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White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

So... why again PAKISTANIS are trying to change the laws IN THE US?? Fix your own country before going around telling everybody what to do. And Pakistan got a lot of fixing to do before saying anything.

its your problem ? you living in other corner of world not in even USA . :rofl:
what a shame man worshipers of freedom of speech bashing on muslims petition ? so you have right to abuse muslim prophets and holy personals but muslims have even no right for a petition :tdown::tdown::tdown:
Am Christian by birth, so I dont have God's name :lol:

Sorry, I was talking in general about Hindus :P

I only got half of that :lol:
Ignore man, related to Hindu animal worship..

what a shame man worshipers of freedom of speech bashing on muslims petition ? so you have right to abuse muslim prophets and holy personals but muslims have even no right for a petition :tdown::tdown::tdown:
No petition is incorrect for blasphemy when their constitution is separate from religion, they can fight on case by case but a law just because you got hurt sentimentally is interfering with their way of legal system.
They ask for a petition and it doesn't matter how many signs they get, it wouldn't affect the outcome because the Supreme Court will always strike down the law since it infringes upon the 1st amendment.
Why can't u tell ur words to 20 million Hindus working n Islamic gulf countries to earn money.

You are right. Personally, I would not want to be in those countries and rest of my countrymen should not go there either.

what a shame man worshipers of freedom of speech bashing on muslims petition ? so you have right to abuse muslim prophets and holy personals but muslims have even no right for a petition :tdown::tdown::tdown:

Of course you have a right to petition. But it won't do much good.
There is no absolute freedom of speech. Mr Ward Churchil found that out in a hard way.
They ask for a petition and it doesn't matter how many signs they get, it wouldn't affect the outcome because the Supreme Court will always strike down the law since it infringes upon the 1st amendment.

let them ask its freedom of speech if its turn down (sure) whats the problem why bashing on petition ?:P
You are right. Personally, I would not want to be in those countries and rest of my countrymen should not go there either.

Of course you have a right to petition. But it won't do much good.
Cmon they do not go there because they do not want to. When they go to that place they are obligated to follow the rules and respect their way. If one cannot do that, then going is hypocrisy, my point!
let them ask its freedom of speech if its turn down (sure) whats the problem why bashing on petition ?:P

Not bashing at the petition, but it will affect the over all view of people towards the Muslims. They would think of Muslims as trying to enforce their religion's laws on them, it will further put a negative view towards the Muslims in the country.
Cmon they do not go there because they do not want to. When they go to that place they are obligated to follow the rules and respect their way. If one cannot do that, then going is hypocrisy, my point!

Well, I guess you are right. They do go there and respect the laws. But often, their passports are taken away and their condition is little better than those of slaves. Their right to freedom of religion is taken away. But if they are fine with it - it is their choice.

Not bashing at the petition, but it will affect the over all view of people towards the Muslims. They would think of Muslims as trying to enforce their religion's laws on them, it will further put a negative view towards the Muslims in the country.

Really? It's not as if the American mainstream views Islam in a positive light anyway.
A humble request, stop supporting terrorist groups and drawing distinction between good Taliban or good terrorists and bad.. I don't a need petition for your govt I need you to look introspectively as the cause and effect of what you guys do.

Re: your petition. We are not going to freeze frame our freedoms over your need to push your religious beliefs on others. I'm being as candid as I can be.
So this means that anybody can curse your religion "Hinduism" and Your God "KRISHNA" within open public in the USA according to the Ist amendment_Freedom of Speech....????

Yep.We are not that insecure about our religion.
Well, I guess you are right. They do go there and respect the laws. But often, their passports are taken away and their condition is little better than those of slaves. Their right to freedom of religion is taken away. But if they are fine with it - it is their choice.
Religion is a individual and private belief, you can practice it anywhere you like. but if you want all that sho sha associated with religions then yes, you loose those freedoms..
There is no absolute freedom of speech. Mr Ward Churchil found that out in a hard way.

I don't recollect him being thrown in Jail fro any of it...

what a shame man worshipers of freedom of speech bashing on muslims petition ? so you have right to abuse muslim prophets and holy personals but muslims have even no right for a petition :tdown::tdown::tdown:

although YOU DID NOT direct this at me. I wanted to clarify , you can have a million petitions. We just don't have to agree with it. Nobody ( constitution) stops you from having petitions. We see petitions where govt is asked to prove somebody is not an alien too... you can have your petitions all day and night.

BUT I know as an atheist if I have a petition asking for your govt to rule your prophet and all prophets of all religions as a fraud ( I'm just giving an example), I , if in your country will be beheaded before the govt laws in your country arrest me.

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