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Who does Pakistan relate to more - Asia or Middle East?

No i disagree . They are totally diffrent can a sardar eat dunkey
There are Muslim punjabis who share the same tribal/clan names to Sikhs. You can disagree but by watching videos by Nasar Dhilion Punjabi Lehar on YouTube you'll see how similar the people are across the border.
i wouldnt like Farsis to dance on my head just bcoz we speak their language.. we are not joke..

We are fifth largest nation, i am ready to speak Balochi or Hindko instead of Farsi for national pride.

National language should be language of our soil..
well said totally agree to ur post.

NEVER IN MILLION YEARS WITH FARSI as national language that would mean khomeneis and ayatollahs sitting on our heads. But i love farsi language and have been wanting to learn it for years just to add to my knowledge. My mom knows farsi. But picking it as a national language would make us look like a sidekick state to iran, urdu never steals away our identity.

Tbh i am totally in love with urdu as a national language. Its a lovely rich tongue with so much arabic and persian influence and is so closer to languages spoken in pakistan.

Nonethless ,i guess it was chosen due to several languages spoken in pakistan and chosing one would mean one group is given preference and that would cause discord unless all the groups mutually agreed on giving one language as a national status.
Also the kind of Urdu spoken in paksitan is not used in india.

i am okay with an idea of common language that is urdu. Also kpk , balochistan and sindh school systems have their local tongues taught as a part of school curicullum infact in sindh they have made it compulsory to learn sindhi. But unfortunately u have to accept noone in punajb ever worked on punjabi curriculum or literature, which angers me. Punjabis dialects , seraiki etc have gotten limited to spoken languages though they should be taught as a course with written scripts and the way any other language is taught and worked on.
Pakistan basically is a modern empire based on principles of Islam. Anyone can simply join in by accepting our constitution.

Only requirement: put Pakistan first. Race color ethnicity creed or any other materialistic titbits have no preferences but all are respected. Urdu is widely spoken and we prefer shalwar kameez as a decent clothing article.

End of.
Being on the continental cusp identifying with a regional identity can become quite tricky. With Pakistanis being multi ethnic this becomes even more complicated. Throw in religious bias and it becomes virtually impossible to create a unifying angle.

So how do we determine what Pakistan relates to more? What is best for her future in terms of regional identity?

I have traveled to many countries and I have always found Asia to be the most pleasant. I immediately form a connection with food, complexion and some share values. They are warm and friendly and polar opposite of what its been like in Middle East, Europe and US. I won't say I've been treated badly, its all been normal but I get a nicer vibe in Asia.

I would want Pakistan to start tilting towards Asia (not CARs) and become fully integrated but easier said than done with internal and external pull factors.

So what does a Pakistani in general relate to more?

Asalamu Alaikum

South Asians, easy.

Pakistanis are south Asians but want to be associated with the Arabs.:lol:

I don’t know why Arabs are considered better by the Pakistanis than their own people.

It's not about being associated with Arabs, it's about being associated with Islam.

Arabia is the birthplace of Islam, so obviously, a lot of Pakistanis would like to be from there. Nothing more nothing less.

If it was an inferiority complex, we'd all be claiming European ancestry.

Anyway, it's entirely possible for a lot of Pakistanis to have Arab/Turk/Persian/Whoever else came with the Islamic invaders ancestry. They did migrate here in huge numbers for a thousand years. Of course, the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis would still have an overwhelmingly amount of their ancestry not from these guys (due to mixed marriages and what not, as was commonly practised). Combine that with the fact that it occurred so long ago, this means it can't exactly be accurately gauged for most Pakistanis whether or not they have some foreign ancestry that came with the Islamic invaders, since it's unlikely to show in their genetics. It would only show for those Pakistanis who have a substantial ancestry from these Islamic invaders.

I am from Islamabad. I am a ethnic punjabi half ethnic kashmiri.

Asalamu Alaikum

Ah, we were so close to being alike lol. You just had to be from Sarai Alamgir.

Truely epic !!!
You have contradicted yourself in this post.
Pakistanis are confused about their identity and lineage, messed up indeed.

The only thing messed is that guys speak a bastardised version of our language and love IVC and feel pride over Kautilya and Panini, despite the fact that these things all came from evil Pakistan.

