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When Charlie Hebdo Denied Freedom of Expresion to its Cartoonist

:rofl: talk about bipolarism...Its either for them or against them? Cant you take a stand on your own? Like call a spades a spades for once in your dreamy life!

They projected themselves as "freedom of expression" but that expression is limited to their profits!
I totally agree. Go send some more to kill them more.
Would you respect somebody if he abuses Jesus or Hazrat Maryum? or if somebody abuses your mother or father? would you not atleast protest ?

(P.S:Jesus is our Prophet too).
why should anyone protest that? there is no "blasphemy" law that exists.
have you seen the thousands of videos on youtube by richard dawkins or Christopher hitchens openly criticizing the church?
You are welcome to debate, challenge the views but why protest if someone has different views?
Would you respect somebody if he abuses Jesus or Hazrat Maryum? or if somebody abuses your mother or father? would you not atleast protest ?

(P.S:Jesus is our Prophet too).

1.) Drawing newspaper cartoons of somebody happens all the time... but since my parents are not famous it does not happen. If my father happened to be the PM I would certainly deeply respect the cartoonists right to make cartoons of him.
I have no issue at all is somebody is critical towards religions and their institutions, in fact I am critical as well and regard it as an utmost necessity. Some hardcore Church supporters depict Dan Brown novels and movies as works of the "devil" for instance while I am a real fan of his works to tell you one example.

2.) Abusing somebody verbally (like calling somebody a sl*t) is obviously not the same as a drawing satirical pictures of him/her. And just because YOUR religion forbids people to draw Muhamed, it does not mean that drawing him becomes a crime in any way.
Islamic law prohibits you from drawing a pic of Muhamed, right? So if you force somebody else in a free nation to not draw a picture of him, isnt that forcing him to accept your religious views?
Prove that from the Quran..Common sense prohibits one from drawing the face of a man whose looks no one knows for 1400 yrs now! 2ndly, what would someone gain from drawing it and what would one loose if he didnt?
I am Christian... and if somebody criticizes the Church, I respect his views even if I might not agree with what he says.
How about if someone insults your mother, sister or wife? Well for us the prophet is higher than them...so the anger you would feel for an insult on your women is no more than the anger we would feel for our prophet (Of course not all of us...I dont coz I know by someone insulting my prophet it wont make HIS greatness and less but like we get angry for our women, one can also get angry about other things!
As Voltaire said: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

If you dont like what somebody says, you can argue with him in a peaceful manner. But you cant stop him from doing so.
True....hence, WHY WE condemn the killings! We dont agree with it...But no one is gonna stop us from explaining it!

I totally agree. Go send some more to kill them more.
I am not the one who is swinging in their circle of bipolarism! You should be the one who is in touch with them as you behave just like them!
the very fact that the magazine that promotes "freedom" to bash a religious figure didnt give its journalist the freedom to bash a politician speaks heaps!

Where a politician is of 1 country (66.3 million) - most politicians are hated...esp rich ones where politics lives in the family


religious figure of 1.3-1.5 billion people's religious figure....where none who is a Muslim (1.3-1.5 BILLION) hates the prophet at all!

Which one deserves more of a sacking?

Of course I dont believe they should have been killed....but I am just pointing out the remarkable hypocrisy!

Isnt secularism putting politics and religion separate? Then how can a magazine's journalist be called to court over joking the president's son was converting to Judaism and being labeled anti Semitic?

Hey, I did not call those particular journalists the light towers of freedom nor do I actually like their works (far too leftist for me) but they were eventually ordered by a court to pay Sine a compensation of 40,000 Euros for firing him, which was indeed a mistake.

Now whether you want to criticize Muhamed or Sarkozy is entirely YOUR decision and if you do not agree with somebody elses choice on this, you can criticize him as well or simply make your own cartoons or try to express your views in any other civilized and lawful way. Thats the great thing about democracy.

No that doesn't mean anything like that.

Then please explain it further for all non Muslims
Some people here seems to don't get that it was a satire newspaper,and really simply a joke.
They were criticizing all religions,politics etc.
Prove that from the Quran..Common sense prohibits one from drawing the face of a man whose looks no one knows for 1400 yrs now! 2ndly, what would someone gain from drawing it and what would one loose if he didnt?
Sorry, I have not read the Quran, but why is it that you are so upset about the drawings? Is it seriously because of the reason you just gave?

