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White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize

Yep, that's all true. But going a little further back in history shows that muslims have tried to wipe Israel out by various military means (and an oil price hike in the 1970s that was so severe we your oil customers had to severly restrict who can drive their car when (resulting in potential problems in food delivery to our supermarkets if this had continued, and becoming slaves to the muslim oil cartel), and while they've failed each time, too many muslim(s) (leaders) cling to advocating the eradication of the Israeli state by any violent means available to them, convincing their muslim peers that this is a mission from Allah (something I truly doubt came from Allah, but instead rather from powerhungry muslim 'leaders' and 'clerics')..

Just ask yourselves, dear misguided Muslims, how would your part of the world be today if you had welcomed the Israelis as friends and never resorted to terrorism as a political tool at all? I think you'd be a lot more prosperous and respected by the non-muslims of this world, not to mention a lot less frustrated.

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oil price hike in 70 was Our work and King of Iran in it's interview clearly answered why he did that .
you guys raised the price of what you sold us 3 times of it's previous price in last years and you guys expected us to sold our oil to you at the previous price ?

and by the way let not enter that part but according to history , it was some ultra conservative Jews who started the terror attacks against the British and Arabs not the other way .
Yep, that's all true. But going a little further back in history shows that muslims have tried to wipe Israel out by various military means (and an oil price hike in the 1970s that was so severe we your oil customers had to severly restrict who can drive their car when (resulting in potential problems in food delivery to our supermarkets if this had continued, and becoming slaves to the muslim oil cartel), and while they've failed each time, too many muslim(s) (leaders) cling to advocating the eradication of the Israeli state by any violent means available to them, convincing their muslim peers that this is a mission from Allah (something I truly doubt came from Allah, but instead rather from powerhungry muslim 'leaders' and 'clerics')..
So what's your point? I talked about terrorism, you are talking about war.
Of course violence is inevitable when a bunch of Europeans migrate to ME and grab lands and oppress the local people.
Look who's talking, do you have any idea about your own sanctions against other countries such as Iraq and Iran and their impacts on people. Based on what, some bullsh!t suspects and claims, all US has provided as "evidence" so far is an alleged Iranian laptop, how funny, and the ones about Iraq have already appeared to be lie. US one-sided sanctions on Iran even included many important medicines, it was eased recently.

Just ask yourselves, dear misguided Muslims, how would your part of the world be today if you had welcomed the Israelis as friends and never resorted to terrorism as a political tool at all? I think you'd be a lot more prosperous and respected by the non-muslims of this world, not to mention a lot less frustrated.
To welcome land-grabbers? That's such a cowardly act, some "Muslim" traitors such as Saudi Arabia have already done that though. I can not see your vid as youtube is censored. Regarding terrorism against Israel:

"Frustrated"? You must be joking.
Mr Obama and the Nobel peace prize hehe :)

Funny, in my view it's fundamentalist muslims who cling to counter-productive violent action against foreign influences that keep the war on terror going.

Please have a look ... :pop:

Facts about the founding fathers of Israel:

Below are some rarely-mentioned facts about the relationship between Zionism and modern-day terrorism:

1. The first aircraft hijacking was carried out by Israel in 1954 against a Syrian civilian airliner.

2. Grenades in cafes: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Jerusalem on 17 March 1937.

3. Delayed-action, electrically timed mines in crowded marketplaces: first used by Zionists against Palestinians in Haifa on 6 July 1938.

4. Blowing up a ship with its civilian passengers still on board: first carried out by Zionists in Haifa on 25 November 1940. The Zionists did not hesitate to blow up their own people in protest at the British policy of restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine. The ship, Patria, was carrying 1,700 Jewish immigrants.

5. Assassination of government officials: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Cairo, when on 6 November 1944 Lord Moyne was assassinated by the Stern Gang. Yitzhak Shamir, a member of the Irgun and later leader of the Stern Gang and Israeli prime minister, was behind the plan.

6. Use of hostages as a means of putting pressure on a government: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv on 18 June 1946.

7. Blowing up of government offices with their civilian employees and visitors: first carried out by the Zionists against the British in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946. The toll was 91 Britons killed and 46 wounded in the King David Hotel. Menachim Begin, who masterminded and carried out the attack and later became Israeli prime minister, admitted that the massacre was coordinated with and carried out under the instruction of the Haganah Zionist gang.

8. Booby-trapped suitcases: first used by the Zionists against the British Embassy in Rome on 13 October 1946.

9. Booby-trapped cars in civilian areas: first used by the Zionists against the British in Sarafand (east of Jaffa) on 5 December 1946.

10. Beating of hostages: first used by the Zionists against the British in Tel Aviv, Netanya and Rishon on 29 December 1946.

11. Letter bombs sent to politicians: first used by the Zionists against Britain when 20 letter bombs were sent from Italy to London between 4 and 6 June 1947.

12. Murder of hostages as a reprisal for government actions: first used by the Zionists against the British in the Netanya area on 29 July 1947.

