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Who was worse - PPP or PMNL?

Nope Nawaz inherented 10x better situation than imran khan

Look at steel Mills, PIA, state enterprises and all other indicators ...loss in single year in power sector were more than 5 years of pppp

pmln seems better because of global boom/recovery plus CPEC investments which is more a Chinese initiative than anything else

PML N was focused in optics rather than economy along with a lot of kick backs
The op reads who was the worse so I replied accordingly. Anyhow Musharaf regime had been the best so far
Pakistani electorate really are dumb. After the elder Sharifs/Zardari/Bhuttos raped Pakistan by taking turns say hello to the future of Pakistani democracy in the shape of Sharif juniors and Zardari-Bhuttos juniors to contine the rape into the next generation ...

Maryam Nawaz


Bilawal Zardari Bhutto


But then this dude came along and spoilt the party ...

No one can match Zardari and PPP in corruption, look what they did to Sindh.

Ganja Khata hai to lagata bhi hai as patwari says, lekin PPP = lutto tay phutto.
For me this is a tough one because each are as incompetent and corrupt as the other.

If I had to choose PPP govt was by far the worst. Every hire was based on nepotism. The leader was a murderer and a criminal. Nothing done for the economy. Bin Laden debacle in their tenure. Cricket match fixing in their tenure. Terrorism at its strongest in their tenure. They single handedly destroyed the country.

A lot of similarities with PNML but I would go for PPP.

Who has been the worst?
My own father was posted overseas due to nepotism. Ahmad mukhtar, who was the Defense minister and also the managing director of PIA was very close with my father and he stream rolled his posting. Now just to add context. My father's posting was long overdue but the previous MD hated my father and delayed it indefinitely.
PTI so far is by far the worst political party in the country.

Can't believe it, our beautiful Pakistan has been taken over by Shaikh Chillies.
Both Pee pee pee and Godfather league are the same, they work differently but are involved in corrupt practices which has plagued this country for more than 40 years with devastating consequences, very high stunted growth population, high malnutrition, unresolved electricity crisis, Gas crisis, no clean drinking water and the list goes on thanks to horrible status quo, Now the status quo are all one to defend their dirty corruption and are trying to hide by getting protective bails from high courts to escape arrest warrants from NAB.
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Purely looking from economic point of view PMLN was worse because of what they did in last 2 years...they did some face saving by setting up LNG plants but long-term implications for expensive coal and LNG plants (due to kick backs) will be great
They had easy conditions still they fucked up big time compare that to ppp who got an economy in critical state
PTI so far is by far the worst political party in the country.

Can't believe it, our beautiful Pakistan has been taken over by Shaikh Chillies.
You are by far the worst member on this forum. You eat your own $hit daily after you scoop it out of the toilet.

I can't believe it, our beautiful PDF has been taken over by your literal $hit breath.
In terms of effect (influence)
PMLn > PPP > MQM > Diesel > ANP > BNP
PTI so far is by far the worst political party in the country.

Can't believe it, our beautiful Pakistan has been taken over by Shaikh Chillies.

Guys this is what happens when you suffer from stunted mind.... please take care of your loved ones and make sure you provide your kids with adequate nourishment when they are growing up otherwise they may turn out to be like @Pakistani Aircraft
Musharaf was the worst, he made NRO with both, he had all the knowledge and proofs of their corruption but helped them get into power again, and not to mention his support to MQM
Who is not worse
I think all political parties shit as they have almost same people who keep moving from one party to other
Musharraf and PPP.

PTI will cause disintegration of country along with total collapse of economy. Prices didn’t increase this much even when N went to IMF.

By 2013 admins on PDF were openly talking about nuking FATA. PTI will left Pakistan in similar state. Just with more circular debt, loans, state entities losses etc

Then N will get elected again to save failling state like in 2013.
Few acts of PTI need to be appreciated.
Yesterday , PTI govt gave floor to Shahabaz Shareef and telecast live uncensored full speech. Which never done before neither PPP or PMLn. Second, this speech cost Pakistani public 10 crore rupee,because logistics and difference allowances given to MNAs.
3rd minister information regularly inform people of Pakistan about issues.
As far as economic issue, the way PMLn financial scandal poping up right and left , it is not easy for PTI govt to handle the consequences due to huge mismanagement of public funds.

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