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Who does Pakistan relate to more - Asia or Middle East?

This race has a unique culture and heritage.
Indeed. As distinct as other nations from their neighbours. The Oder River between Germany and Poland does not have three legs one eyed people as contrasted to the Poles with three eyes on one leg. As much as there ae differances between most countries we have them. But.

Pakistan is home to a very old race of people who were always distinct and very different to the rest of South Asia and beyond.
Very true. At heart of the equation it is very simple. Aitzaz Ahsan's book "The Indus Saga ad Making of Pakistan" pretty well lays the blueprint for Pakistan. It picks up on the fac that countries are geographies. Soil. Earth. Dust. Land. That is what makes a nation. That is what we spill blood over. Without land there can be no sovereign nation. This land we call Pakistan that has cultivated the collage that lives on it has a long unique history going back to Mehr Garh 5,000 years ago. The Indus valley is a unique geography that has given birth to us. In his book "Indus Saga" Aitzaz Ahsan charts the evolution of a land. A 5,000 year saga.


If this book in tandem with Rehmat Ali and Sir Allama Iqbal's call or "Muslim majority homeland" was leveraged by making it required reading for all Pakistani school children within a generation Pakistan would have a strong, pronounced, unique identity that would gell the polyglot peoples of the Indus Basin together. It would give this nation pride that we are second to non and that we hold the distinction of having been the cradle of human civilization. Our people would be cured of the schizoid nature they show many rooting for "Indian" or "Arab" or "Central Asian" identities and others fighting for some escapist ummah which actually is just as cheap contractors of Palestinians or other Arabs.

Sir Allama Iqbal 1980 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allahabad_Address

I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State.

Rehmat Ali 1933 http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00islamlinks/txt_rahmatali_1933.html

I am enclosing herewith an appeal on behalf of the thirty million Muslims of PAKISTAN, who live in the five Northern Units of India--Punjab, North-West Frontier (Afghan) Province, Kashmir, Sind, and Baluchistan. It embodies their demand for the recognition of their national status, as distinct from the other inhabitants of India, by the grant to Pakistan of a separate Federal Constitution on religious, social and historical group

But. But this has not happened and will not. Aitzaz's book has failed to gain any widespread traction and in fact has been dismissed by many talkingheads. The reasons are simple. First the religious lobby will not accept any such thing. Their goal is the ummah. Then we also have the Muhajir elite which pretty well dominates the media and education. To the 7% of this Pakistan are not exactly open to this "Pakistan" as they are not from the Indus Basin.

Therefore I see a broken and fractured identities fighting each other depending on their background. Say we are "Indians" on vacation from Hindutwa's in Karachi might not be taken too well in Mardan. Religion is peddled unleashed via energetic mullahs in a attempt to pucker up the "Muslim refuge" narrative although as I mentioned that itself brings it's own set of problems.

If a more composite anchored on the Indus region is not developed then as the differant regions of Pakistan develop I can see Pakistan cracking up along the Indus faultline with the easter half gaining the right to go "full on Indian" and perhaps rejoin Mata India. The future is bleak if this issue is not resolved. The pointer to this is how we have regional parties. PPP rural sindh. PML-N Punjab. MQM the Indian refugees in Karachi. PTI is heading to be a Pakhtun pressure group much as MQMN is a Indian migrant pressure group. This along with others shows the fractured polity of Pakistan.
Being on the continental cusp identifying with a regional identity can become quite tricky. With Pakistanis being multi ethnic this becomes even more complicated. Throw in religious bias and it becomes virtually impossible to create a unifying angle.

So how do we determine what Pakistan relates to more? What is best for her future in terms of regional identity?

I have traveled to many countries and I have always found Asia to be the most pleasant. I immediately form a connection with food, complexion and some share values. They are warm and friendly and polar opposite of what its been like in Middle East, Europe and US. I won't say I've been treated badly, its all been normal but I get a nicer vibe in Asia.

I would want Pakistan to start tilting towards Asia (not CARs) and become fully integrated but easier said than done with internal and external pull factors.