Are you kidding me? I am not allowed to draw the face of 1,400 years old guy because I cannot be sure how he looked like o_O Where would we be heading for if explanations like this one came up all the time :rolleyes:

And it does not freaking matter what you gain for it... whether you gain from it or not is your own choice! Thats your personal freedom
why should anyone protest that? there is no "blasphemy" law that exists.
have you seen the thousands of videos on youtube by richard dawkins or Christopher hitchens openly criticizing the church?
You are welcome to debate, challenge the views but why protest if someone has different views?

Coz it offends almost 2 billion people? and the so called cartoons are nothing but offensive? insulting religious figures by portraying them as terrorists or dark character you are insulting a whole community? why cant we protest?

If a journalist is forced to apologise over a story that alleges that French "first" son was becoming a jew over financial gains.. or denying the nazi massacres gets you jailed... why cant people object to insults like this? doesnt your freedom end where mine starts?
Just don't act as a guilty. We are not guilty for anything.
I don't feel guilty and don't act as guilty either - but I do feel a sense of responsibility, since it is my religion that is being abused here. We're not guilty, but it's still our religion and thus, to some extent, our duty to protect it from nutjobs. That is all.
Some people here seems to don't get that it was a satire newspaper,and really simply a joke.
They were criticizing all religions,politics etc.
And those people have serious issues understanding the concepts of personal freedom as well...
Sorry, I have not read the Quran, but why is it that you are so upset about the drawings? Is it seriously because of the reason you just gave?

Are you kidding me? I am not allowed to draw the face of 1,400 years old guy because I cannot be sure how he looked like o_O Where would we be heading for if explanations like this one came up all the time :rolleyes:

And it does not freaking matter what you gain for it... whether you gain from it or not is your own choice! Thats your personal freedom
The reasoning behind not drawing pictures of the Prophet (s.a.w) is to avoid him being worshiped as an idol. He isn't supposed to be worshiped, which is why he forbade his followers from drawing his images etc. That was the original reasoning. But nowadays it's just considered disrespectful.

You can have all the freedom you want, but don't disrespect others.
How about if someone insults your mother, sister or wife? Well for us the prophet is higher than them...so the anger you would feel for an insult on your women is no more than the anger we would feel for our prophet (Of course not all of us...I dont coz I know by someone insulting my prophet it wont make HIS greatness and less but like we get angry for our women, one can also get angry about other things!

See thats where your religious beliefs interfere with the law. Do you think that any self respecting modern state would put the "moral value" of a person who lived 1,400 years ago above the invaluable life of a living human?!
Sorry, I have not read the Quran, but why is it that you are so upset about the drawings? Is it seriously because of the reason you just gave?
I am no longer sure if you read what I wrote:

Of course not all of us...I dont coz I know by someone insulting my prophet it wont make HIS greatness any less
Are you kidding me? I am not allowed to draw the face of 1,400 years old guy because I cannot be sure how he looked like o_O Where would we be heading for if explanations like this one came up all the time :rolleyes:
I never said about allowing...what are you 12 yr old? I just said common sense makes one not draw up something they dont know! Guess you lack that sense...No problem it isnt very common in people!
And it does not freaking matter what you gain for it... whether you gain from it or not is your own choice! Thats your personal freedom
It does matter life is all about gains! People gain money for bashing Islam...its a fact!
Coz it offends almost 2 billion people? and the so called cartoons are nothing but offensive? insulting religious figures by portraying them as terrorists or dark character you are insulting a whole community? why cant we protest?

If a journalist is forced to apologise over a story that alleges that French "first" son was becoming a jew over financial gains.. or denying the nazi massacres gets you jailed... why cant people object to insults like this? doesnt your freedom end where mine starts?

The 2 billion are free to choose not to see the cartoon or anything that they think offends them. They have no right to tell me what I choose to read or publish.
The reasoning behind not drawing pictures of the Prophet (s.a.w) is to avoid him being worshiped as an idol. He isn't supposed to be worshiped, which is why he forbade his followers from drawing his images etc. That was the original reasoning. But nowadays it's just considered disrespectful.
I know I HAVE told the same number of Indians on this thread the same in numerous other threads! It hasnt stopped them from asking the same questions again!
You can have all the freedom you want, but don't disrespect others.
That is the key point I am trying to make but no one sees it!

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