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White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

Who started this petition?

I really hope it was some 14 year old kid and not a college graduate, or I will feel very very sad about Pakistan's education system. What kind of clueless morons are they churning out?

The First Amendment is THE single most important clause in the entire American legal system and this petition violates not one but two aspects of it: free speech and special rules for specific religions.

alas you need to look at your own education. Petition does violate jack. You can petition till your hearts free, because the right to petition the govt, if by US citizens ( signatories)- is constitutionally written in. Regardless of what the petition says.

Now you're right in that our freedoms gives us the right to deny such actions as requested by the petitioner and its signatories.
I have thanked the opening poster. Why? Because every Muslim that is protesting in a peaceful way, is one less person that is out there, burning a tyre or a flag, rioting or killing because of something 'blasphemous'.
Of course I am not signing this petition, the nature of such a proposal is irrational and goes against anything I stand for. But the efforts should be commended.

If one is optimistic you could see this as a first step towards immunization, a point where religious people do not get bothered if someone attacks their religion, be it criticized or mocked.
Many Muslims are in a phase where Christians were many centuries ago. They react violently to perceived insults, issue death threats and destroy property in order to silence those who supposedly are attacking their religion. Most Christians have passed this phase.

The next stage would be were religious people protest in a a civilized manner. Write letters, boycotting , signing petitions, hold peaceful demonstrations and these kind of things. A few Christians and Jews are still in this phase, but these groups are extremely tiny and don't harm the societies. They are perfectly legal ways to express your discontent.

Finally, the next phase would be where criticism or mockery does not bother you, where you simply choose to ignore the (perceived) harsh comments or expressions just as most Christians and Jews today do.
This is a step which most Muslims, or at least many Muslims, still have to take.

This could take many centuries to come, but it will eventually happen. When these Muslims will realize that their way of thinking is flawed, the people that were out there behaving like they were personal custodians of Muhammad or Allah, as if those two entities could ever have been harmed verbally or physically, that will be the day when Islam will have won a great victory against all those 'blasphemers' aka the radical elements among Muslims that thought that Muhammad or Allah needed human protection, terrorist attacks and bombs in their name for being 'harmed'.
i realli appreciate that at least you appreciated the post for the positive step taken by the American Muslims to safeguard their liberties of religion. There are so so many people they didn't even bother to appreciate it.....:smokin:
i realli appreciate that at least you appreciated the post for the positive step taken by the American Muslims to safeguard their liberties of religion. There are so so many people they didn't even bother to appreciate it.....:smokin:

Liberty of one religion cannot be protected by asking others to curb their equal liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution. Therein lies the basic flaw of this petition, and it will go nowhere, as it should not.
i realli appreciate that at least you appreciated the post for the positive step taken by the American Muslims to safeguard their liberties of religion. There are so so many people they didn't even bother to appreciate it.....:smokin:

You did not understand that he is asking muslims to be as mature as christians and jews, and this seem to be the first step in that direction.
There is no way to say this without appearing to be condenscending.
Jesus isn't a prophet in Christianity; he is God Incarnate, Allah in Arabic.
Depends on the sect...have you heard of Arianism? The old Germanic tribes often practiced this...many sects still do (Jesus is a creation...not god...but a priviledged position) Ps...a petition to restrict the first ammendment (espescialy signed by a bunch of foriegners) will not work.
Stop attaching conspiracy theories. This is the land where the Passion of the Christ and Da Vinci code happened. And read this clause in our First Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" - Any outlawing of this nature goes against the tenet of this first amendment and will not stand in Congress or court.
Few decades ago Demographics of NE was different. Look at now. Its Muslim majority region with illegal immigrants. India is the land where every religion flourishes but we have seen the change in demographics of NE.

Lets pick Kashmir too. After Kashmiri pundits forced out and the birth rate increased the Muslim population even more, it became significant enough. Now this Muslim vote bank has become so important that there is no chance that these Pundits will be given their land back by the govt.

May be you don't look at demographic processes like birth and death rate, immigration, emigration etc. bue we do. We look at the change in population distribution income wise, religion wise etc.

So buddy its not conspiracy theory, it is supposed that France will have significant number of Muslim population in next 15 years. So when they propose amendments and new laws for Muslim population, like they demanded recently, many leaders will try to cash in this vote bank too.

There is more than religion involved. It also affects politics, society, economics and culture of any nation.

Try to understand rather than being emotional about Passion of Christ, Da Vinci Code, Neo-Nazi groups in US.

Sorry to say, but these things are being studied in every country.
Depends on the sect...have you heard of Arianism? The old Germanic tribes often practiced this...many sects still do (Jesus is a creation...not god...but a priviledged position) Ps...a petition to restrict the first ammendment (espescialy signed by a bunch of foriegners) will not work.

Any "Christian" sect that denies the divinity of Jesus is classified as a cult. All major Christian sects, including Catholic, Eastern Orthodoxy, and most Protestants consider him God Incarnate.
Lets create a petition asking GoP to not only ban all google services in Pakistan, but GoP should ask all muslim states to ban google as well
This petition might get pick up only if Obama is a Muslim and he would not allow anyone to insult his prophet. So the people that started the petition should ally with the extreme right wing base in the US.
Atleast google wont be making profit from muslim states.

Google is not making much profit in the Muslim countries anyhow. Even if all the Muslim states are to ban Google, which is unlikely, it would not make a dent in Google's profits. The Muslim world creates less than 0,5% of Google's earnings, so very little loss there.
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