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White House Petition Asks Obama to give Putin his Nobel Peace Prize

You'll say anything to stop people from posting alternative ideas that are very likely to work much better for securing muslim interests than the bullshit you keep saying will eh?

You questioned about it in your last post so I gave an answer .. If it is not digestible so it's not my issue keep loosing your temperament ... Hunh!!! :cuckoo:

You claim to be openminded? Very funny, but not really.

I am not taunting like you and neither I am insulting someone I think that's what open minded people do ... :azn:

Indeed i'm not a victim, and I wasn't trying to portray myself as one, unlike you extremist muslim fools.

Actually you are living is a fool's Island ..Showing hatred on public forums won't make you intelligent .. :cheers:

Read my previous posts in this thread to see how you Muslims started the fighting and continue to cling to said failed strategies like a bunch of rabies-infected pitbulls.

I already read your posts then I replied you.. Would you mind watching what infected us .. I admit that some Muslims aren't proving them right by spreading violence but it doesn't mean that people who invaded their countries are angels .. If their strategies are that much failed as you think so why so called peace makers are standing at the stage from where they've started after many years of struggle ... Of-course it's not religion or community ...

We do have groups here in the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK (at least) that advocate Sharia law be implemented in those countries, even for non-muslims.

Now look at yourself advocating is something and imposing is something else ...They are not use sword or any kind of weapons just their words or books .. If you take this thing as general knowledge which isn't harming someone how it could be wrong .. ??

Being a human one should admit the faults related to his/her country,religion,caste etc .. Blame game wouldn't be beneficial for anyone in the world ..

No more argument please ... You are not ready to understand anything and in this way you'll keep criticizing and i'll keep defending so lets just stop it here

@M-48 and his terrorism-approving friends;

up until now i've been handling you sorta like this;

Systema in real combat - YouTube

and perhaps a bit like this too;


but i'll try to improve towards;

No contact Combat - Systema Spetsnaz - YouTube


see y'all after my beauty-nap :p
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Ah, but they're not so stupid eh... Ran out of 'arguments' to throw at me dude?...

I thought I should tell you that posting pictures is not a good idea ... :whistle:


see y'all after my beauty-nap :p

The picture suits you ... :sarcastic:

@peacefan Your hard work of searching can't proof anything because YouTube is ban here ... :sarcastic:
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I thought I should tell you that posting pictures is not a good idea ... :whistle:

a picture does often say a 1000 words or more.

The picture suits you ... :sarcastic:

thx :D

@peacefan Your hard work of searching can't proof anything because YouTube is ban here ... :sarcastic:

let's call that another example of 'excellent' muslim 'leadership'; not trusting your citizens with youtube access... pathetic.
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let's call that another example of 'excellent' muslim 'leadership'; not trusting your citizens with youtube access... pathetic.

The crap you have on YouTube is Pathetic .. :lol: It has nothing to do with Religion don't mix everything with it
Obama is a fascist tyrant. He deserves a Nobel prize because its very clear that only tyrants, fascist and terrorists get Nobel prizes.

Putin should refuse any Nobel prize because it would associate a legendary leader like Putin to fascists like Kissinger, Obama, etc.
The crap you have on YouTube is Pathetic .. :lol: It has nothing to do with Religion don't mix everything with it

omg dude, do u even know how many videos are on youtube? get uploaded every minute there? do some googling.

and it's apparent that most governments that block youtube are muslim governments, who often do block it 'to protect their religion' (but in reality want to control what viewpoints their citizens get to view).


Obama is a fascist tyrant. He deserves a Nobel prize because its very clear that only tyrants, fascist and terrorists get Nobel prizes.

Putin should refuse any Nobel prize because it would associate a legendary leader like Putin to fascists like Kissinger, Obama, etc.

Nerd, have a look at what evil your own Chinese government has done (and tried their hardest to keep covered up).

example? remembering revolutions: tiananmen square | RE:Birth of the Cool

might be blocked for you by your dear leaders tho... :china::pissed:
Does the Nobel Peace Prize mean anything any more?

Is it any different from the winner of a popular contest? Or a beauty contest?

All the Nobel Prize committees are corrupted to the core.

I disagree completely; the Nobel Peace prize comittee showed both courage and foresight by giving the Peace prize to Obama so early in his career, they must've hoped he'd live up to the prize for the rest of his Presidential career as well, and guess what? he has! Yes we can! :D
omg dude, do u even know how many videos are on youtube? get uploaded every minute there? do some googling.

and it's apparent that most governments that block youtube are muslim governments, who often do block it 'to protect their religion' (but in reality want to control what viewpoints their citizens get to view).

