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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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During the time of the Mauryas, Palas they were pretty much united. Still no external conquests. Tht is one main fault of this civilization. It remained at content with itself and emphasis was given more on conquering the inner self than physical conquests.

Actually the Mauryans did expand they took over Herat, Balochistan, and various other provinces by force. They did not stop until Ashoka became Emperor and became a Buddhist which was because he was sick of the conquering and pillaging and chose peace and the conquests stopped. So you are flawed in that regard, I will not comment on the Palas as I do not know of them.
Actually the Mauryans did expand they took over Herat, Balochistan, and various other provinces by force. They did not stop until Ashoka became Emperor and became a Buddhist which was because he was sick of the conquering and pillaging and chose peace and the conquests stopped. So you are flawed in that regard, I will not comment on the Palas as I do not know of them.

Actually you are wrong. Chadragupta did not invade and occupy those lands. AFAIK, they were the territories (Bactria as it was called then) of Seleucus Nicator, a general of Alexander who invaded his empire and got defeated. So those territories came under the suzerainity of the Mauryas along with the daughter of Seleucus. :lol:
Actually you are wrong. Chadragupta did not invade and occupy those lands. AFAIK, they were the territories (Bactria as it was called then) of Seleucus Nicator, a general of Alexander who invaded his empire and got defeated. So those territories came under the suzerainity of the Mauryas along with the daughter of Seleucus. :lol:

What about his campaign against the Macedonians Eudumus and Peithon? Or the invasions and conquering of Magadha?? Had not Ashoka felt remorse after Kalinga would they had not continued to expand??
What about his campaign against the Macedonians Eudumus and Peithon? Or the invasions and conquering of Magadha?? Had not Ashoka felt remorse after Kalinga would they had not continued to expand??

Dude the Magadhans were Mauryas and Kalinga was in India. I was referring specifically to the part wherein no king in Indian history barring just two ever undertook any significant physical conquest outside the traditional boundaries of the subcontinent.
Why dont you ask the Iranians ?

Ask what? Do you even understand why the revolution was even instigated to begin with? I take that as a no. Please, read up some history.

And how is it that I'm going ask the Iranians? Conduct a survey or something? :lol: And who did you ask? A bunch of Iranian exiles living in the US? That is not a large enough sample. Many of the current generation may have been born in the US.

Only if their current current axis of leadership has broad support from the Iranian public, then it'll remain that way as long as it is. If they want to overthrow it, they can do so just like the Shah who was nothing more than a dictator.
Ask what? Do you even understand why the revolution was even instigated to begin with? I take that as a no. Please, read up some history.

And how is it that I'm going ask the Iranians? Conduct a survey or something? :lol: And who did you ask? A bunch of Iranian exiles living in the US? That is not a large enough sample. Many of the current generation may have been born in the US.

Only if their current current axis of leadership has broad support from the Iranian public, then it'll remain that way as long as it is. If they want to overthrow it, they can do so just like the Shah who was nothing more than a dictator.

Better ask the US born Iranians than ask no one at all and forming your own opinion thinking all is well in the Islamic Republic. If you cant observe the Iranians here - both abroad and from Iran and cant read the message between the lines, I cant help.

Bottom line - the Iranians by and large dont consider the Mulla leadership as a panacea and them supporting Iran is not equal to supporting the regime.

If Shah was a dictator, so are the current Mullas who are take the additional charge of regulating the religion as well.

And yeah I know the cause of the revolution and how it was hijacked by the Islamists midway. If the revolution had indeed taken its course you would be seeing a socialist or marxist regime and not the current theocracy.
Want to know what can Islam do to a perfectly normal society ?? (only Turkey is exception)

Hey tali- for your one directional head- visit this thread- this is iran after the revolution-

Only difference i see is there are no semi nude girls in minis or biknis in open-
Semi nude girls does not mean a perfectly normal society btw-
Maybe your perverted mind wants to see such nude girls and calls a society with such girls as perfect-
Better ask the US born Iranians than ask no one at all and forming your own opinion thinking all is well in the Islamic Republic. If you cant observe the Iranians here - both abroad and from Iran and cant read the message between the lines, I cant help.

Bottom line - the Iranians by and large dont consider the Mulla leadership as a panacea and them supporting Iran is not equal to supporting the regime.

If Shah was a dictator, so are the current Mullas who are take the additional charge of regulating the religion as well.

And just how do the opinions of US born Iranians matter? They in fact don't. They are Americans.

I am not forming my opinion at all. Nor am I observing the Iranians on PDF. Any troll can pretend to be somebody else on the Internet.

Anyhow, my point is that it is the decision of the Iranian people. Sure, they may be hard and harsh, but it is their nation.

If the people living in Iran are not satisfied with the regime, they can overthrow it if they desire. The Green Movement failed due to lack of support. And support matters a lot. I'm saying this based on evidence. Not opinions on the Internet by some nobodies.

Anyway, I hope things do get easier for them.

And if you want my opinion, mullahs are not supposed to be politicians to begin with. And let alone heads of state.

The Shah? Well, he thought too much about himself, and when unemployment skyrocketed, and he wasn't doing anything, he was doomed. Even college grads couldn't get jobs. But that's just one of the factors.

The US has a lot to answer for. Keeping its head in the sand is not going to change anything regarding Iran.
Dude the Magadhans were Mauryas and Kalinga was in India. I was referring specifically to the part wherein no king in Indian history barring just two ever undertook any significant physical conquest outside the traditional boundaries of the subcontinent.

One must first take care of his own house before they venture outside right?? The Macedonian battles I mentioned were in areas in Afghanistan (not a part of the subcontinent) after which they took over the rest of the subcontinent bar few areas until Ashoka said enough is enough. Also you said barring just two which means two did so how can you never yet two did? That makes no sense.
That was just sad....evolution in reverse.

1970 Iran = 1970 world
2012 Iran = 700 BC world except a few like minded countries.

Umm no you should check out the pictures in the current Iran thread, so narrow minded of a comment here.
Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Whenever Muslims say "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world", it just means they make a lot of babies. Nothing else.

Thank you.

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