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Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

I dont understand why this thread even exists.

BD is no longer comparable to PK in any respect economically.

The latter just stumbles from one economic crisis to the next with 90% debt to GDP ratio compared to BD with below 30%. BD economy is larger in absolute terms and on per capita basis almost twice the size.

You guys need to take these arguments to the IMF and see if they become as accommodating to you as they have been with BD. Somehow IMF is fine with BDs falsified stats it seems.

Just sour grapes.... its kind of pathetically hilarious.
Its waste of time, 95% of what comes up in this forum for "debate/discussion"....especially in this subforum.

You are just going to get see the same thing few weeks later and get sucked into that again....till you get tired of it and realise you could have done something else with that time/effort you wasted. You can find the exact same conversations in the old threads too....its all been done and nothing left to say to actually move anywhere in understanding.

Any good stuff you get from the forum (the other 5% stuff) can be done by just reading here now and then with proper curation....and keeping discussion only to those that clearly know something on a subject.

Well meaning Bangladeshi members are best off getting in touch with @The Ronin and any others about better hangout spots too if it better suits their fancy.

It would be wrong to advertise them here, so I wont do that.

@Bilal9 good to see you back after some time with your new id. If you want to hide your identity after declaring deactivating your account you better change your writing style as well. I prefer you to be back with your original id instead of having number of ids like @Nilgiri keeping aside your ego and finding Indian or Indian false flagger everywhere. Thanks
If that's true, your people wouldn't be living in our country by the millions.

I did tell you time and again. Those people don't even have legal Pakistani ID cards. You're denial of them being Bangladeshi shows what you wish to believe.

Your government sponsored stats are nonsensical and contradict the ground realities. Your government has been known to publish fraudulent stats time and again. Simply dividing the GDP by population size is raw data and commonly misleading.

You keep repeating all this because you have no reasonable argument to hold. You types have no honor so you resort to repeating the same thing again and again inspite of being refuted.

This is known as argument by repetition, a common logical fallacy https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781119165811.ch45

Whats the point of this blabbering non stop in circular manner without having any shame or self respect?

You are claiming millions are poor who are illegal Bangladeshis are there in Pakistan but not claiming when and how they came as there are no direct land route to Pakistan.

You then invented they came via fake passport and visa. Fair enough argument. I am assuming they came in 70s and 80s mostly. Do you even know how much it used to cost to purchase a flight ticket to Pakistan? Even middle class used to struggle that time to purchase airline tickets and you are claiming these extreme poor people of Bangladesh naught flight ticket to go to Pakistan with fake passport and visa and your immigration officials gladly let them in.

This is not few hundred or thousand you are claiming millions. Do you even realize how ridiculous does it sound? Pakistan is not USA, not even Middle East that people will face these much struggle to to go to Pakistan or take life risk to via India which is almost impossible.

Get back to reality and as @mb444 mentioned get your argument to IMF to make them convince Pakistan is better off then Bangladesh so that they give you more loan. I know how much struggle Pakistan had to face to get the 1.5 billion loan from IMF where as Bangladesh qualified for 4.5 Billion loan from IMF.

You should know it better when a lender give a bigger loan to someone compared to another. The easy answer is when someone is better off financially and can pay it back. I hope that gave you the answer.
Whats the point of this blabbering non stop in circular manner without having any shame or self respect?

What circular argument? First you claim they came before 1971. Then you claim they're not Bangladeshis. Then you claim there's no direct air route, when they came BEFORE Covid. Your countryman here cites me living in Canada as a means of dodging my arguments.

He has no explanation either, only denial. Which self-respecting person claims superiority over another country, goes to their forums, denies his people live there by the millions.

The housemaid ad posted by IK was also met with blind eyes. Lebanon & Turkey are near bankrupt, yet your people are living there, knowing how much better they are than Bangladesh.

Nothing brings such a self-consumed people out of their false pride and not surprising given the horrible living conditions of Bangladesh.

Middle East or not, Pakistanis DO NOT want to live there. Other way around. No fallacies posted by wishful Bangladeshis is going to change that. Ever.

i was surprised when i visit Lebanon . Bangladeshis work there as cleaners and garbage collectors and patrol stations too . yes same labanon where gov is bankrupt since ages. they got salaries in USD . :D

You should have saved pics & videos of them to post here. Give them a reality check on the plight of their people. But somehow I think it would be met by their usual denial.
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Eat a d*** all you Pajeets, and their Muslim Pajeet lackeys east of the Radcliffe line
You ain't shit and you know that deep in your hearts

Actually there's only one Pajeet on this thread and he seems to make sense than all the wishful Bangladeshis combined, so leave them out of this.

