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White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread


Sep 24, 2011
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A humble request to the respected members of the PDF forum from USA or US citizens from around the world either Muslims, Christians Jewish or any religion and ethnicity we need your help.

Please circulate this to as many people you know and send it from as many e-mail addresses per family. Please Follow the link given and put your signatures there as your support for the petition and humanity.
Jazakallah Khair

Here is One Online Petition that we have no excuse for not signing.
The petition is on the "We The People page" of the White House web site.

It Requires 25000 signatures before 17 October 2012. If that signature threshold is met, White House is bound to respond.


We petition the obama administration to:
Outlaw offending prophets of major religions
To enact a law that prohibits any action or literature that offend prophets of major religions:
- Moses
- Jesus
- Mohammad
Such acts offend billions of people, and cause unrest in the world. Furthermore, acts like this contradict the essence of coexistence and peace among humans. Labeling these acts as freedom of speech is similar to labeling murder as freedom of expression!
We all know the chaos such acts can cause, but it's difficult to answer the question: What do they contribute to our nation, or humanity in general?
Created: Sep 17, 2012


Mods: please move it to recpective section if necessary
Aint gonna work! Religion and State are separate in the US and according to the US Constitution this "petition" infringes upon the 1st amendment - the Freedom of Speech! Basically keep your religious 'sensitivities' to your private selves. Period.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Lol at the lame attempt of trying to equate freedom of speech to murder!! Nuts.
Aint gonna work! Religion and State are separate in the US and according to the US Constitution this "petition" infringes upon the 1st amendment - the Freedom of Speech! Basically keep your religious 'sensitivities' to your private selves. Period.

So this means that anybody can curse your religion "Hinduism" and Your God "KRISHNA" within open public in the USA according to the Ist amendment_Freedom of Speech....????
So this means that anybody can curse your religion and "KRISHNA" within the USA according to the Ist amendment_Freedom of Speech....????


And FYI, I choose NOT to react to that abuse for that is what the instigator is looking for. I wont let the instigating person win. Simple. My faith is strong and is unaffected by what morons say or do and forbids reacting to morons.

And FYI, I choose NOT to react to that abuse for that is what the instigator is looking for. I wont let the instigating person win. Simple. My faith is strong and is unaffected by what morons say or do and forbids reacting to morons.
I guess You don't know the laws of discrimination based on religion in USA. Thats why the laws are getting created to protect the religious freedoms of the USA citizens. and this is the case for granting respect to the religions and their Prophets.
Ain't going to work. American law is very clear. Your right to freedom of speech is sacrosanct. And that includes hate speech. For decades, the Ku Klux Klan has openly abused African Americans and Jews. Their talk shows constantly mock Christian priests - showing them as nothing more than pedophiles. They mock Mormons. The Amish. They are not about to change their laws even if you get 250 million signs - simply because what you are asking for is against their constitution.
So this means that anybody can curse your religion "Hinduism" and Your God "KRISHNA" within open public in the USA according to the Ist amendment_Freedom of Speech....????
That petition is discriminatory.....

outlaw offending prophets of major religions
To enact a law that prohibits any action or literature that offend prophets of major religions:

- Moses

- Jesus

- Mohammad
where are the other religion Gods???????
Labeling these acts as freedom of speech is similar to labeling murder as freedom of expression!

Its only akin to murder, because the ones offended, murder when they take offense.

What a stupid petition. This will completely silence Atheists and they wont be able to speak against religion. In the US it wont work, nor should it be enacted in any nation.

Bring a petition against racial vilification, which is more of a concern for muslims, then atleast that is acceptable. This? Stupid beyond belief.

And nice try throwing in Moses and Jesus in there in a bid to sound more secular. What about other religions? :lol:

What a pile of **** :rofl:

And almost 100% of the signatures on there are muslims :lol:
I guess You don't know the laws of discrimination based on religion in USA. Thats why the laws are getting created to protect the religious freedoms of the USA citizens. and this is the case for granting respect to the religions and their Prophets.

And you do? I call bs.
Reread the 1st amendment text I posted in the earlier post.
You can go and add that too within the petition.....:smokin:
If Indians started adding their crores of Gods then white house will say we need atleast 25 billion signatures to approve blasphmey for all these gods..................:D
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