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Why Arabs are so desperate to pay for US Syria strike?

The same Mama who freed you from Bathist's Sadam, and the same Mama that installed the Blackturbans, and the same Mama who bribed Al-Sistani to issue a pro-US fatwa, and the same Mama who told you off not to support Assad.

We can play this game all day long if you wish, but I would advise you not to put your head into ours.

Let me remind you of the things you missed out on. There was absolutely no agreement between Sistani and th united states, the whole story is a load of bulshit spread by anti-Shia monkeys. The guy lives in a small home isn't even purchased, he doesn't even have couches, he sits on the ground yet you still think that he actually cares about money.

Two: the Iraqis never INVITED the USA or offered to pay them fr a service, "black turbns indicate a Religous state, while Iraq right has a civil govern,emit and not a Religous one. either way I prefer these black turbans over your ugly long and scruffy bearded, short robed, retarded Wahabi scholars.
The Shias in Iraq got a majoriy in the government through voting, and that was against what the USA planned amd willed.

From now and on your ****** buddies should start chanting "OBAMA AKBAR" instead because right be thy have out all the faith on Obama bin Ladin.
Since we shed a light to expose the devil, your rants come as no surprise to us. Maybe you can play that game with someone else, but I do know for sure that Sistani was paid to issue a fatwa not to target the allied force, even Rumsfeld openly admitted it in his own memos :lol:

Sistani usually communicates with intermediaries but Rumsfeld states in his book that he established a personal relationship with the Imam before the Gulf War invasion in 1987, through Jawad Al Mahri (Sistani’s secretary in Kuwait). The US government realizing Sistani’s influence gave him a $200million “gift” to pass a religious fatwa in support of the US. In acknowledgment of the “gift”, Sistani passed a fatwa not to target American soldiers. According to Rumsfeld, Saddam Hussein left more than 6 million weapons in the hands of Iraqis who posed a threat to the safety of the allied forces in Iraq. As a result, Sistani issued a fatwa prohibiting the use of these arms against allied forces but permitted their use against sunnis. Men and women named Abubakar, Omar and Aisha were targeted the most. These religious fatwas are thought to have helped in the fall of Iraq to solidify the occupation of Iraq by allied forces and eventual hand over to Iran.


Let me remind you of the things you missed out on. There was absolutely no agreement between Sistani and th united states, the whole story is a load of bulshit spread by anti-Shia monkeys. The guy lives in a small home isn't even purchased, he doesn't even have couches, he sits on the ground yet you still think that he actually cares about money.

Two: the Iraqis never INVITED the USA or offered to pay them fr a service, "black turbns indicate a Religous state, while Iraq right has a civil govern,emit and not a Religous one.
The Shias in Iraq got a majoriy in the government through voting, and that was against what the USA planned amd willed.

From now and on your ****** buddies should start chanting "OBAMA AKBAR" instead because right be thy have out all the faith on Obama bin Ladin.

:lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:
well thats the best you could say well we indians are also paying for games you played in the sub continent over the last 5 decades we are not pakistanies and owr econmoy dosent runs on migrant labour so dont try to bully me

Your country had just gained its freedom 50 years ago, so please, stop acting as if India is a superpower, and get your own house in order.

what did i said was right and your owtbrusts shows your frustation your kings are coward and cunning but try to show the ummah they are soorma but keep theirs tails between there legs when USA does anything in there naigbourhood while will cripple a lot of economies deu to skyroketing oil prices

Kings? Last time I checked " Saudia " happens to have one King, not 3 or 7 :omghaha:

What frustration are you talking about :lol: Bahi, don't you even think for a second that some like yourself is going to intimidate me! Or did that rant come out of fear that the prices of oil may skyrocket :lol:

but are ready to pay the expenses of war which might kill hundreds of thousands of syriyans

First of all learn how to spell Syrians before shedding the crocodile tears!

What the hell did you do to stop Assad from killing 100k civilians? Or are you on the same page as Assad? If so, then both of you don't really deserve to live.

pakistan aswell onli the method of plying was different so that pakistan does not becomes a beneficiarry of trade and oil routes from central asia which would have destroyed your economy but alas pakistanies are there own worst enemies and very very emotional when it comes to islam

Our relation with Pakistan, and the Pakistani people speaks for itself. Funnily enough the one who pretends to be a human right god is the least humane person on earth :lol:

well thats the best you could say well we indians are also paying for games you played in the sub continent over the last 5 decades we are not pakistanies and owr econmoy dosent runs on migrant labour so dont try to bully me

what did i said was right and your owtbrusts shows your frustation your kings are coward and cunning but try to show the ummah they are soorma but keep theirs tails between there legs when USA does anything in there naigbourhood but are ready to pay the expenses of war which might kill hundreds of thousands of syriyans while will cripple a lot of economies deu to skyroketing oil prices and you did all this to pakistan aswell onli the method of plying was different so that pakistan does not becomes a beneficiarry of trade and oil routes from central asia which would have destroyed your economy but alas pakistanies are there own worst enemies and very very emotional when it comes to islam



and saudies did this too pakistanies and all ummah but alas pakistanies never learned and still reluctant to understand it ...dont worry saudia will have to pay a very big price for it just wait
Arabs are idiots and arrogant. They dont understand where their interest lies.
Too much heat of the desert mummified their brains and now can be identified as bone headed.
Its rather KSA has decided to become the power broker in ME. Not only Syria and Iran, KSA doesn't even consider any arab country to take this role.I remember Prince bandar even threatened Qatar to "stay within their limits". Whatever Iran has been doing post revolution is also worth condemning, however the way arabs have been responding also falls in the same standard. Both are the breeders of hate, violence and sectarianism in the region and harbingers of what more to come.
Mate, it's hard to be a Saudi. Everybody bash on you without a particular reason. I deeply respect our Saudi members on PDF for their patience.


We are used to hear rants and raves for more than half a century - litrarly from Nasser's days - but it never affected us. I can't speak on behalf of the Saudi people, but I do know for sure that we are immune to their rage and all.

We don't expect people to agree with everything we do, but we will act accordingly.

We are used to hear rants and raves for more than half a century - litrarly from Nasser's days - but it never affected us. I can't speak on behalf of the Saudi people, but I do know for sure that we are immune to their rage and all.

We don't expect people to agree with everything we do, but we will act accordingly.
It only makes you stronger.
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