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Why am I hating America everyday more?

The reason is India. Do you really think, if there is no such strategic alliance against India with China, Pakistan(or at least hardliners) would have supported the Uger cause against an atheist China.

You are overestimating the importance of India to Sino-Pakistani relations.

Even if India did not exist, we would still be seeking to access the Persian gulf through Gwadar, and we would still be looking for Pakistan as a geostrategic ally. Just look at a map to see the importance.
If America has designs against Islam, why are the middle east countries its allies? Why did the khadim e harmain shariefen write a $60B cheque for US goods just a few months ago? Why is the PA working with the US to coordinate drone strikes? Why is Al-waleed bin Talal investing in Saks fifth, four seasons, disney, citibank and apple? Why did abu dhabi just bail out AMD? The list goes on.

The truth is complex and is not black and white. Monochromatic renditions of the world are for fools, extremists and fox news audiences.

Ofcourse, America has its own interests and many times they will run counter to the interests of Muslim countries. When this happens there will be varying degrees of conflict. The surest bet any country has to ensure that when another state comes in conflict with it, the disagreement never degenerates into a shooting war, is to build up it's own strength. So first go do that, then talk tough.

you put some very good points ahead.The truth infact is very complex and never is black and white and also empty talk cant achieve anything unless one has the strength to back it up too.As for the above mentioned hospitality of some middle eastren rulers well that cerainly beats the logic in many minds but ofcourse by doing that they stay on the good side of the super power as for now.Isnt that the reason when a video of a girl being lashed somewhr in swat of FATA surfaces all hell breaks loose without even confirming the authenticity of the actual material in question and which by now most people think as fake.But when the same punishment is actually handed out in middle east no one utters a word.Money does make the mare go.america is nothing in itself it represents the intrets of a certain lobby in the wider picture and whether that lobby has any designs against islam well i dnt wana say anything in regards to that bcuz whatever anyone says in favour of it there will come strong counter arguements against it and the truth will be lost in the fog.time has and will be the only judge of that.
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I dont understand that whenever there is something against the interest of pakistan, people start naming it war against Islam. Why there is always a need to look into the matter with a religious perspective?
Current scenario clearly suggest that extremism prevails in Afghan, Iraq and Pak and unfortunately they are Muslim nations.
If the world start looking some Muslim nations as root of terrorism, not because they are muslims but they lack the spirit to curb extremism on their land, rather than questioning others foreign policy its time for serious introspection.


Though i dont hate america, but the countries u mentioned Aghanistan was peacful country and when su came in zia and west used the jihadies and after the su forces left they west left pakistan to deal with that messs and west and america they acknowledge their mistake so it is not only the muslim countries to blame i dont know how old r u but i was a student in the state during mid 80' those jihadies were called mujaheedeen and now called fantatics or terrorists

Now come to iraq it is well known saddam was a brutal person and nationalistic arabic so no sir there was no extremism in iraq. after the fall of saddam and when bremer banned or scrapped the iraqi forces all extremism took place and americans helped a sect, the other sect reacted without mention the name, again america is directly involve in this and offcourse neghboring countries played its part too.

Don't put all the blames on just muslims there were many policies adopted by the west during the cold war which benefited them and some back fired


You are overestimating the importance of India to Sino-Pakistani relations.

Even if India did not exist, we would still be seeking to access the Persian gulf through Gwadar, and we would still be looking for Pakistan as a strategic ally. Just look at a map to see the importance.

If there were no threat perception from India, Pakistan could be like Turkey, rather a prosperous moderate Muslim country, off course with good relation with China.
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May be Amazon Search is not the best way to find %age of effort going on against Muslims as compared to any other religion but I see there is something notable going on in the world and that is against Islam as a religion and Muslims as followers of this religion.

If some of us think there is no war against Islam going on in the west or in the form of "War of Terror", they need to re-think about it.
There are thousands of people who search absolute nonsense on the internet. Does it make their entire kind a pack of mindless fools? American policies might not be very foreign-friendly in depth, but most of the things in United States are in the open and that is because of the existence of freedoms of democracy and constant efforts to maintain it no matter how much fundamentalists and extremists try to provoke them into becoming totalitarian to play the victim and gain world sympathy.

Had United States been all that what most people make out of her, it would have been a virtual dictatorship with no news coming out and people following one system, one order, one religion etc. Honestly, some people just expect way too much out of other countries.

American foreign policies have little to do with targeting any religion just as most of Western countries but needlessly some paranoid people continue to think that their religion is being targeted even though it is most freely flourishing in Western countries.
with equal and due respect sir.. this was very rude and insulting.... having a difference of opinion and a different take on things is a basic right of a civilized society..

barring that is a practice of fascism and tyranny...

there are many things that I also disagree with you but I never dare to suggest that you are on Saudi/ Al Qaeda payroll... and I assure you that my difference of opinion should also not be taken as being on Western payroll.


Difference of opinion is one thing bro Irfan... disregarding America's entire foreign policy and specially its crimes against the Muslim world is entirely another...

