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Who does Pakistan relate to more - Asia or Middle East?

There you are. You have touched on the essential contradiction within the heart of Pakistan that will keep tearing away at it. What you are essentially saying is religion is insufficient as means of a stand alone identity and because of that we are 'green' Indians. Well if this is the case the question arises is why the partition then? Nehru was right. Religion is insufficent to form a nation. Muslims are contrary to what ML said not a nation but just a iteration of Indians like Jains, Christian Indians are.

What appears to be the case here is and what in fact your saying is we are children of Mata India. If so I think we ought to confederate with India again. At least we might get some benefits of being part of large kaladaiscope and without all the killing on LOC and nuclear war hanging over us. All because we are differant religion? This makes Pakistan a blunder. A accident because of Nehru's lack of compromise.

No. The basic principle of Islam is the brotherhood of all Muslims. Tell me would Nigerian landing at Islamabad airport be given citizenship if he exposed his circumcized dick? What if he applied for Pakistani citizenship and based that on the fundamentel Islamic principle of Muslim brotherhood?
Although we have in common with Muslims of India and Bangladesh.

We are a completely different nation from India. We are not from India. We got our independence from the British empire.

We are not some refugee camp for Indian Muslims.

We have a distinct culture we can cherish.

We just have more in common with Muslims of India and Bangladesh than with other Muslims from other regions.

There you are. You have touched on the essential contradiction within the heart of Pakistan that will keep tearing away at it. What you are essentially saying is religion is insufficient as means of a stand alone identity and because of that we are 'green' Indians. Well if this is the case the question arises is why the partition then? Nehru was right. Religion is insufficent to form a nation. Muslims are contrary to what ML said not a nation but just a iteration of Indians like Jains, Christian Indians are.

What appears to be the case here is and what in fact your saying is we are children of Mata India. If so I think we ought to confederate with India again. At least we might get some benefits of being part of large kaladaiscope and without all the killing on LOC and nuclear war hanging over us. All because we are differant religion? This makes Pakistan a blunder. A accident because of Nehru's lack of compromise.

No. The basic principle of Islam is the brotherhood of all Muslims. Tell me would a Nigerian Muslim landing at Islamabad airport be given citizenship if he exposed his circumcized dick? What if he applied for Pakistani citizenship and based that on the fundamentel Islamic principle of Muslim brotherhood?
Actually Nehru was wrong. Because of religion we are a different society from the Hindus and Buddhists of South Asia.
I should have clarified.

Fom Afghanistan onwards I do not regard as Asia in the traditional sense. Asia for me begins from Pakistan.

CARs are central russian whatever states. They don't have much in common with Asia along with Afghanistan. Like Iran, they are not Asians.

Where did you learn geography? lmao

You meant south asia right?

I am ethnic Pathan and ethnic Punjabi mixed. My Mother's side is from Afghanistan, and my father's side is from United Provinces of Agra and Oudh. But my father is Punjabi.

this doesn't make any sense troll

What with name calling? Now that u have come to it let me educate u , you are the most idiotic person on this place.

Plus your ignornce about pakistani is even more comical plus your idiotic adamant behavior to refuse to accept your mistake and parrot the same stupid line in an effort that by repeating it 200000000000 million times it will become a truth are extremely dumb. Just grow a brian for yourself.

Having these names mean you are claiming arab lineages and forget about having names, pakistani people with syed and all these aforementioned surnames say that they are of arab descent.

And no i am not a false flagger but you are too dumb to ever undertsand that.
Lmao @ his statement , "i am yet to see any pakistani who claims to have arab lineage" . Infact we have such characters on this forum who claim to be from arabs. Lmao

I am from Islamabad. I am a ethnic punjabi half ethnic kashmiri.

Iqbal is sock account of troll, I'm pretty sure who he is but lets leave it.
Actually Nehru was wrong
According to most of the members here he was right. He said we are Indians first. Incidental to that Muslim, Hindu, Christian, sikh but we are all "Indian bhai bhai" and by the majority posts he he was right. Now we are "bhais" in refuge camp called Pakistan.

