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Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

Dude you couldn’t even mention when and how they went to Pakistan at the first place. They must be regretting now why they or their ancestors went to Pakistan.

You should be ashamed of talking about your living condition is better when your per capita gdp is 70% lower then Bangladesh, reserve is almost nil and your former finance minister made number of comments about present condition of Pakistan which is quoted in this article.

Per capita gdp of Pakistan and Bangladesh is 1500 USD vs 2700 USD. Have some self respect before making any comment.

If that's true, your people wouldn't be living in our country by the millions.

I did tell you time and again. Those people don't even have legal Pakistani ID cards. You're denial of them being Bangladeshi shows what you wish to believe.

Your government sponsored stats are nonsensical and contradict the ground realities. Your government has been known to publish fraudulent stats time and again. Simply dividing the GDP by population size is raw data and commonly misleading.

You keep repeating all this because you have no reasonable argument to hold. You types have no honor so you resort to repeating the same thing again and again inspite of being refuted.

This is known as argument by repetition, a common logical fallacy https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781119165811.ch45

'Ever' is a very long time. PRC looked totally hopeless till 1990. During the 'Great Leap Forward' of 1958-62, millions of Chinese died due to famine. If they could develop from that to what they are today, nobody is condemned forever.
The Chinese had the benefit of having a unitary government through the communist party and its subdivisions. They also had the benefit of having a militant ideology that allowed for public disciple. Finally, they had the benefit of having the largest and cheapest labor force in the world.

None of these are true for Pakistan.
While Pakistan was nostalgic about the good ol'days, Bangladesh forged ahead to replace Pakistan as the second largest South Asian economy.

Pakistanis need to stop dreaming about the past and wake up to reality. At this rate Somalia and Afghanistan will shoot ahead of Pakistan

Tell that to all the Afghans & Somalis living in our country. It seems Afghans would rather clean trash and toilets of Pakistanis than live in their "successful country." The same is true for Bangladeshis living in the slums of our country. It's too bad a bunch of flashy stats cooked up by their government did not convince them otherwise.
I still don't understand why they keep migrating to Pakistan given all their economic success

You can see the denial in their self-contradictory answers. First they claim these people came before 1971 so they should be Pakistani citizens when the video shows otherwise.

Then he claims they are not Bangladeshi. He then argues there's no direct air link which ended because of COVID. He must think millions came after COVID.

You see them on a Pakistani forum hiding behind American flags. People like nahtonbob, eppeple, Tom tom & others. Ever seen Americans get so emotional and argumentative when a Pakistani states Bangladesh has worse living conditions than Pakistan?

Then we have this epebble posting stats showing their country to be "richer" than Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan simply because lots of people don't live industrialized lifestyles there.

Epebble got excited when his/her countrymen made a post about Pakistanis studying in Bangladesh on an exchange program.

What a sad and shameless bunch they are. No honor or dignity.

Another one of them claimed on another thread that prior to British rule, Bengal was "one of the most advanced places on Earth." :partay:

They come to our forums thinking we'd be impressed by this false illusion, only to feel pity for them.
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You see them on a Pakistani forum hiding behind American flags. People like nahtonbob, eppeple, Tom tom & others. Ever seen Americans get so emotional and argumentative when a Pakistani states Bangladesh has worse living conditions than Pakistan?

Another one of them claimed on another thread that prior to British rule Bengal was "one of the most advanced places on Earth."
Actually they’re not wrong about this. Few places on earth that achieved industrialization with Bengal being one of them. The Brits killed more Bengalis than even the inflated inflated numbers of 1971


Actually they’re not wrong about this. Few places on earth that achieved industrialization with Bengal being one of them. The Brits killed more Bengalis than even the inflated inflated numbers of 1971
@PAKISTANFOREVER you think I’m making this up lol?

Actually they’re not wrong about this. Few places on earth that achieved industrialization with Bengal being one of them. The Brits killed more Bengalis than even the inflated inflated numbers of 1971

@PAKISTANFOREVER you think I’m making this up lol?

