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Where Bangladesh succeeded and Pakistan failed

Bangladesh, even Indian roads are not better than Pakistan

If we look railway, i think india and pakistan have just ok trains, not good, but if we look at bangladesh they have worst railway system, seems they have single train, they are forced to sit on the roof of trains, which is very risky.

if we look at defence, india and pakistan are trying to compete each other, inspite of too much budget on defence of india, pakistan is capable to protect its country, on other hand BD is not spending on defence.

If india attacked on BD, BD will fail to protect herself.

BD govt is not spending on roads, railway and defence, just collecting money in central bank

pakistan was performing better than even india as less poverty than others, after PDM duffers pakistan went on crises.

pakistan is fighting with terrorism and even at wars from 1980s as there was danger from Soviets (to capture the country) to fk European, American trades. pakistan still performing good except from last year.

pakistan fought 4 wars, bangladesh none. so they not wasted money on wars.

And yet BD GDP per capita is greater than both countries and is on target to remain so for the foreseeable future.
No; to remove any emotional bitterness, rename this debate as where Indonesia succeeded, and Pakistan failed.

There is no emotional bitterness comparing a relatively better country like Indonesia to Pakistan with more landmass, more friendly geography and relatively good progress compared to the poverty stricken, overpopulated hell-hole Bangladesh.

This debate should not be here on a defense forum. Nothing really to debate when all one side has a bunch of phony stats they cannot even explain. We should close.
Lol a country which has a mere 1500 usd per capita gdp lecturing a country which has 2700 usd per capita gdp and projecting 16000 usd per capita gdp by 2041 a model of poverty and sub standard living. Wow.

Even following this model of poverty and sub standard living Pakistan can out of present bankrupt condition, raise reserve and per capita gdp they should follow that.

A beggar can not be chooser. Just keep it in mind.
Governments can perform their mental gymnastics with any numbers they like. Bangladesh is literally just one city, Dhaka even that is a logistical nightmare.

It's funny because when I pointed out Saudi Arabia must be a great example of women empowerment, the Bangladeshi epabble brought up fertility of the land.

I mean I was bringing this up the whole time. It's the population density and loss of farmland that has contributed to population decline, not "woman empowerment." Otherwise Saudi Arabia is out "role model." Less people than all of Canada.

But hey, what do I know.
These people have strange biases.
Who is making the effort? If there is one thing that may be generalized, it is that Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia are good examples of non-oil exporting Muslim countries with an economy that does not depend on borrow and spend as the main fiscal policy. On the other hand, Pakistan, Egypt and Lebanon represent non-oil exporting Muslim countries that have not found a viable means of economy besides borrow and spend.
What is the obsession with exports?
Bangladesh paradox is an economic discourse that is decades old.

We do not need to impose substandard living standard, it was an absolute reality and in certain measures and for a subsection of our people still is.

What is also a reality that over decades of sustained grassroot action has turned socioeconomic barometers upwards. Basic education has been rolled out to all as has rudimentary social safety net to the most poorest. A national pension scheme in the british model has passed pilot stage and tentatively GoB is starting to roll it out universally.²

Economically a agrarian workforce has moved to manufacturing and service sectors serving first internal demand and substituting imports. In agriculture BD is top ten producers of many item and internally self sufficient in terms of food.²

These are basic reality, you can have the opinion that these are lies but if you visit BD and have knowledge of what it was like 20 years ago the facts on the grounds would prove your position as inaccurate.

This whole thread is stupid, BD does not consider PK as equal or a model to follow. BD polemics just do not see any value in this.

In all these posts of comparing PK to BD are being made by PKs themselves for their internal politics or indians grinding their national axe. BD does not care nor have a skin in this game. We are looking towards indonesia and turkey as models of development and governance as globally facing open Muslim democracy.

PKs here should point their ire at where it belongs.

It's the gaslighting Indians on one end but it doesn't take much either of you lot to showcase talents of utter arrogance and grandiose humour.
Indonesia is a role model but the dynamics are materially different. They are resource rich and several steps ahead of us in terms manufacturing capacity and human development. But on the opposite side their geography poses certain challenges.

For BD we are resource poor in everything except sheer number of available manpower.
Being a geographically compact nation is our advantage.

Our development journey will be different as we exploit our unique comparative advantages but the direction of travel is the same.

However you can not take out Bangladesh out of Bangladesh paradox.... it is an actual focus of research.
I was thinking of Indonesia as a successful state to use as a yardstick to understand why Pakistan (and Egypt, to make it general and not nationalistic) are failed states.
No; to remove any emotional bitterness, rename this debate as where Indonesia succeeded, and Pakistan failed.
The debate is in Pakistan, being made by pakistanies themselves. Somehow BD has come into crosshair of emotional PKs when BD wishes nothing but good for PK.