It's not a contradiction. Our religion is that of the Arabs, Persians and Central Asians. Our lineage and culture is (mostly) South Asian.

India and Bangladesh also have huge Muslim populations, so even under religious considerations you guys have most in common with us rather than any Arab.

No, with religious considerations we are FAR different to you.
By reading the comments in this very thread by your own country men, it seems you guys are confused lot.
Please don’t go on accusing people of being false flagers just because they disagree with your views.

we just dont want to be associated with Indians, thats all there is to it
Being on the continental cusp identifying with a regional identity can become quite tricky. With Pakistanis being multi ethnic this becomes even more complicated. Throw in religious bias and it becomes virtually impossible to create a unifying angle.

So how do we determine what Pakistan relates to more? What is best for her future in terms of regional identity?

I have traveled to many countries and I have always found Asia to be the most pleasant. I immediately form a connection with food, complexion and some share values. They are warm and friendly and polar opposite of what its been like in Middle East, Europe and US. I won't say I've been treated badly, its all been normal but I get a nicer vibe in Asia.

I would want Pakistan to start tilting towards Asia (not CARs) and become fully integrated but easier said than done with internal and external pull factors.

So what does a Pakistani in general relate to more?

What part of Asia are you alluding to? The Far East or North? Please be more specific.
Well, some us here think we are Indian's pure and simply living in a refugee camp called Pakistan on exile from our our compatriot Indian Hindu brothers because they can't handle our religion. By that measure Pakistan is India and India has many Pakistans inside it - in the form of the 170 million Indian Muslims. The suffix is what differantiates us. Otherwise we be "Indians".

Indian Hindu
Indian Muslim
I feel we have a unique identity. One which is neither Arab nor indian. I feel more connection with other Pakistanis than with anyone else. To a lesser extent I find it easy to get along with Iranians & Turks too. The South Asian identity is a false construct created by the British to lump all "Brown Peoples" together. In all honesty, I have come across many bangladeshis and indians my entire life and they are COMPLETELY different to Pakistanis in every way possible. I have never felt ANY connection or empathy with these people whatsoever. They seem like a strange and alien peoples whom I can NEVER relate too. Pakistan in itself is more than just an identity. It is a safe space for a unique race of people with a unique culture and way of life which we as a people want to preserve. We want to protect ourselves from a vile, disgusting and murderous genocidal horde who wish for the death and destruction of our race and nation.
We are proud to be Pakistanis. We are not Arabs or Middle Easterners.

Pakistanis are definitely South Asians. we have a unique identity that we can cherish. Now begone Indian man.

but I will admit that because of religion we have more in common with Central Asia and Middle East.

How does that make sense just because of religion you think we have more in common with them than asia ? we have around 15 million migrants who came from India and Pakistan also has 5th largest native hindu population around 4 million who are pakistani too but apart from that -Our link must be stronger to Asia since it has the largest muslims populations more than the any middle eastern country or central asian country which are mostly very sparse and low populations (Indonesia/Pakistan/Bangladeshis/India are home to the largest number of muslims) next is probably egypt with around 80 million muslims and doesn't even come close to the asian muslim "giants" and before arrival of islam region that is now pakistan was mostly buddhist which is a dharmic religion.
You actually think a pakistani will have more in common with an Egyptian or Kazakh than another desi just because we share a religion ? :lol:
You people are in denial no matter how you try and spin it Pakistan will always have more in common with asia.
Indians always bring up this made up myth that Pakistanis claim to be Arabs. I think it's due to their inferiority complex (If I was Indian I would have an inferiority complex too). I have never in my life heard any Pakistanis claim Arab ancestry.

It is, however, undeniable that Pakistan has mixed genetics with Central Asians, Persians, Turks, Arabs, hell, if you go back far enough we even have some Greek blood. The fact that we combine all those blood with Indus valley blood makes our darker skinned friends in India insecure. Indians need to remember that dark does not mean bad or inferior :cheers:

It is also undeniable that Pakistanis have more in common with Persians then with Tamils. Again, not claiming any kind of blood here, just culture.
The truth is there appears to be as many Pakistan as there are Pakistani's. That is at heart of why we have such a fractured polity. That is why there is so much tension and friction. The only thing holding this warring mob together is the army. Even the army has no real idea what Pakistan is about other then simple institutional interest. All organizations build up self interest and inertia to perpetuate themselves. It's simple self interest. Perks, pay privilages masked under professional pride.