You are not making it up because NONE of these guys provide any evidence for their claims......... :lol:
Eat a d*** all you Pajeets, and their Muslim Pajeet lackeys east of the Radcliffe line
You ain't shit and you know that deep in your hearts


Our Holy land, land of the strong willed and the brave hearts, the most beautiful land
Zoroastrian holy books mentioned our Indus valley to be amongst the most beautiful lands created by zorostar - his heaven on earth for the people, from Alexander to Islamic hadiths mentioned our men's for their strong body structures - a true man's man

oh gods, such perfection, such Glory just give us a true leader of Men to unite us and take us forward towards a better future of our people
Such truly, disgusting, filthy f's like Indians talking big talk is dishonorable and makes me sick

Muslim Pajeets are thier lackeys so just join up through no fault of thier own


Filth of the earth - This is the reason why everyone east of the Radcliffe line cry's like a b***
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Actually they’re not wrong about this. Few places on earth that achieved industrialization with Bengal being one of them. The Brits killed more Bengalis than even the inflated inflated numbers of 1971

And that's necessarily a good thing? Compare their polluted sh**thole of a country to the cleaner farming societies of Central Asia they claim to be "better" than.

Industrialization is okay as long as it's sustainable and minimal. Exploiting resources and producing so much pollution to circulate money is nothing impressive.

Regardless of the brutality of the British, they have no evidence to claim they were "one of the most advanced places on Earth." Probably the opposite.

Even during the Golden years of Pakistan, which itself is somewhat an exgeration, the Bangladeshi nationalists attribute it to their "exploitation." Next thing they'll blame our successful nuclear weapons program to be as a result of their "exploitation." This delusional thinking goes way back.

Here's a quote from a book:

"The second move in the game was to build up an equally fictitious image of a Bengal overflowing with milk and honey which had been delivered over to Pakistan. The so-called Bengali scholars claimed to discover almost every day more and more evidence of a rich cultural heritage in Bengal's past now exposed to risk. The fact that the province had not yet recovered from the devastating famine of 1943 and the ravages of the Second World War was conveniently overlooked. Nor did anybody care to draw. attention to the recurring cycle of famines and shortages which has been a constant in Bengal's history. Only about 43 years before the 1943 famine there had been at the turn of the century a terrible famine of the same kind which had taken a heavy toll of human life. Stories of similar food shortages at twenty-five or fifty year intervals form the staple of Bengal's literature. But the illiterate public in Bengal have a short memory and are apt to forget inconvenient truths.

They love day-dreaming. Oblivious to the picture of this barrenness and starvation the image they love to cherish of Bengal is that of an inexhaustible granary where no one goes hungry"... No one could deny either openly or secretly that Bengal overwhelmed with a large population needed foreign capital for development since she had no capital herself. On the other hand the presence of outsiders who seemed to possess both money and skill was keenly resented. To rationalise the resentment they created the myth that the outsiders were not really helping in the development of her resources but fleecing Bengal. There had existed they maintained back in the dim past of Sonar Bangla a Golden period when the country lacked nothing. The outsiders had eaten her resources away reduced her to destitution and poverty and degraded her to her present position. The myth took hold on the imagination of the public.

In their lucid moments of course they remembered how relentless the realities around them were. But the natural bent of their minds towards romanticism and emotionalism gave rise to puerile fancies without the slightest foundation in fact about the wealth and resources of the motherland. The Indian conspirators kept fanning this puerilism taking advantage of the inevitable frictions which the advent of foreign capital produces in any society." (Dr Syed Sajjad Hussain The Wastes of Time: Reflections on the Decline and Fall of East Pakistan Pages 111 112 117)
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You can see the denial in their self-contradictory answers. First they claim these people came before 1971 so they should be Pakistani citizens when the video shows otherwise.

Then he claims they are not Bangladeshi. He then argues there's no direct air link which ended because of COVID. He must think millions came after COVID.

You see them on a Pakistani forum hiding behind American flags. People like nahtonbob, eppeple, Tom tom & others. Ever seen Americans get so emotional and argumentative when a Pakistani states Bangladesh has worse living conditions than Pakistan?

Then we have this epebble posting stats showing their country to be "richer" than Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan simply because lots of people don't live industrialized lifestyles there.

What a sad & shameless bunch they are. epebble got excited when his/her countrymen made a post about Pakistanis studying in Bangladesh on an exchange program.

What a sad and shameless bunch they. No honor or dignity.

Another one of them claimed on another thread that prior to British rule Bengal was "one of the most advanced places on Earth." :partay:

They come to our forums thinking we'd be impressed by this false illusion, only to feel pity for them.

Your crying about honor and dignity on an online message board. Ever seen Pakistanis get so emotional and argumentative when a Bangladeshi states that Pakistan has worse living conditions than Bangladesh? Thats literally you man.