13. Postal parcel bombs: first used by the Zionists against the British in London on 3 September 1947.

14. The massacre of Qibya, northwest of Jerusalem, was carried out by Unit 101, under the command of Ariel Sharon on Wednesday 14 October 1953. The attack was the bloodiest and most brutal Zionist crimes since the infamous Deir Yassin massacre. Forty-two houses as well as a school and a mosque were dynamited over their inhabitants. Seventy-five women, men and children were killed.
In syria crisis, putin indeed deserves nobel prize than obama.

White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize
Credits Russian president for averting “unwanted and unwarranted military action” in Syria

A new petition on the White House’s “We the People” petition submission site seeks to have President Obama hand over his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to Russian president Vladimir Putin, given the former KGB agent’s work in bringing talks over a potential U.S. military assault on Syria to a halt.

The full text of the petition, which is available here, states:

Where as Mr. Obama made a sincere commitment to starting a war with Syria, engaging our military in unwanted conflict, and doing so without the support of his people we resolve that Mr. Obama should deliver the Nobel Peace prize given to him in 2009 to a man of Peace, the President of Russia, Mr. Putin. Where as Mr. Putin enabled the United States to avoid an unwanted and unwarranted military action he has brought us to the “brink” of peace.

The petition, started two days ago, has more than 100 signatures, but needs over 100,000 within 30 days to necessitate a response from the White House.

The petition’s creation follows an op-ed in Fox News penned by K.T. McFarland in which she suggested, given his part in averting certain war, “the world knows that Vladimir Putin is the one who really deserves that Nobel Peace Prize.”

Last week, Putin jumped to take advantage of an off-the-cuff remark made by Secretary of State John Kerry intimating the U.S. would reconsider a Syrian attack if the Middle East country agreed to hand over its alleged chemical weapons arsenal to the international community.

Putin is now being heralded for his action and decisiveness in getting Syria to agree to the proposal, which combined with an intense amount of backlash from lawmakers and the American public, effectively put a stop to the Obama administration’s drive to go to war.

The White House increased their threshold limit from requiring 20,000 signatures to 100,000 early this year after over 30 states successfully petitioned to secede from the continental United States, in addition to an even more successful campaign to deport Piers Morgan for using his platform on national TV to subvert the U.S. Constitution and attack the Second Amendment.

This article was posted: Friday, September 13, 2013 at 6:08 pm
» White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Please have a look ... :pop:

Well, you can continue to blame your enemies for teaching you (for you) counter-productive military techniques, but I think it's better to look at your own policies and what they've reaped *your people*, and I do think you muslims have to reach the point where you see terrorism is counter-productive for you and your people. Like I have said many times on this and other forums already; there are many other (peaceful(1)) forms of resistance against a foreign culture's influences.

(1) main advantage in the case of muslims being that (exclusively, decadelong patient) peaceful resistance gives your enemies no excuse to attack you with that obvious military overpower that they have over you, and which you muslims won't be able to top any time soon imo.
That's right, you can VASTLY improve the fate of your children and non-combattants, muslims, if you'd all switch exclusively to non-violent resistance forms.
After that the Peace Prize was given first Gorabchev, because of which many millions of people died in the former Soviet Union and then Obama, whose country is now in war with Afghanistan and sponsoring terrorsits in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and God knows where else - what is this award worth now?
If I would be Putin I refuse. It is not the honor any more it is disgrace.
Well, you can continue to blame your enemies for teaching you (for you) counter-productive military techniques

You were the one who had started blame game I was just showing you the mirror ,based on facts and figures ..

but I think it's better to look at your own policies and what they've reaped *your people*, and I do think you Muslims have to reach the point where you see terrorism is counter-productive for you and your people.

We will take care of our policies it's none of your business .. :pop:

Terrorism is counter-productive for everyone and whole world needs to think about it .. It's not related to any particular country or religion

Like I have said many times on this and other forums already

Sorry but you are not that much famous that people would like to follow you on other forums too .. :lol:

(1) main advantage in the case of muslims being that (exclusively, decadelong patient) peaceful resistance gives your enemies no excuse to attack you with that obvious military overpower that they have over you, and which you muslims won't be able to top any time soon imo.
That's right, you can VASTLY improve the fate of your children and non-combattants, muslims, if you'd all switch exclusively to non-violent resistance forms.

War on terror will end when the so called peaceful part of the world stop interfering in others issue and understands that invading other countries will harm them too (If you've read Newton's third law you would have clear vision of what I am saying :ashamed:) .. Nothing more to argue ..
You were the one who had started blame game I was just showing you the mirror ,based on facts and figures ..

hahaha like muslims don't blame non-muslims (nearly exlusively!) for all that is wrong in their world ROLF.

and I was just pointing out the truth, muslims DID start (and keep up!) the violence in their own region and beyond.

We will take care of our policies it's none of your business .. :pop:

Ya, good luck with that. You don't mind if I'll stop caring about the suffering of muslims then either I suppose?

Terrorism is counter-productive for everyone and whole world needs to think about it .. It's not related to any particular country or religion

That's the only thing we seem to agree on then.