I think the dominant defintion seems to be Pakistan is just a refuge for Indians on the run from other Indians - Hindus who don't like their religion. This appears to be dominant description of Pakistan in the public realm because it's strongest adherants are migrants from India [Muhajirs] mostly in Karachi who make about 7% of the countries population. Because this group like the Jews in USA have monopolized Karachi which is the window to Pakistan and this groups domination of the media etc their views dominate the public scape.

However beyond this there are million other identities of the 97% majority. Some have become infected with religious definition which was peddled strongly by the Karachi elite because that is the only definition they have otherwise they really are Indians. The only problem has been religion has brought it's own cleavages. It has reinforced the shia/sunni split along with dozen other iterations managed by mullahs who run their own franchisies. Then you have ethnic based parties that add to the divided land.

Furthermore using the religious card is in principle flawed. If you ride the Islamic wave then we are all Muslims. Israel is a example of a Jewish state. As such it accepts any migrant as long as that person can establish they are Jewish. This weakness has been addressed by using the British Raj as a template. That is any Muslim from the erstwhile British Raj is Pakistani. However the purists or those who like to think of themselves as adherants of true Islam only Muslim. That is why we had Uzbeks, Arabs, Sudanese etc aggregating in frontier regions. This was microcosm of the ummah. Secretly many of these types desire a ummah.

Harsh this is but this is the reality. And the problems around this will continue to tear at the inside of Pakistan as they are at present. And I reiterate again that the "we are Indians" comes strongest from the 7% that migrated from India. This is undestandable but it ignores the histories of the majority of Pakistan that is native to the Indus region.
How does that make sense just because of religion you think we have more in common with them than asia ? we have around 15 million migrants who came from India and Pakistan also has 5th largest native hindu population around 4 million who are pakistani too but apart from that -Our link must be stronger to Asia since it has the largest muslims populations more than the any middle eastern country or central asian country which are mostly very sparse and low populations (Indonesia/Pakistan/Bangladeshis/India are home to the largest number of muslims) next is probably egypt with around 80 million muslims and doesn't even come close to the asian muslim "giants" and before arrival of islam region that is now pakistan was mostly buddhist which is a dharmic religion.
You actually think a pakistani will have more in common with an Egyptian or Kazakh than another desi just because we share a religion ? :lol:
You people are in denial no matter how you try and spin it Pakistan will always have more in common with asia.
Fine I correct myself. We have more in common with South Asian nations than with Middle East or Central Asia.

But with the Muslim communities of South Asia. Not the Hindus or Buddhists of South Asia.

Guys, it is true we have more in common with the Muslim communities of South Asia.
How does that make sense just because of religion you think we have more in common with them than asia ? we have around 15 million migrants who came from India and Pakistan also has 5th largest native hindu population around 4 million who are pakistani too but apart from that
There you are. You have touched on the essential contradiction within the heart of Pakistan that will keep tearing away at it. What you are essentially saying is religion is insufficient as means of a stand alone identity and because of that we are 'green' Indians. Well if this is the case the question arises is why the partition then? Nehru was right. Religion is insufficent to form a nation. Muslims are contrary to what ML said not a nation but just a iteration of Indians like Jains, Christian Indians are.

What appears to be the case here is and what in fact your saying is we are children of Mata India. If so I think we ought to confederate with India again. At least we might get some benefits of being part of large kaladaiscope and without all the killing on LOC and nuclear war hanging over us. All because we are differant religion? This makes Pakistan a blunder. A accident because of Nehru's lack of compromise.

Pakistan basically is a modern empire based on principles of Islam.
No. The basic principle of Islam is the brotherhood of all Muslims. Tell me would a Nigerian Muslim landing at Islamabad airport be given citizenship if he exposed his circumcized dick? What if he applied for Pakistani citizenship and based that on the fundamentel Islamic principle of Muslim brotherhood?

“The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy” (Al-Hujurat, 10)

Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. Remember the favor of Allah upon you, when you were enemies and he brought your hearts together and you became brothers by his favor.” (Quran, 3:103)
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