Obviously you suffer from some psychological condition. This topic deeply triggers some insecurity you have. I see it every time. Why can I predict exactly how active you will be on a thread about Bangladesh doing better than Pakistan? Its so weird how you talk about emotion yet you make so many posts whenever this topic comes up. You reply to like every single post in the thread. Its truly unhinged behavior.

Get over it man. Seriously. I'm not some weird patriotic retard like you. Bangladesh sucks BALLS. And yet currently its doing better than Pakistan. Thats just facts, deny it all you want. Trying to defend Pakistan's image on the internet is so pathetic. I really don't even care that Bangladesh is doing better than Pakistan. Its not much of an achievement to begin with. If Pakistan was doing better than BD currently I would happily admit it. Again, because I'm not some nationalistic weirdo.

Pakistani posters please come get your mans. Put him to work or something. Maybe this why your country sucks. People spend too much of their time on bullshit ego delusions. Its the same in Bangladesh. Maybe we aren't so different after all.
Your crying about honor and dignity on an online message board. Ever seen Pakistanis get so emotional and argumentative when a Bangladeshi states that Pakistan has worse living conditions than Bangladesh? Thats literally you man.

Obviously you suffer from some psychological condition. This topic deeply triggers some insecurity you have. I see it every time. Why can I predict exactly how active you will be on a thread about Bangladesh doing better than Pakistan? Its so weird how you talk about emotion yet you make so many posts whenever this topic comes up. You reply to like every single post in the thread. Its truly unhinged behavior.

Get over it man. Seriously. I'm not some weird patriotic retard like you. Bangladesh sucks BALLS. And yet currently its doing better than Pakistan. Thats just facts, deny it all you want. Trying to defend Pakistan's image on the internet is so pathetic. I really don't even care that Bangladesh is doing better than Pakistan. Its not much of an achievement to begin with. If Pakistan was doing better than BD currently I would happily admit it. Again, because I'm not some nationalistic weirdo.

Pakistani posters please come get your mans. Put him to work or something. Maybe this why your country sucks. People spend too much of their time on bullshit ego delusions. Its the same in Bangladesh. Maybe we aren't so different after all.

Yeah our country "sucks" so much that millions of you live there illegally. Your women work as house maids and others just working illegally as criminals.

You people come on our forums claiming false superiority. Your women work as housemaids there. Your men sell paan on our streets.

And here you people come claiming some imaginary "superiority." Some patriotic folks you are with your delusional BS. First you deny them to be Bangladeshi, then you claim they came before 1971 which does not explain why they have no Pakistani citizenship.

Your people even work for upper class Muhajir neo-liberal families who praise your economic "success" when they should be living in their own country.

You people make fun of our bankrupcy while living in our country by the millions. Your people work for less than minimum wage in other near-bankrupt countries like Lebanon & Turkey.

Would you invite millions of Turks, Lebanese & Pakistani economic refugees to immigrate to your "superior country" or are you scared they'd turn around give you the middle finger?

Nobody wants to immigrate to Bangladesh. Quite the opposite. Only the rich Bangladeshis sit in the comfort of their homes and brag online. Typical patriotic bullsh**ter.

Get your people the f***ck out of OUR country.
Yeah our country "sucks" so much that millions of you live there illegally. Your women work as house maids and others just working illegally as criminals.

You people come on our forums claiming false superiority. Your women work as housemaids there. Your men sell paan on our streets.

And here you people come claiming some imaginary "superiority." Some patriotic folks you are with your delusional BS. First you deny them to be Bangladeshi, then you claim they came before 1971 which does not explain why they have no Pakistani citizenship.

Your people even work for upper class Muhajir neo-liberal families who praise your economic "success" when they should be living in their own country.

You people make fun of our bankrupcy while living in our country by the millions. Your people work for less than minimum wage in other near-bankrupt countries like Lebanon & Turkey.

Would you invite millions of Turks, Lebanese & Pakistani economic refugees to immigrate to your "superior country" or are you scared they'd turn around give you the middle finger?

Nobody wants to immigrate to Bangladesh. Quite the opposite. Only the rich Bangladeshis sit in the comfort of their homes and brag online. Typical patriotic bullsh**ter.

Get your people the f***ck out of OUR country.

Its like you have a script ready to go. With all the grievances you have against Bangladesh. And then you call Bangladeshi posters emotional. lol. You see why I say that you're unhinged and suffering from something?

Why do you think I care anything about you just said. If anything it makes Bangladeshi's look even cooler. They make fun of your country and then also still work in it? Thats based. I hope more Bangladeshi's go to Pakistan. Maybe their hardworking nature can uplift the Pakistani economy. From what I hear from Pakistani friends, no one in your country works. They just wait for family abroad to send them money and live off that. When the bar is that low, I'm not surprised Bangladesh is doing better than Pakistan.

