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Who is engineering the Anti-Dam Campaign on Social Media?

This is a thread by @Shobz on twitter analyzing those behind the anti-dam Twitter campaign. Link to the thread at the end of this analysis.


I am looking at the social network graph for the dam hashtag. It's a cluster which indicates a lot of coordinated activity.

I was able to get as much data as Twitter permitted. There are two things I did. One was to do a very basic analysis and the other was to make a map/graph of the hashtag. Due to Twitter image size restrictions, I am unable to show the finished graphs/maps.

Let's start off with those who populated the trend with their tweets. Look at the volume of tweets being sent.

Here is a graph of those with a large number of followers. Some of these names should ring a bell. You can tell a lot about the affiliation of the first one on the list.

A bulk of the tweets from this dataset did not get any RTs. Then there are around 4425 which got less than 5 RTs.
The follower count is also quite interesting. Many accounts which barely have followers.
Now I am going to share some of the repetitive tweets.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
Exhibit E: There was a long list of tweets so I just showed a few. The image URL differs but that's alright as it's not unique.
This is an overview of the hashtag as displayed as a network. The colours indicate the clusters/communities. Notice how some are close together, while there are others who are distant.
Another view of the network. You can see the various clusters/communities.
I filtered the network so it would be possible to see some of the labels for these nodes. If you look below you can see @KhurramDehwar at a distance. This was due to his contribution in debunking the lies being spewed by the Anti-Dam crowd.
There is a lot more but this should suffice. It is certain that there are a lot of PPP supporters and others who are working on this hashtag.
There are others who are also involved in this hashtag but they are further away from the main nodes in the graph. Some of it is visible, while others aren't. There are a lot of strongly connected nodes there with some which have no connection.
For those who don't understand what clusters are:

They are basically people who are close to each other/now each other well and have retweeted each other a lot.
A simpler explanation:

Cluster:"a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together."
A lot of these handles with a low follower count don't show up in the filtered graph. I have used parameters to show nodes with a certain value. That does not include a lot of the accounts which were used to populate the trend.

where is there is crap... you will find indians
I don't see PPP lasting very long as Zardari kids are all looney toons characters vis a vis Pakistani awaam. Some of them might respect them as foreign babu gods but most are not able to realate with them.

PPP is putting the future of all of Pakistan in jeopardy. This is the beginning of the end for them.

They may be revealed as Indian collaborators soon, then the campaign against them will be waged by all of Pakistan.

N and PPP are finished.
PPP is putting the future of all of Pakistan in jeopardy. This is the beginning of the end for them.

They may be revealed as Indian collaborators soon, then the campaign against them will be waged by all of Pakistan.

N and PPP are finished.
Believe me, these issues give strength to ppp. They need such issues to revive.

They can now retake any seats they lost in the last elections.

You don't know how the minds of innocent Sindhis are manipulated. There's a reason the standard of education has been kept the lowest among all the other provinces.
Believe me, these issues give strength to ppp. They need such issues to revive.

They can now retake any seats they lost in the last elections.

You don't know how the minds of innocent Sindhis are manipulated. There's a reason the standard of education has been kept the lowest among all the other provinces.

Or we can wait ti zardari gone and then show our own strength to PPP
Sindh is not getting water already. And you are building a dam. Even fresh world bank said don't build dam on Indus anymore.
Can we talk about fair distribution of water before blaming exploited poople from South ? Punjab is green and rest of the Pakistan is yellow. Please reflect a little
after murad ali shah statement last year that " pani ha nahe dam haya sa brho gai" i check dam data... tarbela over flow around 7th august and we were throwing water 100,000 to 150,000 cusec daily into sea upto 15 september.. so there is water my friend to fill a dam..
Sindh is getting water my friend but not for "tail". my farms are near digri mirpurkhas district. the canal coming from sukkur and unfortunately all influential people of sindh " pagaras" "zardaris" "talpurs" farms are fed through this canal and they use all illegal means to extract as much as they can and we dont even have drinking water. this winter i was travelling from lahore to hyderabad . all canals in punjab was bone dry and when i enter sindh every canal was full of water but again not for us the people living on tail. and what we get answer from waderas punjab pii gaya pani.. o bhai ur drinking more than ur fair share..
Same lobby who activate its self whenever its about national intrest i am sure if you make it they will disappear, offcourse they will look for another issue. its time to smash indian lobby in Pakistan who are against any kind of Dam.
India gave money to some politicians to work against building dams in Pakistan.this was reported some time ago.
There was jamit ali shah who fled to Canada after hurting Pakistan,s interest as indus water commission chairman.he made false reports of Indian dams in kashmir.it show how actively india trying to hurt Pakistan,s water interests.
And our people helping them in this.first kala bagh now basha dam.any dam Pakistan will try built will face same opposition every time.there is antidam lobby in Pakistan paid by India.

