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Who does Pakistan relate to more - Asia or Middle East?

Farsi was a much better option.

It was a neutral language.. our poets used to write in farsi.

Even Panjab states official language was farsi..

Its closer to Pashto,Balochi,Hazaras speak it..

And much more... urdu is as foriegn to us as hyderabad deccan..:lol:

i wouldnt like Farsis to dance on my head just bcoz we speak their language.. we are not joke..

We are fifth largest nation, i am ready to speak Balochi or Hindko instead of Farsi for national pride.

National language should be language of our soil..
Well he was pointing to Urdu/Hindi thingy.. its like just bcoz we can communicate with Brits we are British.. nevermind its not his fault... bharati IQ... :enjoy:

Leave this guy in Narowal and he wont be able to find a way to Lahore...

i wouldnt like Farsis to dance on my head just bcoz we speak their language.. we are not joke..

We are fifth largest nation, i am ready to speak Balochi or Hindko instead of Farsi for national pride.
Than every other group would bitch bout it..:lol:

Also dont forget Dari (sister of Farsi) is also a regional language of Pak.. Hazaras, the Qazalbash etc speak it as their mother tongue...:lol:

Remember Persian speaking Gen Yahya Khan..:D
Jugger where are you from in india?
I think I should not disclose this here, I don’t want any bias while people talk to me.
That’s the reason why I don’t want to disclose my religion here also.


Do you know about the Marri tribe of Balochistan?

Cheers, Doc
I have heard about this surname, there is a separatists leader with this name, although I don’t know anything more.
you was not talking about Muhajirs, anyways they too are not homogenous, they migrated from different parts, some are biharis, some are UPians and CPians, some were from Hyderabad Deccan and Delhi and some were from bengal and south.. none of those groups make considerable portion of Pakistani population, whole Muhajir population (with all their difference) are like 6% of Pakistan.

PS. Memons aka Gujjus.
This was in response of you saying rest of the india or ethnicities can go f them selves ... even if there is 0.1 % of an ethnicity, they are Pakistanis and their race should be respected -you can criticize the behavior of India as a country as much as you want, but dont impose a racist ideology here. Those 6% gave the ultimate sacrfice by getting butchered and raped during the partition.

Punjab and Sindh share cultural and racial links with the adjacent provinces i.e. Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan etc. in Indian control.
Pakistan is a blend of Northwestern India (Punjab possibly New Delhi), eastern Iran, Pashtun states of Afghanistan and a tiny influence of Tajik, mainly from the remote northern areas. There are some influences by the Turks and Arabs especially with religion. Pakistanis have travelled and settled across the world, some have kept to their Pak identity some have adapted to their chosen lands identity. Example i know Pakistanis from Kenya third and fourth generation they still speak Punjabi with a Sialkot accent by also speak amoungst their siblings Swaheli and eat East African food. Blend of both cultures.
This is a stupid thread marred by the narrow minded way of thinking and lack of understanding.

JDam the Thread i say
Pakistanis are a mix of Persian(Aryan), Central Asian(Turkic) and South Asia(ANI) people.The Arab portion is particularly small and visible in Sindh and parts of Baluchistan.
Except for the smaller groups like Brusho,Kalash,Makran,Hazara every Pakistani is somehow related to the above mentioned three groups.
Pak punjabis and Sikh Punjabis also have many similarities. Some are from the same lineage.
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