Nerd, have a look at what evil your own Chinese government has done (and tried their hardest to keep covered up).

example? remembering revolutions: tiananmen square | RE:Birth of the Cool

might be blocked for you by your dear leaders tho... :china::pissed:

We don't go invading country after country in every continent massacring millions of innocent civilians. The Yankees have killed more humans than what Hitler did.

The Yankee regime is a despotic mass murdering regime that is a 1000 times worse than the Nazi regime.

If the Nazis were evil, the Yankees are pure evil. Only a race with purified evil can go invading countries and slaughtering innocent humans and raping women and children, looting cultural treasures, destroying infrastructure, operating concentration camps like Guantanamo Bay and Abu Grahib, use drones to kill thousands of children and destroy entire villages, destroy families using depleted uranium, white phosphorus and agent orange on innocent humans causing grotesque birth defects to millions of new born babies.

If the devil had a country, the United States of America would be it. It's truly a vulgar and repulsive country that has committed the most heinous crimes ever known to the human species.
We don't go invading country after country in every continent massacring millions of innocent civilians. The Yankees have killed more humans than what Hitler did.

WTF did your government do in Tibet then???.......

And it remains to be seen how the Chinese government will treat other countries and cultures (given how they deal with their own citizens protesting for good and non-corrupt governance) when the resource-acquiring games you now play nearly all over the world 'heat up' (due to continued 'rivalry' and short-term thinking by too many governments).

The Yankee regime is a despotic mass murdering regime that is a 1000 times worse than the Nazi regime.

That kinda opinion, especially when given as a friggin reflex, will reeeeeaaaaally help keep the peace between China and the US/NATO, NOT.

If the Nazis were evil, the Yankees are pure evil. Only a race with purified evil can go invading countries and slaughtering innocent humans and raping women and children, looting cultural treasures, destroying infrastructure, operating concentration camps like Guantanamo Bay and Abu Grahib, use drones to kill thousands of children and destroy entire villages, destroy families using depleted uranium, white phosphorus and agent orange on innocent humans causing grotesque birth defects to millions of new born babies.

Let's just say *we* learn from our mistakes, and allow our citizens to remind our governments not to repeat the same mistakes. I have yet to see the Chinese government do that

If the devil had a country, the United States of America would be it. It's truly a vulgar and repulsive country that has committed the most heinous crimes ever known to the human species.

Improving your own culture is better and easier than improving the culture of those you hate (publicly!)
WTF did your government do in Tibet then???.......

And it remains to be seen how the Chinese government will treat other countries and cultures (given how they deal with their own citizens protesting for good and non-corrupt governance) when the resource-acquiring games you now play nearly all over the world 'heat up' (due to continued 'rivalry' and short-term thinking by too many governments).

That kinda opinion, especially when given as a friggin reflex, will reeeeeaaaaally help keep the peace between China and the US/NATO, NOT.

Let's just say *we* learn from our mistakes, and allow our citizens to remind our governments not to repeat the same mistakes. I have yet to see the Chinese government do that

Improving your own culture is better and easier than improving the culture of those you hate (publicly!)

Tibet has been preserved, it's good the same infrastructure, the culture is preserved.

The Yankee murderers have completely and I mean completely destroyed Iraq and every other country they have invaded.

There is not a country on this planet past or present that have invaded as many countries as the Yankee tyrants have and killed as many people as they have. They have killed arguably over 100 million humans since that despotic country came into existence.

The Yankees are a ruthless killing machine and thrives on seeing innocent humans suffer. They get a sick and twisted pleasure slaughtering millions of humans.

To even call them part of the human race is an insult to all civilized human beings.

The day that repulsive empire goes into the scrap heap of history will be a day of celebration for the peace loving world.
The Russia-Syria axis is rooted in a strong political and economic relationship that has been cultivated since the late 1950s. The bond has a deep cultural element: many Syrians go to Russia to study, while Russians go to Syria as holidaymakers, advisors or investors. Over the years, Russia has also played an essential role in restructuring the Syrian economy, and wrote off roughly 70 percent of Syria's $13.4 billion debt in 2005.

While reliable numbers are hard to come by, The Moscow Times estimated Russian investments in Syria at $19.4 billion in 2009, covering infrastructure, energy and tourism. But with outstanding projects ranging from a nuclear power plant to oil and gas exploration, the number today may be considerably higher.

Then there is Russia's interest in Syria is of course geo-strategic as well as economic. It predominately hinges on the Mediterranean port of Tartus,which is often used to save the Russian navy the long voyage across the Black Sea. In September 2008, work started on converting the facility to a full naval base.

Then there is the fact that Syria is a large customer of Russia arms industry.

Over throw of Libya, Saddam, has been major hits to Russia, now it looks like Syria is another one.
lol this time Putin has been able to check US belligerence for war
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