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When Charlie Hebdo Denied Freedom of Expresion to its Cartoonist

Sinet did win a 40,000 Euro court case for unfair dismissal against the publisher, so legally his rights to free speech were upheld.

and its in the same region that he gets the right to speech "rights" being upheld and gets a payment for being denied it in the first place.

I would like to see Salman Rushdie getting that treatment up there in any of the Peaceful country!

The guy got killed over having different opinions. This has got to stop and no justification can be possible. stop maligning him for the sake of scoring brownie points.
2 So asking someone not to attack his religion and religious figures is equal to forcing one's religion on another. So ifa Hindu asks me not to insult his god that means he is forcing me to become a hindu. What kind of f*cked up logic is that?

Islamic law prohibits you from drawing a pic of Muhamed, right? So if you force somebody else in a free nation to not draw a picture of him, isnt that forcing him to accept your religious views?

I am Christian... and if somebody criticizes the Church, I respect his views even if I might not agree with what he says.

As Voltaire said: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

If you dont like what somebody says, you can argue with him in a peaceful manner. But you cant stop him from doing so.
People think this is going to result in less satire but no it is going to increase the mocking of Islam and Mohamed because that is the nature of the battle.
Criticizing or depicting religions/religious figures who lived over thousand years ago is part of ones right to criticize whatever you want in a modern democratic secular state in the 21st century.

Period. If you dont like what you see, argue with words, or ignore it... BUT DONT FORCE your beliefs on others.

There is no place for such BS like "blasphemy" in a modern state...

Stop being so self righteous ....

here is my post from the shooting thread:

BBC is reporting they drew cartoon of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.... but its a shameful act... Prophet Muhammad PBUH didnt kill anybody or take revenge of any sort from people who tormented him.. instead he replied in kindness..

All sane muslims here probably know examples like how Prophet PBUH went to check on an old lady who used to throw garbage etc at him... when she got sick.

Or how he treated a non muslim who pissed in the mosque where He and His Companions were prayers... and so on.

Killing people in the Name of such a man... Pathetic.

At least 10 dead in Paris shooting | Page 8

I condemned killings n violence but i do have the freedom of speech ? dont i? and its my opinion you are sensitive when the "Freedom Of Speech" is directed towards you but dont give a sh!t when im offensive?
and its in the same region that he gets the right to speech "rights" being upheld and gets a payment for being denied it in the first place.

I would like to see Salman Rushdie getting that treatment up there in any of the Peaceful country!

The guy got killed over having different opinions. This has got to stop and no justification can be possible. stop maligning him for the sake of scoring brownie points.

Huh? Who did I malign?
People will be offended that is their basic right but they can take legal action and protest in a peaceful manner but taking up the sword will result in more..... hatred and mocking.
Why are Danish stupid? Europe's journalist are supporting them and will continue to do so.

They are stupid. They think hate speech is equal to freedom to expression. That is stupidity.
Islamic law prohibits you from drawing a pic of Muhamed, right? So if you force somebody else in a free nation to not draw a picture of him, isnt that forcing him to accept your religious views?

I am Christian... and if somebody criticizes the Church, I respect his views even if I might not agree with what he says.

As Voltaire said: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

If you dont like what somebody says, you can argue with him in a peaceful manner. But you cant stop him from doing so.

Would you respect somebody if he abuses Jesus or Hazrat Maryum? or if somebody abuses your mother or father? would you not atleast protest ?

(P.S:Jesus is our Prophet too).
Islamic law prohibits you from drawing a pic of Muhamed, right? So if you force somebody else in a free nation to not draw a picture of him, isnt that forcing him to accept your religious views?

No that doesn't mean anything like that.

I am Christian... and if somebody criticizes the Church, I respect his views even if I might not agree with what he says.

Your personal opinion. Doesn't mean everyone else should follow it too.

As Voltaire said: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Nice quote. But doesn't apply to bigotry and spread of hate.

If you dont like what somebody says, you can argue with him in a peaceful manner. But you cant stop him from doing so.

Well some people go violent when dealing with bigots. We can't stop them. Bigotry shouldn't exist in the first place so that such idiots don't go on a rampage.
Yes it is series and we condemn it from our heart and soul no doubt!

But in the same breath we also condemn the 2 faced value unfolding itself! How is

I dont know how joking that the president's son was going to convert to Judaism can be labeled as anti semtism and brought to court not be an attack on the core values of any modern democracy: The freedom of speech and expression and secular principles? Or are those values ONLY selective? If yes, as we see they are...its no longer freedom of speech but bigotry!

I havent heard about that...
But taking an argument to a court is also embedded in a democracy.
And eventually Sine was paid 40,000 Euros in compensation for being fired. And that was ordered by a court.
They are stupid. They think hate speech is equal to freedom to expression. That is stupidity.

Media does have a 'moral' duty but who is going to enforce that? this is a key question some say the media should be allowed the freedom to print what they want others say they should be subjected to some sort of control. You would not print about black people in a malicious manner as this would be racist, same way they do not print about gays etc as this is homophobic. However the mocking of religious figures and religion itself is fair game to many, stand up comedy acts have been doing it for years.
None, i was adding to your message - wanted it both in the same place instead of being separated by a lot of "noise" posts

Ah, thank you, now it is clear to me.
No that doesn't mean anything like that.
Thats your personal opinion

Your personal opinion. Doesn't mean everyone else should follow it too.
so is this one
Nice quote. But doesn't apply to bigotry and spread of hate.
so is this one
Well some people go violent when dealing with bigots. We can't stop them. Bigotry shouldn't exist in the first place so that such idiots don't go on a rampage.
we have to stop them. We need to punish them. we need to find out why they are doing this (in this case: brainwashed mullahs spreading hatred) and get rid of them. And yes, this my OPINION. but its an opinion that will make our planet a safer place.
I havent heard about that...
But taking an argument to a court is also embedded in a democracy.
And eventually Sine was paid 40,000 Euros in compensation for being fired. And that was ordered by a court.
the very fact that the magazine that promotes "freedom" to bash a religious figure didnt give its journalist the freedom to bash a politician speaks heaps!

Where a politician is of 1 country (66.3 million) - most politicians are hated...esp rich ones where politics lives in the family


religious figure of 1.3-1.5 billion people's religious figure....where none who is a Muslim (1.3-1.5 BILLION) hates the prophet at all!

Which one deserves more of a sacking?

Of course I dont believe they should have been killed....but I am just pointing out the remarkable hypocrisy!

Isnt secularism putting politics and religion separate? Then how can a magazine's journalist be called to court over joking the president's son was converting to Judaism and being labeled anti Semitic?

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