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White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

So this means that anybody can curse your religion "Hinduism" and Your God "KRISHNA" within open public in the USA according to the Ist amendment_Freedom of Speech....????

Yes, and in reaction we will not start rioting or killing diplomats. We are more mature than that.
So... why again PAKISTANIS are trying to change the laws IN THE US?? Fix your own country before going around telling everybody what to do. And Pakistan got a lot of fixing to do before saying anything.
If US laws will be fixed then the whole world gonna be in peace.....:)
Yes, and in reaction we will not start rioting or killing diplomats. We are more mature than that.
Who said to kill diplomats or start rioting.....We just want peace for everybody and respect for the religions especially the Prophets.......:smokin:
Whoever petitioned this thing is that the US has a strict separation of state and religion, and the government cannot interfere with the matters of religion, unless criminal, like child bride, female genital mutilation, polygamy, refusal to send children to school based on a religious ground, etc.

And no, Blasphemy is not a crime under the US law.
But discriminating against a religion is a crime and we want to include prophets within the list.......:smokin:
They ask for a petition and it doesn't matter how many signs they get, it wouldn't affect the outcome because the Supreme Court will always strike down the law since it infringes upon the 1st amendment.
Don't worry at least they will give it some consideration...and it might come out successful......:)

Not bashing at the petition, but it will affect the over all view of people towards the Muslims. They would think of Muslims as trying to enforce their religion's laws on them, it will further put a negative view towards the Muslims in the country.
This petition is going to protect the rights of Christians and Jewish too.....:)
A humble request, stop supporting terrorist groups and drawing distinction between good Taliban or good terrorists and bad.. I don't a need petition for your govt I need you to look introspectively as the cause and effect of what you guys do.

Re: your petition. We are not going to freeze frame our freedoms over your need to push your religious beliefs on others. I'm being as candid as I can be.
My request is for the good cause if You guyz can support so very well otherwise Thankyou very much....peace...Noble people always go for the positive and noble cause....:)
You need to change the laws first in your own country.
Yes there are so many bad laws within our country but they don't have worldwide effect......and we are trying to amend them as possible....:)
Yes there are so many bad laws within our country but they don't have worldwide effect......and we are trying to amend them as possible....:)
You get hurt, your problem, are you guys so insecure?
Considering Jewish lobby and Christians who are worried over Muslims growth rate, I don't think US will do anything regarding this issue.

For such laws, one should have large supporting populace within the country and few influential leader who will support it no matter how they have to do.
I guess Krait you are right in your analysis but some people of USA are trying to do some try and see how their voice will be heard at the top level......They might be able to be successful for the good cause. Their democratic system is providing this opportunity so they are going for it....:smokin:
Considering Jewish lobby and Christians who are worried over Muslims growth rate, I don't think US will do anything regarding this issue.

For such laws, one should have large supporting populace within the country and few influential leader who will support it no matter how they have to do.

Stop attaching conspiracy theories. This is the land where the Passion of the Christ and Da Vinci code happened. And read this clause in our First Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" - Any outlawing of this nature goes against the tenet of this first amendment and will not stand in Congress or court.
Who started this petition?

I really hope it was some 14 year old kid and not a college graduate, or I will feel very very sad about Pakistan's education system. What kind of clueless morons are they churning out?

The First Amendment is THE single most important clause in the entire American legal system and this petition violates not one but two aspects of it: free speech and special rules for specific religions.
I have thanked the opening poster. Why? Because every Muslim that is protesting in a peaceful way, is one less person that is out there, burning a tyre or a flag, rioting or killing because of something 'blasphemous'.
Of course I am not signing this petition, the nature of such a proposal is irrational and goes against anything I stand for. But the efforts should be commended.

If one is optimistic you could see this as a first step towards immunization, a point where religious people do not get bothered if someone attacks their religion, be it criticized or mocked.
Many Muslims are in a phase where Christians were many centuries ago. They react violently to perceived insults, issue death threats and destroy property in order to silence those who supposedly are attacking their religion. Most Christians have passed this phase.

The next stage would be were religious people protest in a a civilized manner. Write letters, boycotting , signing petitions, hold peaceful demonstrations and these kind of things. A few Christians and Jews are still in this phase, but these groups are extremely tiny and don't harm the societies. They are perfectly legal ways to express your discontent.

Finally, the next phase would be where criticism or mockery does not bother you, where you simply choose to ignore the (perceived) harsh comments or expressions just as most Christians and Jews today do.
This is a step which most Muslims, or at least many Muslims, still have to take.

This could take many centuries to come, but it will eventually happen. When these Muslims will realize that their way of thinking is flawed, the people that were out there behaving like they were personal custodians of Muhammad or Allah, as if those two entities could ever have been harmed verbally or physically, that will be the day when Islam will have won a great victory against all those 'blasphemers' aka the radical elements among Muslims that thought that Muhammad or Allah needed human protection, terrorist attacks and bombs in their name for being 'harmed'.
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