As for me being on payroll of Al Qaedda and Saudi Arabia... You would have a case if I approved of either of them in any form or shape... I have publicly declared my animosity towards the Saudi regime and written in newspapers against them (despite objections from some elements in the Muslim community)... I have also talked against the path of violence that Al Qaedda has chosen to achieve its goals... That makes me different from someone who sings praises of America and asks people to forget the past... Like it your way... I would love to discuss all that you disagree with me... I do give you the right to differ with me and have your own opinion, but sometimes one cannot help being blunt... With a brother like TechLahore, I could even be harsher and still get away with it... For being blunt I am guilty as charged...

The list of crimes of America is beyond the scope of this thread... I would however leave you with the words of our master Muhammad saw... Narrated Abu Hurraira RA

"A believer is not bitten by the same hole twice"

Dont get me wrong for a second... I have sensed the good will of Pakistanis including the moderators etc on this forum, this is why I have continued to contribute here... I dont believe for a second that bro TechLahore would be an agent or so naive about America... that comment is more like how the man on the street would respond... As for having a good will towards others including enemies... there is nothing wrong with it as long as we heed caution and be careful as described in the above Hadith...

Americans may forget the past (actually trust me when I tell you, they dont) and bro TechLahore may forget the past... But we wont

In relation to the topic...

Haditha Killings: Last Marine May Not See Trial - ABC News

‘It was awesome’ U.S. soldier said after raping Iraqi girl and killing her family | VANCOUVERITE

The Abu Ghraib Prison Photos - by news


The idea is not about hating anyone... Muslims are given the duty to accomodate the whole world under the justice of Islam... but this we will not be able to achieve as long as we allow America to dominate the world and specially America's viciousness in the Muslim world... Her influence has to be reduced and thrown back across the Atlantic Ocean to her own shore...
If America has designs against Islam, why are the middle east countries its allies? Why did the khadim e harmain shariefen write a $60B cheque for US goods just a few months ago? Why is the PA working with the US to coordinate drone strikes? Why is Al-waleed bin Talal investing in Saks fifth, four seasons, disney, citibank and apple? Why did abu dhabi just bail out AMD? The list goes on.

The truth is complex and is not black and white. Monochromatic renditions of the world are for fools, extremists and fox news audiences.

Ofcourse, America has its own interests and many times they will run counter to the interests of Muslim countries. When this happens there will be varying degrees of conflict. The surest bet any country has to ensure that when another state comes in conflict with it, the disagreement never degenerates into a shooting war, is to build up it's own strength. So first go do that, then talk tough.

I m really surprised at this post... I honestly feel that you folks dont read half of the things i post on this forum... Uffff


1. Middle Eastern countries are allies of the US because they also are against Islam...

2. A German Shepard would be dearer to me than the self proclaimed Khadim Harmain Shareefain...

3. I am also against PA supporting America in its fake WOT... I truly say to you that a lot of officers in the Pak Army are upset at unilateral co operation with the United States... Its a different matter now that our traditional enemy in the east has exploited the mess that began in Musharaf's time and the PA has no choice but to fight against these militants... I still maintain that we need to tell the Americans in a very friendly manner that we are unable to keep supporting them and have our own mess to sort out and with that completely cut off the supply route... If in response they say something like we will bomb you to stone age then you have another reason to actually hate America!!! (oh wait they have already said that)

4. I agree we need to build strength and then talk tough... Why do you think I propose the Caliphate? Is it because I want to continue as a humble slave of the United States? To achieve such objectives however, one has to break the idols and fake Gods that have made home in the minds of many of us...

If it helps let me repeat what I have said before... Our worst enemy is not the US... Our worst enemies are our own governments and our own people who have destroyed our land and our people...
which educated people you are referring to? do you know any? if yes then name five please....

every religion or belief thinks it is better and superior to others and should rule the world.. same is the case with the Israeli Zionists.. then you have evangelist Christians and not to forget the RSS fanatics..
tell me which one of those has a higher or good opinion of others..
all of the above call others gentile, lower/ inbred impure races..

mind you.. it is the evangelist belief too that at the time of end of days... the mountains and trees will expose the "dirty Jews" and the righteous Evangelist sons of God will find them and eradicate them.

the cowboys had the same philosophy when they eradicated the heathens from the south America..

point is.. der sir.. please dont be suffering selective memory.. the hateful & racist trait you generously attributed to as a Muslim-Only trait is very much wide spread and rears its head throughout the history..
sometimes in name name of race or sometimes religion.

not sure how you will take it but not very long ago the high caste Hindus will smash the head of an untouchable at the doorsteps of their manson for good luck.. I am sure that ritual was never done out of pure love for the unfortunate untouchables..

I hope you are still reading through I would suggest if you have a stomach then read through the material of these white superimist.. mind you they are not the typical red necks with broken teeth, and a rebel flag on a pickup truck but are highly educated and in respectible positions like district atronies, judges, priests, senators, bankers and business tycons...
I am sure if you allow some fairness then you would have to add their name in the list of "educated Muslims" that want world domination.


