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Who's Obsessed With Whom?

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Ignited Mind

Dec 18, 2010
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Countless times on PDF have I heard Pakistanis say, "Since you're on a Pakistani website, hence, you're obsessed with Pakistan.". Today, once again I saw a Pakistani mention this 'fact' (lol) at the drop of a hat and I decided to lay this 'fact' of theirs to rest once and for all.

One day I decided to look for facts and I didn't have to go too far.

All I did was this:

Google trends: Pakistan

Google Trends: pakistan

(Notice how many in India search for 'Pakistan', yup you can BARELY see that dot)

Google trends: India

Google Trends: india

(Now compare that to how many in Pakistan search for 'India')

No prizes for guessing who's obsessed with whom. :cheesy:

BTW, I welcome the Pakistani members to provide facts and figures to rebut this data.
Countless times on PDF have I heard Pakistanis say, "Since you're on a Pakistani website, hence, you're obsessed with Pakistan.".

One day I decided to look for facts and I didn't have to go too far.

All I did was this:

Google trends: Pakistan

Google Trends: pakistan

(Notice how many in India search for 'Pakistan')

Google trends: India

Google Trends: india

(Now compare that to how many in Pakistan search for 'India')

No prizes for guessing who's obsessed with whom. :cheesy:

This does not indicate numbers of NRI's.


Why you so hurt bro?

lolll, indians have guts to come on Pakistan defence forum and telling us that we are obsessed with them? :lol:
Funny how you run for cover to the same Indian media you so deride when it gets difficult to support your position. :lol:

Mate admit it, you are obsessed - you are here night and day -
Funny how you run for cover to the same Indian media you so deride when it gets difficult to support your position. :lol:

You can say we are obsessed when our media starts behaving like this:

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Google trends does not have any credibility according to Google itself. It's the same place that lied about "pornistan" then apologized the very next day.
Google trends does not have any credibility according to Google itself. It's the same place that lied about "pornistan" then apologized the very next day.

Out of 193 countries in the world, why would Google pick on Pakistan? Do you seriously think you're that important?
Countless times on PDF have I heard Pakistanis say, "Since you're on a Pakistani website, hence, you're obsessed with Pakistan.". Today, once again I saw a Pakistani mention this 'fact' (lol) at the drop of a hat and I decided to lay this 'fact' of theirs to rest once and for all.

One day I decided to look for facts and I didn't have to go too far.

All I did was this:

Google trends: Pakistan

Google Trends: pakistan

(Notice how many in India search for 'Pakistan', yup you can BARELY see that dot)

Google trends: India

Google Trends: india

(Now compare that to how many in Pakistan search for 'India')

No prizes for guessing who's obsessed with whom. :cheesy:

LOL....And these results are there when we have so many Internet Users in comparison with pak.

Good find mate...!! ;)
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