I don't happen to agree with this because I think PDF does not represent Pakistan. It has more members from some backgrouds then their numbers in Pakistan. As we move forward the "silent" voices of the many who have no representation will start impacting. Let us see what happens when that time comes.
There you are. You have touched on the essential contradiction within the heart of Pakistan that will keep tearing away at it. What you are essentially saying is religion is insufficient as means of a stand alone identity and because of that we are 'green' Indians. Well if this is the case the question arises is why the partition then? Nehru was right. Religion is insufficent to form a nation. Muslims are contrary to what ML said not a nation but just a iteration of Indians like Jains, Christian Indians are.

What appears to be the case here is and what in fact your saying is we are children of Mata India. If so I think we ought to confederate with India again. At least we might get some benefits of being part of large kaladaiscope and without all the killing on LOC and nuclear war hanging over us. All because we are differant religion? This makes Pakistan a blunder. A accident because of Nehru's lack of compromise.

No. The basic principle of Islam is the brotherhood of all Muslims. Tell me would a Nigerian Muslim landing at Islamabad airport be given citizenship if he exposed his circumcized dick? What if he applied for Pakistani citizenship and based that on the fundamentel Islamic principle of Muslim brotherhood?

“The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy” (Al-Hujurat, 10)

Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. Remember the favor of Allah upon you, when you were enemies and he brought your hearts together and you became brothers by his favor.” (Quran, 3:103)

It is what is.

Someday you will be told stories of how pakistan defeated the menace of boko haram.

You are culturally tribal in nature. You dont have to understand.
There you are. You have touched on the essential contradiction within the heart of Pakistan that will keep tearing away at it. What you are essentially saying is religion is insufficient as means of a stand alone identity and because of that we are 'green' Indians. Well if this is the case the question arises is why the partition then? Nehru was right. Religion is insufficent to form a nation. Muslims are contrary to what ML said not a nation but just a iteration of Indians like Jains, Christian Indians are.

What appears to be the case here is and what in fact your saying is we are children of Mata India. If so I think we ought to confederate with India again. At least we might get some benefits of being part of large kaladaiscope and without all the killing on LOC and nuclear war hanging over us. All because we are differant religion? This makes Pakistan a blunder. A accident because of Nehru's lack of compromise.

No. The basic principle of Islam is the brotherhood of all Muslims. Tell me would a Nigerian Muslim landing at Islamabad airport be given citizenship if he exposed his circumcized dick? What if he applied for Pakistani citizenship and based that on the fundamentel Islamic principle of Muslim brotherhood?

“The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy” (Al-Hujurat, 10)

Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. Remember the favor of Allah upon you, when you were enemies and he brought your hearts together and you became brothers by his favor.” (Quran, 3:103)

For the most part I agree with you. But I think the definition & meaning of Pakistan is actually quite simple. Pakistan is home to a very old race of people who were always distinct and very different to the rest of South Asia and beyond. This race has a unique culture and heritage. Pakistan aims to preserve this. Unfortunately most Pakistanis don't understand this fact and the retarded smelly religious mutts make this concept hard to convey. Once we all accept this fact then we can all move on.

Although we have in common with Muslims of India and Bangladesh.

We are a completely different nation from India. We are not from India. We got our independence from the British empire.

We are not some refugee camp for Indian Muslims.

We have a distinct culture we can cherish.

We just have more in common with Muslims of India and Bangladesh than with other Muslims from other regions.

Actually Nehru was wrong. Because of religion we are a different society from the Hindus and Buddhists of South Asia.

Lol......how many indian so called "Muslims" and bangladeshis have you met in real life?
They are TOTALLY different to us in every way. Only propaganda and a hangover from colonial times lends to the falsehood that we are the same as them......lol.....:lol:
Being on the continental cusp identifying with a regional identity can become quite tricky. With Pakistanis being multi ethnic this becomes even more complicated. Throw in religious bias and it becomes virtually impossible to create a unifying angle.

So how do we determine what Pakistan relates to more? What is best for her future in terms of regional identity?

I have traveled to many countries and I have always found Asia to be the most pleasant. I immediately form a connection with food, complexion and some share values. They are warm and friendly and polar opposite of what its been like in Middle East, Europe and US. I won't say I've been treated badly, its all been normal but I get a nicer vibe in Asia.

I would want Pakistan to start tilting towards Asia (not CARs) and become fully integrated but easier said than done with internal and external pull factors.

So what does a Pakistani in general relate to more?
We are not related to any country but has unique country one and only Pakistan ...Islam Ka Qila.
We don't need any other identity.