So what does a Pakistani in general relate to more?
Well isn't most of ME already in Asia (@Sharif al-Hijaz )?

But getting to the point Pakistan is mostly South Asian/Central Asian.
But we do not have any cultural relationship with people of Middle East.

@khanz was right.

We have some common cultural relationship with Muslims of India and Bangladesh, but nothing in common with the Hindus. Hindus are a completely different group of people.

Okay Mr. troll. I think you are the troll. Stop claiming that I am a troll. How am I trolling genius?

This is my only account with more than 5000 posts. What are my other accounts. I am genuine.

I agree with you with what you are trying to say. We have a unique identity. Which I agree with you.

But are we closer to Middle East Muslims or South Asian Muslims? Lets be honest here.

Yes we have nothing to do with India, that is where I agree with @PAKISTANFOREVER.

I am not a Muhajir nationalist, and no where did I say I support MQM. Nice try though.

TBH We have nothing in common culturally with Arabs, bangladeshis or indian so called "Muslims". I cannot relate to any of them. They are all very alien to us. indian Muslims are identical to hindus and sikhs bar religion. Pakistanis are not.
TBH We have nothing in common culturally with Arabs, bangladeshis or indian so called "Muslims". I cannot relate to any of them. They are all very alien to us. indian Muslims are identical to hindus and sikhs bar religion. Pakistanis are not.
Bingo you said the right thing. We Pakistanis have a unique identity.

Bingo you said the right thing. We Pakistanis have a unique identity.
Like Arabs wear Thobe and jellabia. We Pakistanis wear Shalwar Kameez. And Indian Muslims and Bangladeshi Muslims wear Kurta Pyjama. We Pakistanis have a unique identity.
Why do You PAKISTANIS keep opening threads asking the SAME QUESTIONS ??

You look like ,,, YOU ARE ,, you always be treated like

1. Pakistanis
2. Moslems
3 South Asians
4. Non Ango saxon


You cannot be Persian or Arabic or Central Asian .......... These people look different. behave different and ARE DIFFERENT


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Why do You PAKISTANIS keep opening threads asking the SAME QUESTIONS ??

You look like ,,, YOU ARE ,, you always be treated like

1. Pakistanis
2. Moslems
3 South Asians
4. Non Ango saxon


You cannot be Persian or Arabic or Central Asian .......... These people look different. behave different and ARE DIFFERENT

This is where you are right. Never thought it would come from an Indian.

We Pakistanis have a unique identity.
TBH We have nothing in common culturally with Arabs, bangladeshis or indian so called "Muslims". I cannot relate to any of them. They are all very alien to us. indian Muslims are identical to hindus and sikhs bar religion. Pakistanis are not.
Well I wouldn't go that far as to say we have nothing in common with these groups.

Urdu for example incorporates alot of Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi words. Also the Mughal architecture is actually originally from Iran/Central Asia. Many of our cuisines are also Central Asian in origin.
Why do You PAKISTANIS keep opening threads asking the SAME QUESTIONS ??

You look like ,,, YOU ARE ,, you always be treated like

1. Pakistanis
2. Moslems
3 South Asians
4. Non Ango saxon


You cannot be Persian or Arabic or Central Asian .......... These people look different. behave different and ARE DIFFERENT

Absolutely one should not try to be something that one is not. We are who we are and we feel proud about that.

This is your uniquess

Stop being ashamed ..............SHOW some confidence man

PAKISTAN and Pakistanis ........... shout out aloud

You will never hear a

Spanish person or a German or Even Russian /Chinease ask this question ever
Indeed. As distinct as other nations from their neighbours. The Oder River between Germany and Poland does not have three legs one eyed people as contrasted to the Poles with three eyes on one leg. As much as there ae differances between most countries we have them. But.