Or we can wait ti zardari gone and then show our own strength to PPP
Bro, only education can change the fate of Sindh. Ppp voters believe what their leadership tells them. After Zardari family, someone else will take over.

By the way, it's not only ppp, when it comes to dams, all the parties join hands. At one point even Altaf Hussain was against any kind of dam construction.

Good that now karachi has been freed from the clutches of MQM that's why we are witnessing some kind of sanity. Otherwise pre 2016 Karachi would've taken the same stance, at least in the assemblies.

after murad ali shah statement last year that " pani ha nahe dam haya sa brho gai" i check dam data... tarbela over flow around 7th august and we were throwing water 100,000 to 150,000 cusec daily into sea upto 15 september.. so there is water my friend to fill a dam..
Sindh is getting water my friend but not for "tail". my farms are near digri mirpurkhas district. the canal coming from sukkur and unfortunately all influential people of sindh " pagaras" "zardaris" "talpurs" farms are fed through this canal and they use all illegal means to extract as much as they can and we dont even have drinking water. this winter i was travelling from lahore to hyderabad . all canals in punjab was bone dry and when i enter sindh every canal was full of water but again not for us the people living on tail. and what we get answer from waderas punjab pii gaya pani.. o bhai ur drinking more than ur fair share..
An eye opener.

Where do you live and which party people of your area support?
Bro, only education can change the fate of Sindh. Ppp voters believe what their leadership tells them. After Zardari family, someone else will take over.

By the way, it's not only ppp, when it comes to dams, all the parties join hands. At one point even Altaf Hussain was against any kind of dam construction.

Good that now karachi has been freed from the clutches of MQM that's why we are witnessing some kind of sanity. Otherwise pre 2016 Karachi would've taken the same stance, at least in the assemblies.
Eben PTI was/is against dams. Did they supported kalabagh Dam?
Believe me, these issues give strength to ppp. They need such issues to revive.

They can now retake any seats they lost in the last elections.

You don't know how the minds of innocent Sindhis are manipulated. There's a reason the standard of education has been kept the lowest among all the other provinces.

If PPP becomes a liability to the state, they will be ripped apart from Sindhi people by force.

I can see it happening due to their pressure tactics on dams and their negative activities against Karachi.

All we need is concrete proof of collusion with Indians, the PPP can be buried for good.

In sha Allah, Pakistanis in other provinces will vote more strongly for Imran Khan, now that dams are being made and CPEC is taking off. Economic prosperity will lead to a stronger PTI.

Imran Khan is going nowhere.

India gave money to some politicians to work against building dams in Pakistan.this was reported some time ago.
There was jamit ali shah who fled to Canada after hurting Pakistan,s interest as indus water commission chairman.he made false reports of Indian dams in kashmir.it show how actively india trying to hurt Pakistan,s water interests.
And our people helping them in this.first kala bagh now basha dam.any dam Pakistan will try built will face same opposition every time.there is antidam lobby in Pakistan paid by India.

We catch these Indian collaborators, media start reporting on it in full force, investigations begin, military start arresting terrorists in Sindh, Bilawal makes foolish threats,, Zardari and Ayyan Ali cases begin again, we will see how long PPP will last.
Sindh govt is corrupt but so as rest of Pakistan. But water issue is separate from it and is a real.problem in the south.
If my family loses business just because water has been directed to Punjab or dams been built without considering me , I will do.whatever to take revenge. Do you get the point ?
I don't care much about the project. Pakistanis don't think too much before doing anything :)
What I am saying is that distribute the water evenly or with reasonable proportion.dont just look at the north of Pakistan. It is a huge problem and needs to be taken seriously. You mentioned lack.od drinking water. But where is the water :)
Else we will.keep having bla attacks. And army will be wasted in such issues

Are you ready to share land with your workers equally you feudal filth? Aya bara water equality ki baat karne. Pehle basic rights tou equally share karlo. Sindh mein ghareeb admi ki zindagi ghulaami se kam nahi hai.
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