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omg dude, do u even know how many videos are on youtube? get uploaded every minute there? do some googling.

and it's apparent that most governments that block youtube are muslim governments, who often do block it 'to protect their religion' (but in reality want to control what viewpoints their citizens get to view).

Censorship of YouTube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah ....!! So called PEACEFAN I have many other things to do instead of googling to prove my PoV ... :coffee:

Mostly Muslim government did that because they are mostly targeted/affected by YouTube because of the people who wants to spread violence in the name of Freedom of speech ... It's better to avoid things .. :disagree:
Ah ....!! So called PEACEFAN I have many other things to do instead of googling to prove my PoV ... :coffee:

Shouldn't take you more than 3 minutes dude ;)

Mostly Muslim government did that because they are mostly targeted/affected by YouTube because of the people who wants to spread violence in the name of Freedom of speech ... It's better to avoid things .. :disagree:

For every video on youtube that would do that, you can find other videos there that spread viewpoints that you would agree with ;)
And I really think you can get videos that promote violence (of any kind, for any reason) removed off youtube fairly easily.
Tibet has been preserved, it's good the same infrastructure, the culture is preserved.

Oh boy, I had completely missed this gem made of cow manure dude...

Seriously, what are they feeding you 50ct brigaders at your instruction camps?? The idealogical equivalent of chicken nuggets?

History of Tibet (1950

Mao's Great Leap Forward (1959–1962) led to famine in Tibet. "In many parts of Tibet people have starved to death.. . . In some places, whole families have perished and the death rate is very high. This is very abnormal, horrible and grave," according to a confidential report by the Panchen Lama sent to Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1962.


Of the 6,259 monasteries in Tibet before the Chinese occupation, only eight remained in 1976.[30]

The Yankee murderers have completely and I mean completely destroyed Iraq and every other country they have invaded.

Well, *I* am not afraid to admit NATO/Israeli mistakes, and the last Iraq invasion can in hindsight be called a mistake. We spread our forces too thin and thus did a poorer job in Afghanistan and Iraq than we could have when handled one at a time.
I'll do my best not to let the Iraq spread-our-forces-thin-mistake be repeated, something *I* can do, because *my* governments allow me to criticize them publicly (with sarcasm even). Quite unlike your blind support using lies, for the fat cats in your dear chinese leadership, and perhaps your dear 'national pride' feelings.

Now, let's look at other US interventions since 1930; WW2 invasion of Europe? They were welcomed as heroes and liberators by the peoples of Europe. And while US-vs-Vietnam was another mistake I and other westerners use said mistake to teach current and future US administrations to respect the spheres of influence of other superpowers (including China, probitionally!). Then there's the *rescue* and continued protection of South-Korea *and* Taiwan from oppressors who would annex those countries and peoples when given the chance. Then there's the area of and around Bosnia, genocide stopped before it got outta hand and political stability introduced.

And, 'sanctions' imposed by NATO on countries like Iraq and others, have caused suffering of the have-nots in such countries, but (a) the leaderships of those countries were more to blame for that than the ones who imposed the sanctions, (b) probably resulted in less deaths than 'the maximum number quoted' that failed propaganda boys like you search for, (c) DO appear to work in the case of Iran atm.

Got any other US war 'attrocities' I missed?

There is not a country on this planet past or present that have invaded as many countries as the Yankee tyrants have and killed as many people as they have. They have killed arguably over 100 million humans since that despotic country came into existence.

So far, only according to the tinfoil hat brigade of alQuada, they might have caused the death of 100 million ;) I had no idea your 50ct chinese propaganda-defense brigade considers that kinda manure an idealogical munition ;) I tell you, it's a dud! :p

The Yankees are a ruthless killing machine and thrives on seeing innocent humans suffer. They get a sick and twisted pleasure slaughtering millions of humans.

To even call them part of the human race is an insult to all civilized human beings.

The day that repulsive empire goes into the scrap heap of history will be a day of celebration for the peace loving world.

Might I humbly suggest you pay more attention to your own dear leadership not repeating the mistakes you so exaggeratingly accuse other superpowers of, rather than this laughingly stupid idealogical attacks you show atm? ffs, the US is your biggest economic partner. demonizing them, as you are, will not help anyone on earth live with less 'friction(=suffering, numnuts)' between the superpowers.
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