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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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So better stop this ridiculous notion of you Muslims being inherently superior to others (his words). Given an equal opportunity, other groups can outperform your community according to present empirical evidence. I'm not gloating or anything, but I did not start this either.

Let go of this superiority complex that you people are somewhat god's special creation and see others return the respect.

North African, Central Asian states are all rich in natural resources.

No Muslim believes we are special creations that's Judaism buddy.

Also Egypt has less oil yet it out performs African countries south of it, and he brought up Indonesia. He didn't bring up CARs.
No , you can't use the term revert . It is about conversion that i am specifically talking about , the kind that took place on live television in Pakistan a few days ago with people celebrating .

Do not tell me what I can and cannot say. I do not have time or the patience to explain to YOU why I phrased it that way.
Well good for you guys that is because you value education a lot but all other examples he gave were accurate. Besides it doesn't matter much because the Saudis alone have investments in nearly all major companies in the US including guess what, the Muslim fearing Fox News!!

Don't hate is a phrase it doesn't literally mean you hate them never mind I guess you do not know how people talk in the states these days. Yes but he did not list any oil rich countries.

This graph shows what is the real image! Muslims are pessimist when it comes to Education. It's just disappointing. Muslims are just fighting each other for no reason. They should rather come to peace which is the criteria of Islam and yes, the first verse to Prophet Muhammad (Sm) was "Read".
Also Egypt has less oil yet it out performs African countries south of it, and he brought up Indonesia. He didn't bring up CARs.

Egypt is better than south africa..?And when comparing East Asia How is Indonesia compared to Thailand,Singapore,South Korea and Japan..?
No Muslim believes we are special creations that's Judaism buddy.

Also Egypt has less oil yet it out performs African countries south of it, and he brought up Indonesia. He didn't bring up CARs.
Just look at Auz post where he claims Muslims are inherently superior and talk.

Regarding Egypt, its because it is pretty homogenous and does not have 100 member clans fighting civil war with each other as in Central Africa. Religion had nothing to do with their backwardness. So what about Somalia ?

I don't want to offend anyone but to be fair:
Indian situation, education, healthcare and GDP per capita is worse than average muslims in middle east.
Should I blame Hinduism?

No you cant. That is the point we are trying to make. Religion does not make one inherently superior or inferior.
Even during the short lived 2009 strikes in Iran few people rose up against the regime. If more had perhaps you would have seen a struggle such as the one going on in Syria today.

That's not very logical. Do you think that last year when there was no such uprising in Syria, it was because everyone supported the government? Or that it is the case in Bahrain? The fighting is not necessarily the only barometer of public opinion.
People who just hate Islam/Muslims...

That needs to be parsed. What if somebody, after a serious and clinical study, has negative opinions about Islam and its founder, and thinks many Muslims are either misguided or want to sweep disturbing issues under the carpet.
No, indians pose no ideological threat to Islam. indian civilization is just too insignificant and weak.

Yeah there is no ideological threat from india to any religion in this world.
By the way, same weak civilization existed long before birth of christianity & birth of Islam so it much significant than any self-proclaimed significant religions in world.

Islam and Christianity are the ONLY two 'global' civilizations/faith who want to spread even further....hence the conflict arise.....

100% Agreed with there. Hope every Pakistani too understand it soon.

Jews don't hate Islam..Actually , many Jews (specially orthodox) admire Islam and even defend it sometimes. Israel vs Palestine problem is the major conflict..other than that, Muslims/Jews are pretty similar in their faiths.......

Its debateable. Like Muslims, Jews to believe in their religious texts.Jewish Religious champions or religious bigots dont have much appreciation/respect for other faiths.

Plus : You are a Sikh....

I am Atheist by nature but for people like you I am first Indian then a Hindu & then a Maratha !

We are all Humans first. But if you say you are Muslim first, then I will assert my Hindu identity
All these changes are pushing islam to become more stricter in protecting their unique Identity!! Even 30 years ago most of the muslims were moderate! Now a days they are either fundamentalist or non practising!! Why is so? Why muslims don't match with rest of the world? There is clash of civilization, culture, life style which is negatively affecting muslim. Still they don't change? Why? Because there is a mechanism in Islam from 7th century that prevents them changing any part of it which other religions lack...... Islam is a supremacist religion. Muslims believes every part of this world belongs to the creator, so anything against monotheism must be dealt accordingly! Plus Islam is also a political ideology, just imagine Capitalism Vs Communism ! Islam replaced communism and is considered a threat by rest of the world!!

Excellent inputs.
There are people who want to make the whole world Muslim. I think we should go to war with them. In a way I am afraid of Islam, I wonder if I qualify as Islamophobe?
Also I think we should go to war with the kind that dream of Christian world.