The Pajeet who wrote the article was a wishful dreamer. BD got more people than all the Gulf countries combined. I guess their women are so "empowered." Leave them to their dreams.
1. You seem to associate any attempt to analyze data with some pseudo 'patriotism'. I am not connected with Bangladesh in anyway.
2. It is well known that education and work opportunities reduce number of children born to a woman. Nothing specific to Bangladesh or Saudi Arabia. It is a universal phenomenon.
*WARNING: Scary Math* https://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/dp1156.pdf

3. To compare present population of Saudi Arabia with Bangladesh is absurd. Bangladesh is a fertile river delta that was populated for thousands of years. Saudi Arabia is a desert filled with nomadic Bedouin tribes till discovery and exploitation of petroleum beginning 1938. Population of Saudi Arabia was less than three million in 1938.

Population of 'Bangladesh' (The land that is Bangladesh today) in 1938 was 33 million. i.e. Ten times more than Saudi Arabia
@Bilal9 good to see you back after some time with your new id. If you want to hide your identity after declaring deactivating your account you better change your writing style as well. I prefer you to be back with your original id instead of having number of ids like @Nilgiri keeping aside your ego and finding Indian or Indian false flagger everywhere. Thanks

Yeah obviously Bilal sounds like the chap that would hold "The Ronin" in high regard about a better place to discuss.

You are clearly a highly intelligent fellow that is not in the least bit salty about how this place has turned out, especially with your dedicated newsreel effort and conspiracy addiction :lol:
I am real impressed, it is so wealthy now that not only it gave multi-billion dollar loan to IMF recently, it now also is offering the international community aide worth $373bn for climate damage mitigation/repair
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Yeah obviously Bilal sounds like the chap that would hold "The Ronin" in high regard about a better place to discuss.

You are clearly a highly intelligent fellow that is not in the least bit salty about how this place has turned out, especially with your dedicated newsreel effort and conspiracy addiction :lol:

No need to deny your identity. @Nilgiri attempted that as well. You spent lots of time with your past id you better come back with that instead of wasting time with this id.
Yeah obviously Bilal sounds like the chap that would hold "The Ronin" in high regard about a better place to discuss.
my lil ole excel book is also accusing you of being Bilal9 tag some mods to check your IP to show us how wrong we are
Yeah obviously Bilal sounds like the chap that would hold "The Ronin" in high regard about a better place to discuss.

You are clearly a highly intelligent fellow that is not in the least bit salty about how this place has turned out, especially with your dedicated newsreel effort and conspiracy addiction :lol:

@Bilal9 good to see you back after some time with your new id. If you want to hide your identity after declaring deactivating your account you better change your writing style as well. I prefer you to be back with your original id instead of having number of ids like @Nilgiri keeping aside your ego and finding Indian or Indian false flagger everywhere. Thanks
Don't think it's Bilal9. He wouldn't recommend talking to The Ronin.
No need to deny your identity. @Nilgiri attempted that as well. You spent lots of time with your past id you better come back with that instead of wasting time with this id.
when they come back with new IDs they post exactly same as before, bloody geniuses
Don't think it's Bilal9. He wouldn't recommend talking to The Ronin.

Bilal forgot to hide his location and writing style. Using flag of Bangladesh and sitting in USA.

But that’s not the problem having another id after declaring his deactivation of old id with which he spent lots of time here.

My suggestion was to keep using the past id instead this one.
Bilal forgot to hide his location and writing style. Using flag of Bangladesh and sitting in USA.

But that’s not the problem having another id after declaring his deactivation of old id with which he spent lots of time here.

My suggestion was to keep using the past id instead this one.

Ok. I don't know it's him, neither do I care. I just thought Bilal would not be recommending Ronin.
It's not just this former finance minister. Ex PMs like Niazi and Sharif also laud Bangladeshi efforts over the past 10-15 years.

Whenever they want to make extreme comparisons they bring Bangladesh. Like the idiom ' Worth a Taka ' despite the Taka overtaking the Rupee long ago.

Its habitual.

What interesting is the complete turnaround of the posters who in other threads would use Bangladesh as an example of achieving true independence and talk about Tiger Bahani.

To take a last word on this stupid thread, none of those you mentioned are interested in actually immigrating to Bangladesh, despite praising it. Because they subconsciously know they are talking total backwas.

Even the Muhajir neo-libtards on this forum or in the media who give false encouragement to these wishful Bangladeshi patriots have no interest in actually immigrating to that 10th world toilet.

They also have no interest in educating their youth there, despite praising it's imaginary "education system." If a typical Muhajir or Sindhi student has their student visa application rejected from European/North American/East Asian countries, their parent's first ambition will be to probably send them to Lahore or Islamabad for further studies. Never Bangladesh.

Typical hypocrites.
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