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