The thread is stupid and should be in pakistan section. It was not written by a BD and it refers to opinions of PKs.
Governments can perform their mental gymnastics with any numbers they like. Bangladesh is literally just one city, Dhaka even that is a logistical nightmare.

These people have strange biases.

What is the obsession with exports?

It's the gaslighting Indians on one end but it doesn't take much either of you lot to showcase talents of utter arrogance and grandiose humour.
BTW, this whole debate of Pakistan vs. Bangladesh was born because of a Pakistan finance minister who is an expert on Pakistan's development. He has a Ph. D. on Pakistan's development from Wharton School.
Governments can perform their mental gymnastics with any numbers they like. Bangladesh is literally just one city, Dhaka even that is a logistical nightmare.

These people have strange biases.

What is the obsession with exports?

It's the gaslighting Indians on one end but it doesn't take much either of you lot to showcase talents of utter arrogance and grandiose humour.

Well from our position you guys are just showcasing the after effect of your ingrained superiority narrative coming face to face with stark reality.

You can not expect BDs to stay silent.
Stick to the topic and trying to term your people as Bangladeshi. This 2-3 million Bengali Pakistani people doesn’t make much difference of a country of 200 million plus. Accept your country’s failed policies over the decades and think how you can come out of this present bankrupt situation.

If Bangladesh open its gate for this Pakistani Bengalis not only these Bengalis and many Pakistanis will come along with it.

Just giving you an example. You are blabbering about cleaner and garbage collectors… even they earn minimum around 20000 taka a month which is close to 55000 Pakistani rupee. A rickshaw puller earn 30000 taka which is around 82000 Pakistani rupee. So now tell me how many of the poorest make that kind of money in Pakistan?

First come out of poverty and raise your living standard then come for comparison with Bangladesh. Bangladesh is well ahead of Pakistan in every dimension. In terms of accumulated wealth Pakistan May be little ahead but with present trend Bangladesh will overtake that in next few years.

You are just living in the past. Wake up and get back to reality.

Bangladesh has 70% higher per capita gdp than Pakistan now.

You guys can never be rich. Being rich is a state of mind.

Why don't you direct this wealth in some badly needed infrastructure? Not everyone can live in Dhaka.
I was thinking of Indonesia as a successful state to use as a yardstick to understand why Pakistan (and Egypt, to make it general and not nationalistic) are failed states.

:lol: Egypt is several times better than Bangladesh in living conditions, technology, infrastructure & education. Don't annoy them as well by bringing their country into this. It's insulting for a Bangladeshi to be calling anyone else "failed states" in case you don't realize.

I'm more or less done here.
:lol: Egypt is several times better than Bangladesh in living conditions,technology, infrastructure & education. Don't annoy them as well by bringing their country into this. It's insulting for a Bangladeshi to be calling anyone else "failed states" in case you don't realize.

I'm more or less done here.
You are stupid to think I have anything (besides curiosity) with Bangladesh. And yes, Egypt is a failed state. Also, Lebanon.
BTW, this whole debate of Pakistan vs. Bangladesh was born because of a Pakistan finance minister who is an expert on Pakistan's development. He has a Ph. D. on Pakistan's development from Wharton School.
As i said there is a reason why industrialists and economists along with populist politicians keep dragging Bangladesh into the affairs. It can otherwise be defined as capitulation to Indian hegemony.
Well from our position you guys are just displaying the effect of your superiorty
How? By postulating that Bangladesh has progressed in some areas better than Pakistan? Or by the section of society obsessed with following Bangladesh model?
You are stupid to think I have anything (besides curiosity) with Bangladesh. And yes, Egypt is a failed state. Also, Lebanon.
:crazy: Tell that to the Bangladeshi waste collectors in Lebanon, not me. They're still there. Are you sure i'm the stupid one here?

You guys can never be rich. Being rich is a state of mind.

Why don't you direct this wealth in some badly needed infrastructure? Not everyone can live in Dhaka.
Yet if you open a history book you will find that BD was one of the richest part of the subcontinent. Food for thought..

As i said there is a reason why industrialists and economists along with populist politicians keep dragging Bangladesh into the affairs. It can otherwise be defined as capitulation to Indian hegemony.

How? By postulating that Bangladesh has progressed in some areas better than Pakistan? Or by the section of society obsessed with following Bangladesh model?

No BDs here did not postulate anything. Your people did and you should take it up with them and not us.
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@Imran Khan these are the people you must have seen in the "failed state" of Lebanon. It is very sad to watch indeed. I truly feel sorry for these people:

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Yet if you open a history book you will find that BD was one of the richest part of the subcontinent. Food for thought..
It still is the best place in the subcontinent to exploit the human and natural resources.
No BDs here did not postulate anything. Your people did and you should take it up with them and not us
You can check my first post and its intended audience.
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