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Which Bangladeshi Political Party do you support?


Nov 25, 2011
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Let me quess you support none. Well it was my answer too. I am young so with my all senses I have seen very few political party (2) rule bangladesh. BNP is corrupt and Awami League, well you can see that now. So which party do you support? In my case, no way I will support BNP or Awami League. I have changed my mind. Now I support, well you have to support something, Bangladeshi Jamaat-e-Islami party. What is your opinion?
Just to support you, let me reply: I support awami league, coz I am Indian and awami league is Indian. Hope my reply will put your thread on top. Enjoy.
Supporting an islamic party is nothing but suicide in 2012. I have no problem voting for an islamic party if it had a chance of coming to power but in these times it will give Bangladesh a bad image in the eyes of our major exporters.....so go BNP!
Supporting an islamic party is nothing but suicide in 2012. I have no problem voting for an islamic party if it had a chance of coming to power but in these times it will give Bangladesh a bad image in the eyes of our major exporters.....so go BNP!

Bold part: Why is that? Why is it suicidal? Do you mean to say I may be labelled as rajakar or fanatic? Does that really matter in this time and age? I mean, we live in 2012 not 70s.

Underline part: You know what even though you are not pious guy (MY guess) you aren't bad. You are open minded and I like that. Good for you.
Bold part: Why is that? Why is it suicidal? Do you mean to say I may be labelled as rajakar or fanatic? Does that really matter in this time and age? I mean, we live in 2012 not 70s.

Underline part: You know what even though you are not pious guy (MY guess) you aren't bad. You are open minded and I like that. Good for you.

I`d gladly vote for a democratic Islamic party. Problem with Bangladesh is that it is still uneducated and our leaders have no love for democracy, they are all fascists. Be it BNP or Awami league, no one wants to leave power. If Jamaat comes to power they will run with Sharia, I see no problem with it, it is a wonderful system to govern, but the problem is extremist Jamatis will go one step ahead and abolish other parties saying that `sharia leaves no place for another party`. Same corruption will occur in the process we might risk giving an image of terrorists to the world.
im not bangladeshi but my support goes for BNP or khaleda to be exact

BTW when are the elections?
[:::~Spartacus~:::];2950408 said:
im not bangladeshi but my support goes for BNP or khaleda to be exact

BTW when are the elections?

2014. But given the situations of last election, it may be after 2014.
Now I support, well you have to support something, Bangladeshi Jamaat-e-Islami party. What is your opinion?

Nothing shining about them. They mostly look after their individual interests rather than the nation as a whole.

There's no such thing as an "Islamic Party" despite all the huffs and puffs all over ranging from pseudo-Islamists to Islam bashers like Robert Spencer. They really don't actually offer anything. Religion is a personal matter. And lastly, mullahs should not be politicians or heads of state.

Jamaat in Bangladesh had many chances already, and no point in wasting time on them. They just offered nothing new.

In my case, I support this:
Nagorik Shakti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But still not a matured party.

Just to support you, let me reply: I support awami league, coz I am Indian and awami league is Indian. Hope my reply will put your thread on top. Enjoy.

Wow...even with all hooliganism on the borders? :lol:

I`d gladly vote for a democratic Islamic party. Problem with Bangladesh is that it is still uneducated and our leaders have no love for democracy, they are all fascists. Be it BNP or Awami league, no one wants to leave power. If Jamaat comes to power they will run with Sharia, I see no problem with it, it is a wonderful system to govern, but the problem is extremist Jamatis will go one step ahead and abolish other parties saying that `sharia leaves no place for another party`. Same corruption will occur in the process we might risk giving an image of terrorists to the world.

Jamaat are pretty educated. It's just that their leaders are getting old. And I doubt if any of the young generation would willing to lead the party. And if anyone does, it'll still be the same unless they deliver something to the people.
Well, Citizen's power totally new party. They still have to prove themselves and yet to take part into an election. Compared to BNP and Awami League, I've seen that the leaders of Jamaat are educated, they know what they are talking about. And their leadership is there, may be not enough, but way better than Awami League and BNP. I mean, Hasina and Khaleda are jokes but nothing. I don't know when bangladeshi people will open their eyes and elect someone qualified to lead the country...someone qualified! We need our own Mahatir Mohammad!
Well, Citizen's power totally new party. They still have to prove themselves and yet to take part into an election. Compared to BNP and Awami League, I've seen that the leaders of Jamaat are educated, they know what they are talking about. And their leadership is there, may be not enough, but way better than Awami League and BNP. I mean, Hasina and Khaleda are jokes but nothing. I don't know when bangladeshi people will open their eyes and elect someone qualified to lead the country...someone qualified! We need our own Mahatir Mohammad!

Well, most Bangladeshis aren't hard-core BNP or AL sympathizers. So, hard to say.

Root of much of Bangladesh's problems are not its politicians, but the massive population. But I agree, we do urgently need visionary leaders. Not a bunch of arm-chair warriors.
I support Muslim Brotherhood. Unfortunately they are not active in South Asia.... Anyway my ideology is a mixture of Hizbt Tahrir + Jamat + BNP. Islamic nationalism based on democracy! Shariah is not contradictory with democracy! Infact our third Caliph most probably was the first democratic leader.... I believe science and development is the way but without sacrificing religion which is a part and parcel of a practising muslim's life! I have no enmity to any particular nation except land of Zion.... Regarding India, i believe in mutual respect and co-operation!
I support both BNP and Jammat. Both parties complement each other against Awami Indian dalals. BNP does have some dynastic
politics in them but pres.Zia was one of the greatest leaders of the Subcontinent and Begum Zia is also a clever leader and
mature politician. She is a million times better than her Awami counterpart in terms of political maturity, commanding respect and leadership attitude.
As for Jammat, they are a very good Islamic party and may be the only democratic party in BD, a spin off of muslim brotherhood
and that why I respect and support them.
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