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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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Anyone who believes there is a hidden agenda or there is a mission that every Muslim is on - DOES have an irrational fear of Muslims and hence - an Islamophobe.

When non-muslims convert to Islam and kind of celebrations that you get to see , even from regular muslims , If that makes me believe they have an agenda or an ulterior motive which makes me suspicious , then am I an Islamophobe .

How else am i supposed to feel about those celebrations ?

In almost all Non-muslims countries , muslim population is increasing due to fertility rates or immigration .

In almost all Muslim countries , non-muslim population is going down and to be honest most of the time they don't seem bothered about it , in fact any more conversions to Islam are considered welcome .

What is a non-muslim supposed to feel except that Muslims want the whole world to turn muslim ?
Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Whenever Muslims say "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world", it just means they make a lot of babies. Nothing else.

Thank you.

So when's the part when you turn your other cheek coming?
Look at Muslims countries 90%Muslims countries destroying Non-Muslims population in their country
Anyone who believes there is a hidden agenda or there is a mission that every Muslim is on - DOES have an irrational fear of Muslims and hence - an Islamophobe.

The religious duty as mandated by Quran, if I am not mistaken, is for Muslims not to rest till the whole world is Dar-Al Islam.

See that does not go down well with the rest 5.4 billion odd people who may not believe in the one true God.

Actually now that you have mentioned about the irrational fear part - let me tell you that the religion that has cried "khatray mein" most and is crying even today is Islam.
Phobia against a religion is ok. There are many things in all religions to be scared of.
Here's two new words for you jerks " tolerance " and "self respect ".

When people try to hold them accountable for spontaneously blowing up in public places or when peddling sharia in every goddamn place they go, or introducing blasphemy laws or performing "circumcision" on women or for practicing polygamy or.....or......or......(fill in the blanks with every vile thing imaginable).......

They say " you raysisss isla-mama-phobe"

I say......Up yours !

Im done.

I've got one word(seriously, just one): "Irony"
Excess of Hot air makes balloons burst. Similarly, excess of quran facilitates spontaneous combustion of pious Muslims.

The difference being, Muslims only blow up in public places.

Excess of Quran turns you into a noble'. We're 100% nonreactive :)
yaar his hatred islamophobic nature has been inbreeded by hindus-

Oh the irony..in a thread about Islamophobia, Hinduphobia becomes fashionable.

If only they could wear the shoe on the other foot without wincing.
Pakistanis please contribute.

Tell us who is an Islamophobe.

Tell us what makes you and other Muslims call someone an Islamophobe?

Does criticizing Islam and its teachings qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic brutalities down the ages the world over qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic terrorism in today's world, the world over, qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic Sharia and its medieval laws qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic treatment of minorities on their lands qualify?

Does criticizing Islam for its gender laws and treatment of women qualify?

Does criticizing your Prophet, what he stood for, and what he did, qualify?

What qualifies someone to be called an Islamophobe?

Doing any of the above with innocent intention and pure curiosity doesn't. But the same for sinister agendas and defaming/causing harm/hurting does.
Super simple stuff.
It would largely depend on your screening mechanism.

My screening mechanism would certainly include people who mean harm to me, my family, my society, my beliefs, my brethren and who already have caused harm.

My screening will also include people who in the name of religion kill and harm people, who prevent me or give me freedom to follow what I wish within society's limits of course.

My screening will distance people who go by their religious teachings that allow them to kill or cheat or rob people of another religion just because their religion says so.

My screening would definitely include people who kill innocent civilians for whatever cause it may be and those who cheer at the killing of civilians.

These form a small minority - but am I allowed to dislike them without being called Islamophobic?

Is Islamophobe a person who hates Islam or one who hates Muslims for their actions or both ?

Second you said Islamophobe is a person who hates Islam without a reason. Does hating due to a reason exempt one from being labelled as such ?

Third, from an Indian's perspective, does believing that Islam was better off in the Middle East and happy to flourish there rather than come to subcontinent make one an Islamophobe ?

I know a person who hates Islam but feels no ill will towards Muslims, I guess in that case it comes down to what Illusion said about feeling pity for some Muslims hell I feel pity for some of these kids who grow up with nothing in Afghanistan and end up joining the Taliban.

Of course I would agree that if you have a family member that was blown to bits by a radical Muslim you would have enough reason to hate Muslims and you would probably think that all Muslims must be the same especially if you have never come across one and the first you do come across blows up your family in front of you. I would feel the same and would understand why said person would hold those beliefs but then again there are people after 9/11 who felt this way and decided to go and learn why the radicals did what they did and learned that they were wrong in their beliefs and those people do not hold all Muslims accountable.

Yes it does for two reasons, one you guys cannot change the past so need to get over it and accept the reality that you are surrounded by Islam and secondly what were you guys going to do even if the invasions never occurred?? Unless you isolated yourselves from Muslims everywhere eventually you would have come across Islam one way or another and conversions would occur regardless as Islam is a proselytizing religion.
Disclaimer: Everything I say below is my opinion.

I would say Islamaphobia is actually Xenophobia. However, people who criticize Islam are also accused of Islamaphobia which is wrong.

Islamaphobia is in my view an excuse for Xenophobia and racism. It seems to be the only form of racism that is sadly held to be VALID. Its used today to excuse bigotry.

People who do not understand why certain things are done in Islam, but go ahead and abuse it. As an example, I am subscribed to this group on facebook called Atheism Resources. Because I am an Atheist. On Eid day, I saw a post which showed a number of cows slaughtered on the floor of a mosque (I think), or some public hall. And then the quote - "The religion of peace", and then the sheeple crying foul. This to me is Islamaphobic. Dont Christians do the same thing? I mean infact the only difference between doing it industrial scale and doing it Islam style, is that Muslims dont stun the animal before slaughter. But still, its scientifically proven that slitting the throat halal style actually causes the fastest death, because it drains blood from the brain instantly. Making the animal unconscious before it dies. To me this is fear of the unknown, and views that are stereotypical in nature, that WHATEVER Muslims do is bad. This to me is Islamaphobia.

I despise racists and Xenophobes.

It is a direct result of Mullah-ism and terrorism combined with fear of the unknown. The ridiculous laws and interpretations of the Religion that some of these Mullahs come up with, the exposure that negativity gets in the western world all have worked to create this stereotype and spread it. The fact that the western world loves negativity, especially from the Third World, because of persistent and inherent bigotry that has plagued those societies since the last 200 years is also a factor in Islamaphobia spreading like wildfire.

I would say far reaching origins. Its not just about Islam, but in general the view that the Third World is in some ways inferior. I think that feeling gets passed down from one generation to another in the western world, not openly, but in a more subtle fashion. The situation has improved today but its like a persistent social evil in those societies. Dont get me wrong, even Indian society in some ways is Islamaphobic, although I believe we understand it better than the west.

I dont find any difference. I look at it as racism. Fear of unknown cultures. Xenophobia. Has been there since man has been on the planet.

Not sure :) Maybe, it will get better over time because of constant interaction. Maybe it will get worse because of increased terrorism.

Wickerman, from the tone and tenor of your post I conclude that you just another Indian atheist who wants to prove his atheistic credentials by having a go at Hinduism. Coming from a place that had one such major movement early in this century and somehow weathered it, I can judge the pattern. No, its perfectly fine. Since this country is Hindu majority and most of the culture feeds off the religion atheists involuntarily tend to target it. Maybe if the majority were Christian you would have tageted christianity. But it would be finer if the atheists could just maintain an equidistance from all religions.
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