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PPP, MQM behind Lyari unrest: Bizenjo

So what? Many criminals also give charity,organise events do it makes their money white ? Or what about the people from whom they have forcefully taken their money?

which criminal went to thar and did relief activity?

and which criminals doing charity you are talking about?
Nothing new here, even Martians know that PPP and MQM are behind Liyari unrest..
Nothing new here, even Martians know that PPP and MQM are behind Liyari unrest..

like for example how is MQM involved in lyari unrest?, since u said, the world know u must know many facts
i think u should be the least to complain about it seeing how MQM and KKF is helping out people in Thar using same so called 'bhatta'
I appreciate the work done by KKF but it doesn't mean MQM doesn't take bhatta now.
which criminal went to thar and did relief activity?

and which criminals doing charity you are talking about?

You are talking like MQM is the only party who is doing relief activities..If I am not wrong different political parties,army as well as people living outside and inside the country are participating for the cause.
And still you can't justify money took forcefully. According to religious pov ,our Prophet (SAW) used to ask his Sahaba R.A to donate according to their own wish how much and what they wanted to donate. Kher this was not necessary for the topic..
like for example how is MQM involved in lyari unrest?, since u said, the world know u must know many facts

Google it, and stop asking me to pamper you again and again.

It is widely believed in Lyari that the MQM, with help from elements of Ghaffar Zikri's gang are behind the KRC's new found belligerence as well as being responsible for hit-and-run attacks in PAC-dominated areas.

Source: Proxy wars continue in Lyari - DAWN.COM
Dated: 8th March, 2014

Just an example.. :whistle:
You are talking like MQM is the only party who is doing relief activities..If I am not wrong different political parties,army as well as people living outside and inside the country are participating for the cause.
And still you can't justify money took forcefully. According to religious pov ,our Prophet (SAW) used to ask his Sahaba R.A to donate according to their own wish how much and what they wanted to donate. Kher this was not necessary for the topic..

no political party did the actual relief there, just photo session, even sind govt didn't do any relief work

Google it, and stop asking me to pamper you again and again.

Just an example.. :whistle:

it is believed, i asked for facts and ghaffar zikri in one interview himself said he supported PPP, there was only one gang which broke into two gangs in lyari, now it has three gangs since aman committee broke into two
I appreciate the work done by KKF but it doesn't mean MQM doesn't take bhatta now.

if MQM takes bhatta it wont spend on charity work and please provide me proofs that MQM takes bhatta
Give relief in Thar by picking Pockets of the residents of Karachi??? Everyone know from where they are getting their money.. And giving relief is very good but what they are doing to Karachi is not fair...
Now you can't challenge an eye witness. :coffee:

there are black sheeps every where, but its doesn't proof that MQM itself takes bhatta as its official policy and generates party funds from it

Give relief in Thar by picking Pockets of the residents of Karachi??? Everyone know from where they are getting their money.. And giving relief is very good but what they are doing to Karachi is not fair...

you say you have proofs from MQM gets party funds, great show us

Oh please now don't tell me MQM is the only party who is doing work there :disagree:

yes in the true sense, thats the very case

for example, let me tell you, PTI claimed it had collected 6.5 million rupees worth of charity, everybody knows how much charity they did in thar
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there are black sheeps every where, but its doesn't proof that MQM itself takes bhatta as its official policy and generates party funds from it

you say you have proofs from MQM gets party funds, great show us

yes in the true sense, thats the very case

for example, let me tell you, PTI claimed it had collected 6.5 million rupees worth of charity, everybody knows how much charity they did in thar

1.So do you admit that members of MQM are involved in it ??

2.About PTI I guess they are still working there.
1.So do you admit that members of MQM are involved in it ??

2.About PTI I guess they are still working there.

BS, PTI didn't work no where they just distributed few goods and ran away, where is IKF? IKF is a fraud, do you know that

1. MQM doesn't take bhatta thats what im saying

2. as i said only MQM is doing the work there, no other political party is doing work there, few NGO on a very limited scale
BS, PTI didn't work no where they just distributed few goods and ran away, where is IKF? IKF is a fraud, do you know that

1. MQM doesn't take bhatta thats what im saying

2. as i said only MQM is doing the work there, no other political party is doing work there, few NGO on a very limited scale

Now you're again twisting your statement. :disagree:

Have you visited Thar ?
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