Anyways the funniest thing is you say all this while being Pakistani Canadian diaspora. No hint of irony there. Maybe instead of crying so much on this forum you should go back to Pakistan and do your part. Your country desperately needs you.
if anyone start comparing two capitals of both countries he will die with laughing or crying .
My dear IK, beautification projects with foreign money are no recipe for national development, industrialization is.

These projects circulates old wealth, but do not really produce new wealth. So, BD may be following the great path of SL and Pakistan.
Its like you have a script ready to go. With all the grievances you have against Bangladesh. And then you call Bangladeshi posters emotional. lol. You see why I say that you're unhinged and suffering from something?

Why do you think I care anything about you just said. If anything it makes Bangladeshi's look even cooler. They make fun of your country and then also still work in it? Thats based. I hope more Bangladeshi's go to Pakistan. Maybe their hardworking nature can uplift the Pakistani economy. From what I hear from Pakistani friends, no one in your country works. They just wait for family abroad to send them money and live off that. When the bar is that low, I'm not surprised Bangladesh is doing better than Pakistan.

Anyways the funniest thing is you say all this while being Pakistani Canadian diaspora. No hint of irony there. Maybe instead of crying so much on this forum you should go back to Pakistan and do your part. Your country desperately needs you.

Its waste of time, 95% of what comes up in this forum for "debate/discussion"....especially in this subforum.

You are just going to get see the same thing few weeks later and get sucked into that again....till you get tired of it and realise you could have done something else with that time/effort you wasted. You can find the exact same conversations in the old threads too....its all been done and nothing left to say to actually move anywhere in understanding.

Any good stuff you get from the forum (the other 5% stuff) can be done by just reading here now and then with proper curation....and keeping discussion only to those that clearly know something on a subject.

Well meaning Bangladeshi members are best off getting in touch with @The Ronin and any others about better hangout spots too if it better suits their fancy.

It would be wrong to advertise them here, so I wont do that.
Its like you have a script ready to go. With all the grievances you have against Bangladesh. And then you call Bangladeshi posters emotional. lol. You see why I say that you're unhinged and suffering from something?

Why do you think I care anything about you just said. If anything it makes Bangladeshi's look even cooler. They make fun of your country and then also still work in it? Thats based. I hope more Bangladeshi's go to Pakistan. Maybe their hardworking nature can uplift the Pakistani economy. From what I hear from Pakistani friends, no one in your country works. They just wait for family abroad to send them money and live off that. When the bar is that low, I'm not surprised Bangladesh is doing better than Pakistan.

Anyways the funniest thing is you say all this while being Pakistani Canadian diaspora. No hint of irony there. Maybe instead of crying so much on this forum you should go back to Pakistan and do your part. Your country desperately needs you.

LMAO nice attempt to dodge my argument. Your people are living in OUR country illegally and here you are online ignoring them from within the walls of your palace.

You live in some kind of denial or something? You people come on our forums with your false pride while your people are living in supposedly "poorer countries" in the lowest paying jobs including Pakistan and yet you folks hide behind American flags and repeat yourself after being refuted time & again.

Get your migrants OUT of OUR country man. Your people are living in OUR country NOT the other way around. Nobody wants to immigrate to your sh***t hole of a country mate.

Get over your denial. None of the Pakistanis who live abroad EVER want to live in Bangladesh. Get over your fantasies. You don't fool anyone.

All your illegal migrants in Pakistan and elsewhere are undocumented by your government because it does not help their propaganda.

Your women are advertising to work as housemaids in Pakistan.

All while you sit comfortably in your secluded bubble world while your people would prefer to live in our slums than their ***thole of a country.

Keep repeating yourself man. You're not fooling anyone. Not even yourself. You're just shining your wishful denial of the reality.
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well i have qestion here

if its middle income country why hundreds of thousands bangladeshis still work as garbage collectors in all gulf countries . why not poor indians and paksitanis replaced this job yet ? it is major source of income for bangladesh . each worker collect garbage on trucks or by walk to earn 200 -220 $ per month




Why to degrade a person’s job by saying it is a garbage collection job when your esteemed govt borrows money from every foreign source and let its people steal it?

Respect a person’s job like it is in the developed countries. To you stealing money is better than working hard to earn money. Very sad that you have sent photographs of those who do their best to feed their families.

You should be sent to a jail.
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