Pakistan sab se pehley.... Pakistan ka matlab kiya La Ilaha ill allah.
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Where did you learn geography? lmao

You meant south asia right?

this doesn't make any sense troll

Iqbal is sock account of troll, I'm pretty sure who he is but lets leave it.
I am a genuine Pakistani. Nice try though.

Where did you learn geography? lmao

You meant south asia right?

this doesn't make any sense troll

Iqbal is sock account of troll, I'm pretty sure who he is but lets leave it.
Listen you Mr. know it all. Yes it does make sense. There used to be many Punjabi Muslims in U.P. during pre-partition days. You know nothing. My Father's side used to be Punjabis living in Agra.
I am a genuine Pakistani. Nice try though.

Listen you Mr. know it all. Yes it does make sense. There used to be many Punjabi Muslims in U.P. during pre-partition days. You know nothing. My Father's side used to be Punjabis living in Agra.

Sure troll. You have many sock accounts, in must of them you come as muhajir nationalist.
For the most part I agree with you. But I think the definition & meaning of Pakistan is actually quite simple. Pakistan is home to a very old race of people who were always distinct and very different to the rest of South Asia and beyond. This race has a unique culture and heritage. Pakistan aims to preserve this. Unfortunately most Pakistanis don't understand this fact and the retarded smelly religious mutts make this concept hard to convey. Once we all accept this fact then we can all move on.

Lol......how many indian so called "Muslims" and bangladeshis have you met in real life?
They are TOTALLY different to us in every way. Only propaganda and a hangover from colonial times lends to the falsehood that we are the same as them......lol.....:lol:
But we do not have any cultural relationship with people of Middle East.

@khanz was right.

We have some common cultural relationship with Muslims of India and Bangladesh, but nothing in common with the Hindus. Hindus are a completely different group of people.

Sure troll. You have many sock accounts, in must of them you come as muhajir nationalist.
Okay Mr. troll. I think you are the troll. Stop claiming that I am a troll. How am I trolling genius?

Sure troll. You have many sock accounts, in must of them you come as muhajir nationalist.
This is my only account with more than 5000 posts. What are my other accounts. I am genuine.

For the most part I agree with you. But I think the definition & meaning of Pakistan is actually quite simple. Pakistan is home to a very old race of people who were always distinct and very different to the rest of South Asia and beyond. This race has a unique culture and heritage. Pakistan aims to preserve this. Unfortunately most Pakistanis don't understand this fact and the retarded smelly religious mutts make this concept hard to convey. Once we all accept this fact then we can all move on.

Lol......how many indian so called "Muslims" and bangladeshis have you met in real life?
They are TOTALLY different to us in every way. Only propaganda and a hangover from colonial times lends to the falsehood that we are the same as them......lol.....:lol:
I agree with you with what you are trying to say. We have a unique identity. Which I agree with you.

But are we closer to Middle East Muslims or South Asian Muslims? Lets be honest here.

Yes we have nothing to do with India, that is where I agree with @PAKISTANFOREVER.

Sure troll. You have many sock accounts, in must of them you come as muhajir nationalist.
I am not a Muhajir nationalist, and no where did I say I support MQM. Nice try though.
LoL at jugger. Poor Indian obsessed with Pakistanis, I can barley understand ugly Indian Hindi. The gap between us grows further everyday. Just because some Pakistanis like watching your Bollywood girls dancing half naked doesn't mean we share the same culture. :lol:
LoL at jugger. Poor Indian obsessed with Pakistanis, I can barley understand ugly Indian Hindi. The gap between us grows further everyday. Just because some Pakistanis like watching your Bollywood girls dancing half naked doesn't mean we share the same culture. :lol:
I agree with you that we Pakistanis has a completely different culture from Indians. No doubt about that.

By the way no Pakistani likes to watch bollywood except a few idiots.

But do we have more in common with Middle Eastern Muslims or Muslims of South Asia. Afterall we are a South Asian nation.
I agree with you that we Pakistanis has a completely different culture from Indians. No doubt about that.

By the way no Pakistani likes to watch bollywood except a few idiots.

But do we have more in common with Middle Eastern Muslims or Muslims of South Asia. Afterall we are a South Asian nation.

It's give and take. We don't drink cow piss like Indians, we also don't eat lizards like Arabs.
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