Why would you..those two loony groups are already AT war, right now a bit informal, but soon the lines would be drawn. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Islam is going through a revival all over the world... In this era of technology, this world is turning into a global village, life style of an Indian is not much different than an argentinian which was not the case even 100 years ago! All these changes are pushing islam to become more stricter in protecting their unique Identity!! Even 30 years ago most of the muslims were moderate! Now a days they are either fundamentalist or non practising!! Why is so? Why muslims don't match with rest of the world? There is clash of civilization, culture, life style which is negatively affecting muslim. Still they don't change? Why? Because there is a mechanism in Islam from 7th century that prevents them changing any part of it which other religions lack...... Islam is a supremacist religion. Muslims believes every part of this world belongs to the creator, so anything against monotheism must be dealt accordingly! Plus Islam is also a political ideology, just imagine Capitalism Vs Communism ! Islam replaced communism and is considered a threat by rest of the world!!

That was concise and to the point.

My only question is you said anything against Monotheism wont be tolerated..so why the problem with Christians who are also monotheistic ?
Armenians come over here to exploit the welfare system.

Vietnamese gangs have created no-go zones where whites dare not enter.

Jews want to criminalize Christmas in public places.

Arabs do not integrate into our culture.

Latinos have a mission to outbreed us and take over our country.

Blacks are naturally criminal and commit disproportionate number of crimes.


Are any of these statements racist or bigoted? Even if some may be statistically true at this point, are there socioeconomic factors which made it true for other groups in earlier times? Is it warranted to extrapolate each statement to describe the group as a whole?

Now, if someone replaces the word Muslim for the ethnicity in any of the above phrases, and believes it to be representative of Muslims as a whole, then that person is an Islamophobe.

Of course, some people will say that Muslims share a common book, the Quran, which contains certain verses. That is true. It is also true that, like all religious texts, the Quran is allegorical and is interpreted differently by various groups, so there is no single central point of command controlling the behavior of all Muslims. There is no hidden agenda shared by 1.2 billion Muslims, and people who believe such a thing are motivated by their own agenda.

True one should not make generalizations about any group, one should do justice to each individual.

At the same time it is possible to make meaningful statements about doctrines as they were originally introduced, and have been practiced for centuries.
I have a question for Asim and Developer.

I love dogs. And I know breeds and their temperaments.

I would never trust a Doberman or a Rott with my 6 year old. Even my 15 year old only after intense familiarization.


Because I know they are not safe with kids.

Does that make me racist towards them?

Or simply forewarned?

A sharp question.

Not all Dobermans have the same temperament. Yet you would be justified in being cautious, asking for full disclosure about an individual Doberman's temperament.

But it is important to note that variability for humans is much higher than for dog breeds, generalizations are far less accurate.

Humans have the capacity to break free of the programming that they were brought up with.
Oh yes, and Auz forgot Asia in his global comparison. He forgot Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.

Auz, also please tell us if not for oil how would the "Islamic economies" fared.

Oh I did not. I only compared regions were significant populations of 'Muslims' AND 'non-Muslims' reside together...

Afghanistan is surrounded by all Islamic countries lol..Anyways , even in India-Pakistan comparison on economy , both countries are in same category....big deal?

Also , it is just your desperation that make you think "oil" ...

Here's a hint : Two largest economies in Muslim world are Turkey and Indonesia....

Find oil there :lol:

Also , if some countries in Middle-East developed their energy reserves..so what? Economies grow that way...

But my parameters included : GDP , Scientific Production , Health , Infrastructure , Earning Per Capita , Military Power , Global Influence , Cultural Influence , and women-to-men ratio in Universities etc ...

In EVERY single of these parameters , Islamic World over-overwhelmingly dwarfs little insignificant india...yet your countrymen are blabbering "Oh Muslims are backward.." :rolleyes: Why don't you stop them before crying infront of me?

Secondly , read my post again.... Does these words tell you something,dumbo?

See how easy it is to blabber? You people are a joke.
Egypt is better than south africa..?And when comparing East Asia How is Indonesia compared to Thailand,Singapore,South Korea and Japan..?

We are talking about "over-all" performance here..not one country.... North Africa outperforms central and South Africa overall (Here , I'm not talking about 'country' South Africa)...

Secondly : Read my post.... The countries you mentioned are NOT in 'South East Asia" ...there are in "East Asia" by China....Different environments , surroundings , neighbors etc etc....

Anyways , my point is not to show who is what...I just wanted to show indians mirror that how retarded they look when calling someone else "backward" ...As your compatriots are doing in this thread...

~ Cheers
Umm no you should check out the pictures in the current Iran thread, so narrow minded of a comment here.

It was just symbolic - and the symbolism was towards the mindset - if you think everything's fine with the repression in Iran, then we two are at different opposing points of the spectrum of thinking what an evolved society should be and what a society should aspire to evolve into.
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