Very true. At heart of the equation it is very simple. Aitzaz Ahsan's book "The Indus Saga ad Making of Pakistan" pretty well lays the blueprint for Pakistan. It picks up on the fac that countries are geographies. Soil. Earth. Dust. Land. That is what makes a nation. That is what we spill blood over. Without land there can be no sovereign nation. This land we call Pakistan that has cultivated the collage that lives on it has a long unique history going back to Mehr Garh 5,000 years ago. The Indus valley is a unique geography that has given birth to us. In his book "Indus Saga" Aitzaz Ahsan charts the evolution of a land. A 5,000 year saga.


If this book in tandem with Rehmat Ali and Sir Allama Iqbal's call or "Muslim majority homeland" was leveraged by making it required reading for all Pakistani school children within a generation Pakistan would have a strong, pronounced, unique identity that would gell the polyglot peoples of the Indus Basin together. It would give this nation pride that we are second to non and that we hold the distinction of having been the cradle of human civilization. Our people would be cured of the schizoid nature they show many rooting for "Indian" or "Arab" or "Central Asian" identities and others fighting for some escapist ummah which actually is just as cheap contractors of Palestinians or other Arabs.

Sir Allama Iqbal 1980 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allahabad_Address

I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State.

Rehmat Ali 1933 http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00islamlinks/txt_rahmatali_1933.html

I am enclosing herewith an appeal on behalf of the thirty million Muslims of PAKISTAN, who live in the five Northern Units of India--Punjab, North-West Frontier (Afghan) Province, Kashmir, Sind, and Baluchistan. It embodies their demand for the recognition of their national status, as distinct from the other inhabitants of India, by the grant to Pakistan of a separate Federal Constitution on religious, social and historical group

But. But this has not happened and will not. Aitzaz's book has failed to gain any widespread traction and in fact has been dismissed by many talkingheads. The reasons are simple. First the religious lobby will not accept any such thing. Their goal is the ummah. Then we also have the Muhajir elite which pretty well dominates the media and education. To the 7% of this Pakistan are not exactly open to this "Pakistan" as they are not from the Indus Basin.

Therefore I see a broken and fractured identities fighting each other depending on their background. Say we are "Indians" on vacation from Hindutwa's in Karachi might not be taken too well in Mardan. Religion is peddled unleashed via energetic mullahs in a attempt to pucker up the "Muslim refuge" narrative although as I mentioned that itself brings it's own set of problems.

If a more composite anchored on the Indus region is not developed then as the differant regions of Pakistan develop I can see Pakistan cracking up along the Indus faultline with the easter half gaining the right to go "full on Indian" and perhaps rejoin Mata India. The future is bleak if this issue is not resolved. The pointer to this is how we have regional parties. PPP rural sindh. PML-N Punjab. MQM the Indian refugees in Karachi. PTI is heading to be a Pakhtun pressure group much as MQMN is a Indian migrant pressure group. This along with others shows the fractured polity of Pakistan.
Since most of your posts go unchallenged these days, you seem to be having a field day on pdf.

The fact that such questions pop up often on this forum proves that theres something really hurting the youth about their identity in your country.
Being a responsible Pakistani yoursrlf, I expect you to guide them well...Sir. Lol
Why do You PAKISTANIS keep opening threads asking the SAME QUESTIONS ??

You look like ,,, YOU ARE ,, you always be treated like

1. Pakistanis
2. Moslems
3 South Asians
4. Non Ango saxon


You cannot be Persian or Arabic or Central Asian .......... These people look different. behave different and ARE DIFFERENT


I think we are the most beautiful people. Our culture and traditions are uniquely ours. The smell of our cuisines especially in Ramzan, the extended family, the kite flying, the street markets, the neighborhood children playing in the alley ways, the sound of the Azan, praying at the local Masjid, the elderly men talking politics while the women are gossiping, the rikshas and motorcycles roaring through the streets, the walimas in the evening. Ahhh, sweet sweet memories. Everything is changing now unfortunately :(

Sure other people might do similar things too but for me Pakistanis do it the best in our own unique way that even words cannot do justice. Whatever we are I'm happy for it to be a part of my identity.
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