Dear Sir,

As you very well pointed out, there are racists/ supremacists in every religion/culture. We all know that both India and Pakistan have suffered because of this at more than a few occasions. I have myself had the sad experience of being at the wrong end of racial profiling.

However, the maturity and development of any society depends on two things.
a) The percentage of people with extremist ideology in the society
b) Power in the hands these extremists.

Americans felt threatened because they have been led to believe* that a majority of people in the establishment** of Afghanistan and Iraq were religious fanatics. Similarly for Iran, and, to a lesser extent, (I know you are not going to like this), Pakistan.

You mentioned the Christian Evangelists, Israeli Zionists, and RSS fanatics. But exactly how much influence do you think these people hold in their respective society, as opposed to the mullah?

We don't see the President of United States consult the Pope for making political decisions.
We don't see the President of Israel consult his Rabbi for making political decisions.
We don't see the Indian Prime Minister consult the Akal Takht for making political decisions. (He's a sikh)
But we see the Supreme Leader of Iran having power to declare war and peace on behalf of the country. We see him taking policy level decision. And that scares the sh*t out of us.

Like it or not, that is the current point of view of a lot of nations towards Islamic nations. It is up to the civil society in these nations to emphasize the peaceful and non combative nature of Islam. You guys have to rise up and DROWN OUT the sh*t coming out of the mouths of the extremists. Otherwise such opinions (and foreign policies derived from them) are likely to continue.


*You will notice I chose the words 'led to believe', because the same might necessarily not be true, but people who influence the mind of Americans, ie, their political leaders, media and scholars, certainly give them the impression of the same.

**Let me qualify my choice of the word establishment as not only people who have the power to take political and military decisions, but also people who influence the society through culture and education.
I don't hate them but i do think once their mission's over they will leave us stranded and somewhere i read it that Pak's not serious to counter with terrorism because they fear the US aid will vanish once the War on Terror is finished :)
I am not sure why it is so but I am hating America everyday more.. even when I try to convince myself that they are an Ally my mind doesn't buy that.. I feel not only angered but also frustrated for not having a representation of this feeling from the political setup of the country. I am trying to find why is it so.. am I over-reacting or trying to be over-sensitive towards my National Issues or has America really reached a point where it deserves to receive that and I am justified in having this rage inside.

Am I the only one who is on to these lines?

Good question, but as i study and live in the USA there is not much i can say.....but i doubt if i would want to make my future there with the guilt of paying taxes to a government that cleanly lies to its own people and kills innocent people around the world.

Wikileaks anyone?
There are thousands of people who search absolute nonsense on the internet. Does it make their entire kind a pack of mindless fools? American policies might not be very foreign-friendly in depth, but most of the things in United States are in the open and that is because of the existence of freedoms of democracy and constant efforts to maintain it no matter how much fundamentalists and extremists try to provoke them into becoming totalitarian to play the victim and gain world sympathy.

Had United States been all that what most people make out of her, it would have been a virtual dictatorship with no news coming out and people following one system, one order, one religion etc. Honestly, some people just expect way too much out of other countries.

American foreign policies have little to do with targeting any religion just as most of Western countries but needlessly some paranoid people continue to think that their religion is being targeted even though it is most freely flourishing in Western countries.

No sir, you view might be based on intentions but these are not formed as per facts on ground. I won't drag your point further in the discussion as topic is not "West treating Islam" but about America in particular. Lets start a new thread on the topic and i'll argue you there.

Regarding America not fighting against Muslims or Islam, I need few arguments to support that.. May be its my fault but I fail to see American war of terror becoming war against Muslims in many ways. If you understand the context and are aware it is not indeed against Muslims, its the right time for you to argue why.
Good question, but as i study and live in the USA there is not much i can say.....but i doubt if i would want to make my future there with the guilt of paying taxes to a government that cleanly lies to its own people and kills innocent people around the world.

Wikileaks anyone?


May be that is one of the important reasons that why most of the people have hatred against America. True, Americans lie and they deceive at crucial times. Wikileaks is one important source to know that for sure. From Wikileaks I have learned how America has been sabotaging genuine right of people of Pakistan (and not just Pakistan) and supports corrupt and dishonest people in Pakistan for its short benefits. I agree this is one of the major reasons why Americans are earning disrespect and disapproval in our hearts.

Gen Ishfaq Kyani just said the same to Americans. "I do not trust you".
Why am I hating America everyday more?

from your posts i know you are a smart man.

the answer is simple.

you feel this way because since 9/11 the zeitgeist changed - and intentionally so.

the gaze turned to the islamic world by the "higher powers" - "you" hate them, and "they" hate you, this is how it was intended, and it became like this on 9/11

hate is a negative harmful emotion, if its getting too much seek solace and strength in what makes you happy, things like family and loved one ares whats most important.
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