Sorry but you are not that much famous that people would like to follow you on other forums too .. :lol:

I didn't say that for those reasons, I said it to point out that you muslims are very unwilling to even really consider alternatives to your counter-productive violence.

War on terror will end when the so called peaceful part of the world stop interfering in others issue and understands that invading other countries will harm them too (If you've read Newton's third law you would have clear vision of what I am saying :ashamed:) .. Nothing more to argue ..

Well that peaceful part of the world is not as peaceful as we'd want it to be, but it *is* only defending itself from terrorism. Only the terrorists have the ability to end this endless cycle of violence. For we are not about to let Sharia become *our* way of life by threat of your bombs and swords, f-ers, nor are we going to sit on our hands when you continue to plot and practice violence against us.

"Frustrated"? You must be joking.

omg, this is a perfect example of the muslim two-faced hypocritical attitudes towards their conflict with other cultures (and the Israeli culture in particular);

you advocate the end of Israel (and your other enemies, which include even other flavors of Islam) by violence over and over again, to all age groups, all of their life. you claim Allah approves of this obviously and proven counter-productive politics...

and then when those who you attack defend themselves, you make more propaganda focussing only on the civilian casualties (including children!) that are (still (that's about to change, f-ers)) created by that self-defense of your enemies. you in fact use that suffering to motivate and in fact brianwash all the time, the sufferers, to support your continued counter-productive political violence.

that's why I call this a vicious cycle that can only be ended when muslims (especially al lmuslim clerics) finally accept the fact that other cultures have just as much right to defend themselves (also from foreign cultural rules being imposed on them by (threat of) force) as muslims do, and have a military advantage over extremist muslims that they are very very unlikely to lose.

progress we'll see, when fundametalist and extremist muslims start to convince eachother to stick exclusively to non-violent political activity. until then, I have to say to the muslim kids who suffer : the muslims who want you to hate and attack other cultures are to blame for your suffering much more than the foreign-culture forces who hurt you / your family. learn about western culture and patient polite political debate and anti-corruption measures, instead of how to make bombs or deploy bombs, if you want to see *your* children stand a chance to grow up without the suffering that you had to endure".
hahaha like muslims don't blame non-muslims (nearly exlusively!) for all that is wrong in their world ROLF.

and I was just pointing out the truth, muslims DID start (and keep up!) the violence in their own region and beyond.

Now look who is blaming ... :azn: like non-muslims don't blame Muslims.. :smart:

Ya, good luck with that. You don't mind if I'll stop caring about the suffering of Muslims then either I suppose?

Never .. So you guys will stop it now .. :agree:

I didn't say that for those reasons, I said it to point out that you muslims are very unwilling to even really consider alternatives to your counter-productive violence.

I think when someone express his/her thoughts then he/she should be ready to listen other views with open mind (Lack of tolerance I suppose) ..We'll consider it but someone is not ready to admit it .. :disagree:

Well that peaceful part of the world is not as peaceful as we'd want it to be, but it *is* only defending itself from terrorism.

You are not Victim so don't try to act like one .. :no:

Only the terrorists have the ability to end this endless cycle of violence. For we are not about to let Sharia become *our* way of life by threat of your bombs and swords, f-ers, nor are we going to sit on our hands when you continue to plot and practice violence against us.

Oh Allah ... !! You are invading others country for WMD and guess what you haven't find it till now and you are the one who are threatening others with your weapons and then you blame other for violence cycle ..

No one is imposing Shariah on you even we don't impose it on minorities living in our country ..

Look at the figures of attack in your countries then compare it with the killing of people by your forces at their own peace of land ..
Now look who is blaming ... :azn: like non-muslims don't blame Muslims.. :smart:


Never .. So you guys will stop it now .. :agree:

You'll say anything to stop people from posting alternative ideas that are very likely to work much better for securing muslim interests than the bullshit you keep saying will eh?

I think i'll keep up the pressure, because;

I think when someone express his/her thoughts then he/she should be ready to listen other views with open mind (Lack of tolerance I suppose) ..We'll consider it but someone is not ready to admit it .. :disagree:

You claim to be openminded? Very funny, but not really.


You are not Victim so don't try to act like one .. :no:

Indeed i'm not a victim, and I wasn't trying to portray myself as one, unlike you extremist muslim fools.

Oh Allah ... !! You are invading others country for WMD and guess what you haven't find it till now and you are the one who are threatening others with your weapons and then you blame other for violence cycle ..

Read my previous posts in this thread to see how you muslims started the fighting and continue to cling to said failed strategies like a bunch of rabies-infected pitbulls.

No one is imposing Shariah on you even we don't impose it on minorities living in our country ..

We do have groups here in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK (at least) that advocate Sharia law be implemented in those countries, even for non-muslims.

Look at the figures of attack in your countries then compare it with the killing of people by your forces at their own peace of land ..


Look at how many muslims are 'involuntarily martered' by terrorist leaders who refuse to marter themselves......

Does the Nobel Peace Prize mean anything any more?

Is it any different from the winner of a popular contest? Or a beauty contest?

All the Nobel Prize committees are corrupted to the core.
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